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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Put any number of target creature cards from your graveyard on top of your library.

Draw a card.

FAIRxPOTAMUS on A Ghoulcallers Dream

8 months ago

BrianStacks nice! Thanks for the tip. I’ve come up with some crazy numbers for how many zombies I can create. I appreciate the help getting that higher. My only regret right now with this deck is I don’t have a way to actually return something from the grave like Gravepurge but I’m debating if I need that. I feel like relying more on the tokens so Tombstone Stairwell is a great suggestion. I could switch a two cost with this and throw in Dark Ritual or something to ramp. What is your opinion?

jarncards on SaladFingers

2 years ago

I might run fewer/creatures, since stickfingers will until you reveal x creatures, not just x cards. The fewer you have the higher chance you hit one that destroys the table if you just overload on ramp and reanimates. Rather than these things Crawl from the Cellar,Ghoul's Feast,Gravepurge I'd focus on just reanimating and is easy to get and will probably serve you better. If you really do want it back in your hand Genesis Skullwinder and Eternal Witness do this while attached to a body.

Rather than sending to your hand these will just bring back Diregraf Rebirth, Victimize, Reanimate, Exhume, Unearth, Whisper, Blood Liturgist, Stitch Together,Dread Return.Geth, Lord of the Vault is expensive but can fill your yard as well as revive others. Finale of Devastation revives or tutors, and is a finisher.

Blossoming Wreath,Gnaw to the Bone probably heal less than lifelink, and there's a ton of ways to give lifelink.

Rampant Growth is slightly inferior to Three Visits and Nature's Lore as long as your dual lands have both typesOvergrown Tomb, Bayou, Woodland Chasm, although I'd definitely run all three if there's room. Culling Ritual would be an amazing ramp/wipe card you can use to nuke all tokens and then cast stickfingers. Sakura-Tribe Elder is just rampant growth that works as a blocker for one turn, and it is another creature in your graveyard. Lotus Cobra ramps too, particularly with your other ramp options.

And you'll likey have enough mana to use Decree of Pain, if not, other wipe options are Damnation,Pernicious Deed,Death Cloud,Deathbringer Regent,In Garruk's Wake,Killing Wave,Necromantic Selection,Plague Wind,Reiver Demon,Toxic Deluge. Torment of Hailfire works as a finisher too Endurance is basically the only way you can protect your graveyard that I can think of. I'd probably run Veil of Summer too.

Moodmark Painter gives the +x/+x buff and is on a body Garruk Relentless  Flip flips into Garruk, the Veil-Cursed, but its tricky to make this one work

Since you'll have access to really big creatures these can be nice for draw. Greater Good, Momentous Fall, Return of the Wildspeaker, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Morbid Curiosity, Life's Legacy, Disciple of Bolas, Doom Weaver, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds.

Mesmeric Orb,Stitcher's Supplier would be an amazing graveyard filler.

Zombie Infestation and Wild Mongrel is usefull for dumping creatures out of your hand

I think every single black deck should run Dauthi Voidwalker, and the more grave hate you have the more you could take advantage of Living End/Living Death if you use these as mass reanimates. they are the cheapest.

Life from the Loam and Bala Ged Recovery  Flip would be good helps for mana and options.

As long as you run Filth run Crop Rotation and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth too since it will make every creature you have unblockable.

Deathrite Shaman would benefit from more fetch lands Marsh Flats,Verdant Catacombs,Misty Rainforest would help mana fix as well as throw more lands into your graveyard.

You have a fairly high number of tutors, and a ton of ramp, so i'd consider Panglacial Wurm. It's a card you dont need to waste a draw to get and can be cast instant speed. And its fun to surprise people with it at least once.

Boxfish on Sheoldred, Rising Dead v2

2 years ago

TheSnuggleLord Absolutely! Even when I move on to my next deck (I really need one to counter my wife's new Exile/Graveyard hate deck lmao), I'm for sure going to be constantly poking and prodding at this one and refining the side deck to have correct cards to swap in against certain strats going forward.

also, UPDATE 3: Swapped out Charcoal Diamond, Phyrexian Alter, Heirloom Mirror  Flip, Eldrazi Monument, Cremate, Eaten Alive, and Gorex, the Tombshell, To make room for the following; Unearth, Necrotic Ooze, Poison the Cup, Bolas's Citadel, Gravepurge, Swiftfoot Boots, and Arcane Signet.

