Joint Knowledge Online (JKO), is the DoD advanced distributed learning capability for military and civilian individual and staff online training. It is the Joint Staff system of record for Joint Staff annual training requirements. Joint, Interagency, Inter-government and Multinational Stakeholders use JKO for a cost efficient, distributed learning solution to meet their online training needs. The JKO team of learning technology, instructional systems design, and training professionals develop media-rich, interactive web-based courses, small team simulation exercises, and train others to fully leverage JKO to manage their unique, online training requirements.
JKO Features:
JKO is a web-based system providing Internet access to online courses, curricula, communities and learning resources on military unclassified (NIPRNET) and classified (SIPRNET) networks. JKO can be accessed 24/7 from any computer.
System requirements:
For optimal access and use, visit JKO and
Check System Requirements.
Authorized Users: To login to JKO you must have an active user account. DoD military and Govt. civilians with a valid Computer Access Card (CAC) are able to self-register for a JKO account. Individuals that do not have a CAC, but have a government or military email (i.e., ending in .mil, .gov,, or can obtain a login and password account by request via the link on the JKO login page.
Joint Knowledge Online Learning Management System (JKO LMS) is a virtual environment that provides a learning management system (LMS) integrating web–enabled content to support online certification and career management. It is a SCORM–conformant government–off–the–shelf (GOTS) web–based LMS. An LMS is a software tool designed to manage user learning interactions. A web–based LMS provides “anytime, anywhere” access to e–learning content and administration.
JKO provides 24/7 global access to online training courses and Web-based training resources. The capability delivers Web-based access on military classified and unclassified networks to required, theater-entry, and self-paced training to prepare for joint operations and training exercises. It is used by combatant commands, Combat Support Agencies, Services and other DoD organizations for individual online training requirements, distributed small team staff training and to augment collective events and exercises. JKO is based upon a modern, scalable architecture that can readily adapt to meet emerging needs. The distributed learning architecture integrates government off-the-shelf products and commercial interface standards, reducing total overall costs and enhancing sharing of digital training content through a standards-based, non-proprietary distributed learning capability. Learning resources include media- rich courses, tailored, immersive scenario simulation applications for small group exercises, area-specific language and culture training, Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education courses, and a video library. JKO is accessed on military classified and unclassified networks. Information on JKO is found at or is available by going to
To login to JKO you must have an active user account. DoD military and government civilians who have been issued a CAC are able to selfregister for a JKO account. Individuals that do not have a CAC, but have a government or military email account (i.e., ending in .mil, .gov, nps. edu, or may obtain a login and password account. Individuals and multi-nationals that do not have a CAC or government or military email account may request a sponsored account. A link with instructions for requesting a sponsored account is on the JKO login page.
The Help Desk can be contacted by email: [email protected] or by telephone : CIV: 757-203-5654 or DSN: 668-5654
Defense Health Agency (DHA) LMS users: For any issues you encounter with your profile or courseware on the DHA LMS site, please contact the Defense Health Agency (DHA) Global Service Center at [email protected] or call 1-800-600-9332 or DSN: 838-3000. Utilizing the DHAGSC will ensure you receive timely and dedicated support. Please bookmark the DHA LMS site: and add it as one of your Favorites.
All other users, contact the JKO Help Desk at [email protected] for support.
Questions? Contact the JKO Help Desk by email: [email protected] or by telephone : CIV: 757-203-5654 or DSN: 668-5654