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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Buyback (You may pay an additional as you cast this spell. If you do, put this card into your hand as this resolves.)

Return target permanent to its owner's hand.

Doombeard1984 on A Faerie Tale Ending

1 month ago

So had made this kind of deck a while back. Found buyback was a pretty useful one, so something like Capsize can mean you always have something in you hand to trigger your commander.

Cloudstone Curio also means that when you are flashing things in on opponents turns, can bounce another Faerie back to your hand to play on another turn as well.

I also found Hullbreaker Horror and Wavebreak Hippocamp to be really useful for some additional value in playing on other peoples turns.

Good luck with the deck, and +1

0rc on The Friendmaker | Talrand, Sky Summoner [PRIMER]

2 months ago

From one Talrand builder to another: always pleased to see someone keeping the Talrand torch burning!

Methinks you would be wise to add quite a bit of spot removal: Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Reality Shift, Chain of Vapor. Boomerang, Capsize and the like are good to get rid of Reliquary Tower, etc., in response to moving to end step so your opponents feels full Gitaxias pain :)

You could add a wheel or two for maximal effect regarding that…

If you’re going to polymorph, you should consider cantrips and slowtrips to tuck Gitaxias back into your library. (See my list, as I know you are familiar with it already: Talrand Budget cEDH

You should consider adding Dramatic Reversal for a n infinite-drake scepter combo. It’s also obviously good in itself, and for infinite Capsize of opponent permanents :)

Slang on! ✨✨✨

<3 Orc

0rc on The Friendmaker | Talrand, Sky Summoner [PRIMER]

2 months ago

From one Talrand builder to another: always pleased to see someone keeping the Talrand torch burning!

Methinks you would be wise to add quite a bit of spot removal: Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Reality Shift, Chain of Vapor. Boomerang, Capsize and the like are good to get rid of Reliquary Tower, etc., in response to moving to end step so your opponents feels full Gitaxias pain :)

You could add a wheel or two for maximal effect regarding that…

If you’re going to polymorph, you should consider cantrips and slowtrips to tuck Gitaxias back into your library. (See my list, as I know you are familiar with it already: Talrand Budget cEDH

You should consider adding Dramatic Reversal for a n infinite-drake scepter combo. It’s also obviously good in itself, and for infinite Capsize of opponent permanents :)

Slang on! ✨✨✨

<3 Orc

SufferFromEDHD on Salt Devastation

3 months ago

Soul Partition can exile anything and plays into your Grand Arbiter Augustin IV angle taxing them as you take resources. Speaking of taxes and resource denial... Where's the Burning Sands?

Capsize > Cyclonic Rift

I know that might be a controversial take but Rift is one and done. Capsize is forever with your mana rocks :)

Cut some of your creatures. Palladium Myr? Vesuva cloning your Ancient Tomb is better.

Big fan of Dwarven Miner for the nostalgia (started during Mirage) but Dwarven Driller is cooler and you really need mana rocks.

Ornithopter of Paradise great common but you aren't running modifications and being a creature just makes it vulnerable to removal. A mana rock would be better.

Eye of Ramos, Heart of Ramos and Tooth of Ramos have been really useful in my build.

MagicMarc on Share your hidden gems

5 months ago

Some of my favorites;

Capsize:Its always got value in mid-late games and can deal with many different board-states. Once you get enough mana down, end-of-last-opponent's turn bounce can dominate gameplay. And when its down to you and one opponent it can force inevitable wins. Bouncing their best plays just creates huge tempo swings with little downside.
Crystal Shard:This card provides protection for your creatures while being a threat to inattentive players. It can go in any deck but works best in blue ones. It also lets you repeat ETB/LTBs and becomes a synergy engine when played with Aether Vialfoil.

