Caged Sun

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Caged Sun


As Caged Sun enters the battlefield, choose a colour.

Creatures you control of the chosen colour have +1/+1.

Whenever a land's ability gains you one or more mana of the chosen colour, add one additional mana of that colour.

plakjekaas on How Can Mono-Colored Cards be …

3 days ago

The problem with printing cards that are rewards for monocolor decks, is that they're either just not good enough, like Slaying Fire or instant expensive staples, like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. Because if the effect is good enough, the two-color decks will consider playing it too, think Cabal Coffers+Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. Monocolor decks make the sacrifice of devoting to that color, and accepting its weaknesses. The best way to combat those weaknesses, is to add a color. The payoff is the manabase consistency, and leveraging the strength of the color you picked. There's a few Caged Sun or Throne of Eldraine-type cards that possibly could slot in every monocolor deck. But the fun of building a monocolor deck (I'm talking commander here) is to deepen out your limited cardpool to get the job done in a way most multicolor decks won't expect because it uses cards you normally wouldn't see in multicolor decks.

To get back on topic, in the OPs examples, if the monocolored option for similar effect is actually better, it's probably printed more recently and therefor more powerful. That's the case with Psychic Strike vs Thought Collapse and for as similar as they are (differences were already pointed out) for Merciless Eviction and Farewell. Final Judgment in its turn is older than that, and therefor more limited in application than Merciless Eviction, which is the newer card out of the two.

Aurelia's Fury vs Rolling Thunder is a bad comparison. The silence- and tap effects make the card a lot more versatile. With Aurelia's Fury you could ping a player to stop them from comboing, tap down three blockers to swing in for lethal, where Rolling Thunder only offers straight up removal or burn to the face, which Fury can do as well. Still, Rolling Thunder was printed in 1997 where Aurelia's Fury was printed in 2015.

What OP's describing is powercreep, and it's not restricted by colors.

Serriten on

9 months ago

Inferno wants lots of color ramp so you can slam it down and activate its ability to do a quick 20. Treasure generation, Caged Sun, Glittering Stockpile, Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power, even Chaos Moon

Thevenom on Angel tribal EDH

1 year ago

i have Caged Sun, Sol Ring, Gilded Lotus, Urza's Incubator i could put in here, also Belbe's Portal. Using this in a handful of games, it worked pretty well considering the mana issues i was looking at. Thanks for the info NV_1980 and taking time to stop by!

NV_1980 on Angel tribal EDH

1 year ago

Fun Angel-tribal deck! I like how you've gone all in with this strategy :) I have some suggestions but I'm not sure how much you want to spend on this, so just let me know if I'm going over the top.

Let's start with your mana. Right now, you've got 31 lands and one ramp-artifact. This is really on the low side, consdering the average amount of mana you need to spend for most of your creatures. I'd really recommend some mana-rocks like Arcane Signet, Caged Sun, Gilded Lotus, Pearl Medallion and definitely Sol Ring. Some more ramp like Archaeomancer's Map, Land Tax and Weathered Wayfarer. Lastly, I know it's expensive, but if you can get a cheap Urza's Incubator somewhere, go for it; would be awesome in here. Any of these suggestions (and there are cheaper alternatives to most) would increase the speed of your deck.

Next, let's talk opportunities this deck offers to draw additional cards. You've got five options, of which three are repeatable (because they're permanents :)). Some additional ideas on this: Archivist of Oghma, Endless Atlas, Mind's Eye and Smuggler's Share. Like with the stuff mentioned for mana, all of these would increase your deck's pacing.

To strengthen your angelic forces, you could consider Adarkar Valkyrie (which is awesome at resurrecting any Angels you lost during combat or even better, an opponent's creature lost in battle!), Angelic Arbiter (cast or attack, your opponents must choose), Battle Angels of Tyr (expensive card but insanely powerful balance-bringers in case you're behind with card-draw, mana or life) and Platinum Angel (as long as it's got indestructible and hexproof, opponents will have a very hard time snatching victory from you).

In case you're looking for more ideas, here's my Angel tribal deck, enjoy!

Profet93 on Visions of Erebos

1 year ago

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse - Offsets commander lifeloss, great against blue/draw decks. Deathtouch is nice. Synergy with Peer into the Abyss (which also goes well with underworld dreams).

MAYBE Heartstone? - I'm unsure if this works with your commander only if he's a creature or even if he's just an enchantment.

Cabal Coffers - Ramp. Cabal Stronghold is more budget.

Deserted Temple - Untap coffers + politics

MAYBE Rings of Brighthearth - Copy commander ability without paying life. Also Coffers + Deserted temple + rings = . Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Makes you need less swamps but is not budget (or needed, but helpful).

Imp's Mischief - "Counter" counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, extra turns and draw.

Necropotence - Draw

I am unsure what your wincon is, beatdown? You lose a lot of life with your commander's ability. Perhaps a The Meathook Massacre could help as a wipe + lifegain effect?

Diabolic Tutor/Beseech the Queen/Beseech the Mirror. Tutors are black's biggest strength, utilize it for consistency.

Alhammarret's Archive - Extra draw

Black's 3rd biggest strength is massive mana. Aside from coffers, Crypt Ghast, Nirkana Revenant, Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power

Once you determine your wincon, you can start to mold the deck to achieving that goal.

EDIT: Removed the non-budget options

Profet93 on This Deck Does Not Believe In Free Will

1 year ago

Westvale Abbey - Weakest land. You aren't a token deck, it costs a lot to activate and is hard to pull off only for a creature that is helpful, but not nearly powerful enough in EDH or relevant to your overall strategy

Phyrexian Tower - Black has other sac engines and you don't have any relevant death triggers that would warrant it's inclusion. The mana ramp is minimal

Maze of Ith - Meta call like against xenagos or voltron? It can have it's moments for sure but it doesn't produce mana unless you have urborg and unless the voltron strategy is prevalent in the meta, it can be swapped out

Lotus Vale - Scorched Ruins is strictly better and can combo with rings of brighthearth + deserted temple for infinite colorless or infinite black as long as you have a swamp. Not even saying to add them, because these lands are stripmine targets. If you were playing a lands deck, sure.

Lake of the Dead - The least likely card to cut from the list. This card I've never personally liked because it goes against my philosophy, short term gain for long term loss. Losing lands, similar to lotus in a deck that can't recur them just seems off to me. It's definitely a helpful ramp piece for sure. But that usually paints a target over your head and they remove whatever you cast (assuming it's a permanent, or can use a counterspell if non-permanent) and then you're just down one land. If this were a more cEDH build or lower to the ground I could understand it's inclusion.

Sceptre of Eternal Glory - With all the basics you will presumably add, this will be a cheaper version of Gilded Lotusfoil at the cost of a Thran Dynamo.

Throne of Eldraine - Ramp or draw

Mana Vault - Turn 1 ramp

Extraplanar Lens - Works best with snow-covered swamps depending on the meta

Caged Sun - Expensive but does the job.

Not saying to add all of these, just some choices to see what works best with your deck/curve.

Let me know if you want some suggestions for non-land cuts as well.

Gidgetimer on Infinite rats

1 year ago

You would also need a third card to generate value from this interaction. As is you will make a number of 1/1 rats equal to the total power of your rats. (Tap Marrow-Gnawer and sac a rat to make the 1/1s, untap from Thornbite Staff trigger, repeat). You either need an anthem effect (Bad Moon, Adaptive Automaton, Caged Sun, etc) to make the tokens 2/2s thus saccing 1 token to make 2 tokens and looping. Or you need a Blood Artist effect to win off off saccing a token to make a token infinitely.

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