
This page covers

Text Formatting

TappedOut uses HTML formatting. Knowing how to use basic formatting commands allows you to add emphasis, links, and other cool features to your posts. Even a little bit of familiarity can give you a great deal of flexibility.

Daring Fireball has a great guide for markdown syntax that covers virtually everything you will ever need to know to use HTML formatting on this site. It's a great resource to defer to if you aren't sure what commands to use or how to use them properly.

If that sounds too complicated, don't worry! TappedOut features its own markup syntax, which is internally translated to HTML. You can write these commands out or you can use the buttons at the top of the comment box.

The following examples show you how to format text using TappedOut's syntax and the corresponding HTML code. When using HTML, remember to close your tags properly!


### Small Heading
## Medium Heading
# Big Heading

<h3>Small Heading</h3>
<h2>Medium Heading</h2>
<h1>Big  Heading</h1>

Small Heading

Medium Heading

Big Heading

Italic and Bold Text

**bold text**
_italic text_
**_bold and italic text_**

<strong>bold text</strong>
<em>italic text</em>
<strong><em>bold and italic text</em></strong>

bold text
italic text
bold and italic text


[Link Text](URL).

<a href="URL">Link Text</a>

Let's take [Google]( for example.

Let's take Google for example.


The image syntax has two text fields. The first is a description of the image that will be displayed if the image didn't load. The second is the image title, which shows up as hover text. You can leave them empty.

![Description](URL "Hover Text")

<img alt="Description" src="URL" title="Hover Text">
<img src="URL">

![]( "TappedOut Logo")

Ordered Lists

1. Item one
2. Item two

<li>Item one</li>
<li>Item two</li>
  1. Item one
  2. Item two

Unordered Lists

- Item one
- Item two

<li>Item one</li>
<li>Item two</li>
  • Item one
  • Item two

Spoilers and Accordions

Spoilers and Accordions are a great way to tidy up your deck description.

===spoiler: Spoiler Title
Spoiler content

Spoiler Title Show

===panel: Panel Title 1
Panel Content

===panel: Panel Title 2
Panel Content

Panel Content

Panel Content

Code Blocks

If you want to display code that shouldn't be interpreted by TappedOut (like all the code above), you use code boxes.

Code box content

Other useful HTML commands

TappedOut's markup syntax covers the most important things, but there is a lot more you can do!

<u>Underlined text</u>

Underlined text

<font color="red">red text</font>

red text
Here is a list of color names.

Tagging Cards, Decks, Users

A Word of Caution

Tagging something on TappedOut involves wrapping its name in double square brackets. This can lead to problems:


There is a card, a user and probably also a deck with this name. You could end up tagging something you don't want to. To stop this from happening, there is a full syntax that specifies what you want to tag. Use it.

Tagging Cards

Tagging Cards in Comments

Properly tagging cards is a big part of using TappedOut. A proper tag creates a link to the card's TappedOut page, generates a mouseover image of the card and shows the card's price in $ and TIX. To tag a card, you need to know its English name.

[[card:Llanowar Elves]]

Llanowar Elves

By default, tagging a card shows its most recent printing in nonfoil, if available. You can specify it:

Specific printing

[[card:Llanowar Elves (M10)]]

Llanowar Elves
Here is a list of set abbreviations.


[[card:Llanowar Elves *F*]]

Llanowar Elvesfoil

or for Pre-release foil:

[[card:Llanowar Elves *F:pre*]]

Llanowar Elves *f-pre*


[[card:Llanowar Elves *S*]]

Llanowar Elvessigned


[[card:Llanowar Elves *A*]]
[[card:Llanowar Elves  *A=923*]]

Llanowar Elves, Llanowar Elvesaltered
To add or search for altered cards, click on "Alters" in your Inventory (folder icon in the top header).


[[card:Llanowar Elves *S*]]

Custom Name

[[card:Llanowar Elves|Green Dudes]]

Green Dudes


[[Channel + Fireball]]

Channel + Fireball

Tagging Cards in Deck Lists

To tag a card in your deck lists, you need an amount and its English name.

1x Llanowar Elves (M10)

Specific art variation

1x Greven Il Vec *CMDR*


1x Gyruda, Doom of Depths *CMPN*


1x Mishra's Factory (ATQ:1074)

Mishra's Factory (ATQ:1074)
In this case, 1074 is the gatherer ID for cases when a card had a few different arts within a printing.

You can specify the card like you would in comments, plus a few more things:


1x Llanowar Elves *GE*

English: EN, French: FR, Italian: IT, Chinese: CN, Portugese: PR, German: GE, Spanish: SP, Russian: RS, Korean: KO, Japanese: JP

Note: default/blank is EN


1x Llanowar Elves *SL*

Mint/Near Mint: NM, Slighty Played: SL, Medium Played: MP, Heavily Played: HP

Note: default/blank is NM


1x Llanowar Elves *mythic*

This is used to override deck statistics and analysis, as well as changing the pack rarities in cube drafts.


1x Llanowar Elves *CMC:20*

This is used to override the converted mana cost of a card when analyzing a deck.

You can combine different specifications:

1x Llanowar Elves (M10) *F* *IT* *SL*

Custom Categories in Deck Lists

By default, decks are displayed with the cards sorted into categories based on type. However, you're able to add custom categories to the cards in your deck, and you can also select a default sorting scheme for your deck.

To format a custom category, use the following syntax:

1x Island #Land
1x Storm Crow #Wincon
1x Llanowar Elves #Category_With_Spaces


# WinCon
1x storm crow
3x flying drake

# Beater
10x Phyrexian Dreadnought

You may add multiple categories to the same card.

To change the default display categories, select the category set you want from the deck edit page (it's at the bottom of the first set of options). All custom categories are part of the same "custom categories" option.

Inventory syncing (in cubes and decks)

4x Llanowar Elves *Need: 2*

Tagging Decks

There are two ways of tagging a deck. The first will create a link to the deck. The second will also show details of the deck.

To tag a deck, you need its slug. The slug is the part of the deck's URL:


Dominus - Dreamcrusher Edition

Dominus - Dreamcrusher Edition

Commander / EDH Epochalyptik

SCORE: 1281 | 2951 COMMENTS | 352191 VIEWS | IN 576 FOLDERS

Tagging Users

If you want to get a user's attention, you can tag him/her. He/she will get a notification with a link to the place where you put the tag.



Symbol Formating

Several symbols can be inserted by using the proper syntax.