DreadKhan on

7 months ago

I think you should do something about your mana fixing, you have a reasonable 39 lands, but you don't have a great deal of mana fixing options (you do have Chromatic Lantern, but not The World Tree), in addition you don't run many land ramp spells (stuff like Nature's Lore or Untamed Wilds that can find lands are generally better than creatures that will die when people wipe the board to get rid of your Dragons, land ramp makes it easier to recover). In a deck with lots of Basics I like stuff like Kodama's Reach, Harrow, Roiling Regrowth, and Entish Restoration are all options that are really good at getting you to WUBRG (and Tiamat). I like Blighted Woodland, Myriad Landscape, and even Krosan Verge for fixing in a deck with lots of Basics, but note that Krosan Verge can fetch a non-Basic Forest and Plains, I like to find Murmuring Bosk and a typed Plains/Island or Plains/Mountain, so it can find 4 colours without a fancy/expensive Triome. If you run lots of Green land ramp spells you should probably not cut any Forests (even for duals that offer Green), I would cut non-Forest Basics instead since your deck will work better if it has access to Green mana. I have a Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck that REALLY needs to have at least one Green source very early or it's dead, that deck runs 19 Green lands, and even though the deck is mostly Black spells the deck only runs 11 Black lands; my Green sources can find my Black ones for me, so I don't actually need to draw any Swamps in a normal game to have plenty of Swamps. Hope this helps/makes sense, making a great mana base is really hard to do.

I think recasting Tiamat is probably a useful enough thing that Netherborn Altar might be handy, as would similar effects. You can also use Capsize or Unsummon to return Tiamat to hand so you can get her trigger again (to recover from a wipe).

If you're really into Dragons you might like Crux of Fate, this can clear out non-Dragons, probably letting you alpha strike. You can also try Mandate of Abaddon and target a Dragon that is big enough to kill all the relevant blockers, yet small enough to not kill your important Dragons.

TheSurgeon on Bruvac's Millibuster

8 months ago

fluffyeel I appreciate all of your feedback!

Commandeer and Misdirection both fit the (rather unintentional) "free" theme I have in the deck, but exiling two blue cards in my deck seems a bit steep for my play style. I would simply use something like Redirect, or counter it altogether.

Teferi's Tutelage was in here, but i felt i was concentrating too much on the draw/mill mechanic, not to mention it's another 3 drop (I'm wierd about mana costs) that, as you stated, does less than its Sphinxy big brother. And Puzzlebox just doesn't feel like it has the impact it should for a 4 drop.

Capsize's cost and buyback is too expensive; especially with all of the other 1-2 cost bounces available; and Sunder would only hurt me as well.

Mystical Tutor will find a home in here. Of course I need more ways to find combo pieces! Not sure why I never picked this one up.. I guess I assumed it was beyond my budget without ever checking. LOL

I was't aware that Clever Impersonator existed. The versatility makes the extra cost almost bearable to my mana-frugal brain. This will need further study.

I only have one Oboro, Palace in the Clouds and it's in my Modern deck. I may have to pick this and Boseiju next pay.

Academy Ruins is awesome! I believe I never picked it up because it was expensive; and when I got the means to get it, forgot all about it. Buried Ruin was one I had, and didn't cost anything to activate at the time. Thanks for reminding me!!

Memory Jar's a bit expensive for my taste. I don't have a lot of luck with wheel-ish effects, as the cards I need to further my goals are often in the hand I'm discarding/phasing leaving me in a logistical pickle that robs me of the win, and where words cannot express my frustration.

Overall, I think you've helped quite a bit! A bit more visceral than "yOu nEeD gRaVeYaRd hate" that I always get!!


fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

8 months ago

I just thought of a few other useful tools:

  • Commandeer is another good zero-mana... not counter, but disruptor. It's become more popular, I've noticed, but it's still not something a lot of people see coming. Similarly, Misdirection is another handy tool for disruption, but it's more limited than Commandeer (though it's one less card to exile...).
  • Teferi's Tutelage is another fun mill toy. It's a bit more limited than Sphinx's Tutelage, but why not double up the fun! Similarly, you can use Teferi's Puzzle Box to mill your opponents even faster while also disrupting their game play.
  • Capsize is another all-purpose bounce, and reusable as well. Sunder is another great way to lose friends at instant speed. You could also consider Mystical Tutor to help dig for things you need.
  • Clever Impersonator is more versatile than Copy Enchantment for one more mana, but it may not be extremely necessary.
  • There are some lands that might be handy for your strategy. Oboro, Palace in the Clouds gives you reusable landfall; Boseiju, Who Shelters All makes sure your essential Instant and Sorcery spells don't get countered (e.g. Cyclonic Rift); Field of Ruin kills troublesome lands and gives mandatory search (and landfall), which is relevant for Archive Trap; and Academy Ruins is a more reusable Buried Ruin.
  • Cyclonic Rift pairs very well with Memory Jar. Just saying. :P
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