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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Insect Horror

(] can be paid with either or .)


At the beginning of your end step, return to your hand all creature cards in your graveyard that were put there from the battlefield this turn.

RockIV on Golgari commander deck Opinions

6 months ago

ive been thinking and im probably taking out Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath and add Stonehoof Chieftain, Plated Slagwurm and maybe Hydra Broodmaster and Gleancrawler or Carnage Wurm or Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

im also cheking some other supporting cards like Binding the Old Gods, Bone Shredder, Yavimaya Granger

also Ghoultree and Unnatural Growth that have been recomended by some users could be good adds too

RockIV on Rocks Golgari power of death Commander

6 months ago

ty for the advice guys, Ghoultree could be a good add, it will always be cheap. Unnatural Growth seems to be a very strong add for every creature centered deck.

ive been thinking and im probably taking out Desecration Demon, Spiritmonger and Skarrg Goliath and add Stonehoof Chieftain, Plated Slagwurm and maybe Hydra Broodmaster and Gleancrawler or Carnage Wurm or Yargle, Glutton of Urborg

im also cheking some other supporting cards like Binding the Old Gods, Bone Shredder, Yavimaya Granger

thks for all the advices guys

Wabbajacke on You Gon' Need Some Pesticide for This!

3 years ago

If you want to stick with the +1/+1 counter theme a little bit more, maybe one of those too? Scute Mob Mortician Beetle

Devouring Swarm as a sac outlet in combination with Gleancrawler ? So you can sac Bond Beetle and Duskshell Crawler and bring them back for more +1/+1 counters. And you could use Grist, the Hunger Tide last ability to deal even more damage.

Then Iridescent Hornbeetle would also fit better in my opinion.

And Scute Swarm for a never ending swarm of Insects?

Swarm Shambler Is not an Insect but i think it still fits the theme somehow. But it will stop your mill from Grist, the Hunger Tide so it´s maybe not that good.

Swarmyard ?

Snowmen1 on Undying Retribution

4 years ago

Hey, thanks for the comment.

Unfortunately these options are either too expencive (Gleancrawler), too inefficient (Plagued Rusalka costing 1 black mana to sacrifice something), or too conditional (Tragic Slip). The lost is pretty tight, and in my opinion what this deck could use the most is additional cards that function like Carrion Feeder by being a free sac outlet that gets +1/+1 counters, or another good undying creature at converted mana cost 2 or less.

Just as a note, I will not be using tappedout anymore. If you want to see more on the deck, check out my subreddit, r/UndyingRetributionMTG, where I will be more active and putting out new information on the deck.

osiczym on Undying Retribution

4 years ago

Really great idea! I would definitely recommend Plagued Rusalka as a great Sac Outlet. Or Demonlord of Ashmouth as both Sac Outlet and Undying creat

Maybe you will like Gleancrawler too or Quest for the Gravelord which will release the token quick

Vash13 on Meren's Creature Army. Only Creatures and Lands!

4 years ago

Haha ya that deck is a grave/stax combo deck it's for when I'm having a bad day and need an easy win lol, ok so some less Hitlery golgari friendly cards that would be fun here, Deathreap Ritual, easy free extra draw wether your involved in the death or not, Gleancrawler this card is fun if you know you opponent is packing some grave hate you can recurge but keep clear, with my Necropotence I like to run Venser's Journal cause having a 20 card hand is hilarious you can do the evil genius thing and go "pass turn, MUWAHAHAHA!" Then do nothing just to freak them out cause you have the life, and Doomgape used to be one of my golgari standbys 3 golgari mana and 4 colorless for a 10/10 with trample is good enough for a slot but then it's a free sac outlet with life gain I've always felt this card was underrated. Hope that's a little more casual fun, I've been brewing a cedh stax deck recently, I need reminding of casual play sometimes lol.

king-saproling on $10 Sek'kuar

5 years ago

Wow this is great considering the budget. There are so many decent cards here I've never seen before. I'm thinking these are some good alternates that wouldn't push the budget too bad if one wanted to invest a little more in the deck: Pitiless Plunderer , Fell Shepherd , Warstorm Surge , Zulaport Cutthroat , Gleancrawler , Moldervine Reclamation , Ogre Battledriver , Second Harvest , Caustic Caterpillar , Elemental Bond , Wild-Field Scarecrow , Qarsi High Priest , Ghastly Conscription , Death's Presence , Thermopod

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