To view the new eagles’ nest, click on Eagle nest tab. To view previous EagleCam territory, click on eagle habitat tab.
This camera is located in eagle habitat where the former EagleCam nest had been watched for 10 years. On April 2, 2023, that nest fell. The former pair still visits this habitat occasionally, so we left the camera in place and keep it on line in order to view eagles and other wildlife that visits the area. The camera will remain on a “tour” of the habitat – viewing several pre-set locations for a minute or two, then moving to the next pre-set location.
Rewind video for instant replay: Click anywhere on the red timeline bar below the image to go back up to 4 hours. Click on the "LIVE" button to return to the live feed. Make the video full screen by pressing the double arrow in the lower right. To escape from full screen, press the ESC key, or tap "Done" on your mobile device.
Note to viewers: This is live video of wild Bald eagles living in nature. Natural struggles will occur and some of the feeding or other wild bird behaviors may be difficult to watch. Please use discretion when watching this cam. DNR staff monitor these cameras.
March 7, 2025
We are aware that the EagleCam nest has been out of view for the last few days. We believe the high winds Minnesota experienced this week may have impacted the camera and are working to fix the issue. However, it will take us some time to coordinate a solution.
February 20, 2025
The new EagleCam pair have laid two eggs. Based on their behaviors, we believe the first egg was laid around 7 p.m. Feb. 14 and the second around 2 p.m. Feb. 17. If there are additional eggs, they should arrive within the next few days. Eagles usually lay their eggs two or three days apart, but they can lay eggs up to five days apart. Incubation has begun and there may be signs of a chick in the nest as early as March 19.
Over the next 35 days, you will likely see more activity in the nest. One parent will always be in the nest incubating the eggs while the other is out hunting. They will also get up and turn the eggs frequently, taking care to adjust the eggs before resettling. This is normal and will help the eggs develop. Both parents will develop a brood patch on their chests, an area of bare skin that allows them to keep the eggs warm using their body heat.
February 12, 2025
Preparations have continued at the alternate nest. Staff have observed the eagle pair repeatedly bringing grasses to it, a sign that they have selected this nest for use this breeding season.
The camera is directed at their new nest to capture the pair’s nesting activities. It is too late in the breeding season to relocate the camera for a better view of this alternate nest. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
In Minnesota, the bald eagle’s breeding season begins around December. More courtship displays between the pair and more nest activity are likely in the coming weeks. Female bald eagles typically lay one to three eggs, and both parents will incubate the eggs.
December 13, 2024
The new EagleCam was installed on October 7, 2024 at a location near the Mississippi River. The resident pair of eagles has used this nest for at least four years and successfully raised young at this location. Some time after the installation of the camera, the pair began building an alternate nest nearby, which we have located. As far as we can tell, they have not returned to the nest where the camera has been focused. We can’t predict which nest the birds will use this season, so we will continue to monitor the area in person, and pan the camera around as we are able.
We are still experiencing some technical delays and glitches that will be worked out as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience as we navigate this new territory and camera.
Brand New EagleCam for Season 2024/2025 - Watch their Story Unfold!
We are pleased to present a new EagleCam! This new camera is at a nest of a breeding pair of Bald eagles. This pair has successfully used this nest for at least four years. Watch them restore their nest and bond for the coming breeding season.
At the same time, the previous camera remains running in the habitat of the eagle pair that lost their nest in 2023. This camera will remain on a tour view of the eagle habitat, with possible sightings of the previous pair of eagles.
Minnesota Nongame Wildlife Program
This eagle camera is brought to you by the Minnesota DNR Nongame Wildlife Program, which helps over 700 species of Minnesota wildlife thrive. The program is largely supported by donations from people like you.
More about eagles and the cameras
Explore these links to learn more about the DNR EagleCams. Get a behind the scenes look at the new nest and installation of the new camera. Learn about how Bald eagles grow and where you can view Bald eagles in Minnesota.
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The Nongame Wildlife Program helps protect and preserve thousands of Minnesota’s wildlife species. In addition to our conservation work, we also engage in outreach and education so that Minnesotans can learn about their wildlife. The EagleCam is one of our best tools for brining Minnesota’s wildlife to everyone. And your donations help keep it running!
When filling your taxes, please consider making a tax-deductible donation via the nongame tax checkoff. You can also donate online anytime. All donations are double-matched and help us continue our legacy of helping Minnesota’s wildlife. We sincerely thank you for any amount you give, it all makes a difference in the life of Minnesota's animals!
We thank you again for your generous contributions to the Nongame Wildlife Program so we can continue to bring this amazing view into the lives of Minnesota Bald eagles.
We'd also like to thank Xcel Energy for their ongoing support of our EagleCams.