Now that this deck is getting pretty well settled in (at least for its price range), I'll be clearing out the maybe board a little bit (still have lots I want to test, excited for that) in leu of putting together a sideboard with some comprehensive descriptions of my reasoning for potentially swapping them out when going against different deck types I've now encountered. Thanks for everyone pitching in with suggestions so far, it's been fun!

FolkOccult on Sheoldred, Rising Dead v2

2 years ago

Boxfish Of course! If I see any other cards that make me think of this deck, if you don't mind that is, I wouldn't mind down the road just leaving suggestions here and there. This looks like a fun mono black deck and hearing how it may shine when in use, delights me.

I totally get it, when I bring my deck boxes with me to shops, or even casual games. I have a stack of unsleeved cards that I want in the deck, but can't physically add dude to format constraints. It really does feel like, that at some points 99 cards just never is enough. (It is, it's perfect, but we all like to look at a card and imagine the scenarios in which we get to use them).

Down the road, if speed ever becomes an issue, replacing Charcoal Diamond with Arcane Signet may be a decision to make, instead of having two turns of investment for the same effect, you get to immediately use your mana rock, and seeing all this removal; I can already imagine the internal maniacal laughter. Though I don't see too much draw. Though all interaction is good interaction. Creatures like Erebos, God of the Dead and Grim Haruspex are decent and cheap forms of draw, though with Greed and all the mana I can imagine you producing this might not be the biggest issue. Also, if you ever look into some degeneracy involving reanimator stuff. Gravecrawler is a fairly quick way to develop infinite death triggers, mana, reanimation if those sorts of things ever matter.

If cards like Gravepurge ever become a favored strategy at manipulating what you're milling into grave, for triggers, protection, or just reanimation, Haunted Crossroads can do a lot with a Dark Ritual or Cabal Coffers.

Boxfish on Sheoldred, Rising Dead v2

2 years ago

BishopAtavist Thank you for the comment, and I agree! Milling is normally not something I would go for in a deck like this, but it's sort of a fun risky strategy to use during some games of commander and can for sure speed up the process of feeding the graveyard. Cards like Sadistic Glee still get to proc from creatures sent to the graveyard this way as well, so that's an added bonus. Additionally, at least in my playtesting, I seem to have included more than enough ways to get creatures out of graveyards. So even if a few good cards are lost this way, you should still have plenty of options further in the deck. As far as Buried Alive, It's only in the maybe deck because I haven't gotten the card in the mail yet haha. It'll be thrown in, likely in place of Unhinge, as soon as it gets here!

TheSnuggleLord I appreciate the feedback! I for sure want to keep using sheoldred, even if it's not ideal for this deck. I'd probably switch her out in situations where I'm not playing with friends, since forcing sacs seems like a good way to put a target on myself. But for more casual situations it's been pretty fun haha. I actually got a copy of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth with the intention of using it in a dimir deck later. I hadn't at all made the connection that in would enable swamp walk. That is actually beautiful, I'm going to throw that in the deck tonight!!

Poison the Cup for sure seems like a good swap in for something like Eaten Alive, since I have enough other ways to sac, and otherwise the cost is the same. So, you're definitely right, having it A) potentially split the cost between 2 turns, and B) be safe from removal by opponents, makes for a great removal spell to have in the deck.

I think I actually ordered a copy of Gravepurge in one of my larger orders in the last week or two, it might have just been lost in the stack of cards I've been considering for the deck. I'll for sure have to reconsider it.

I do like that combo that Bolas's Citadel and Bone Harvest or Gravepurge could pull. At this point I need to work on a side deck of sorts to keep track of all of the potential combos or cards I want to try. There are so many options here, and the hardest part now is choosing what to set aside when trying out the other options haha.

Thanks again both of you for the comments!! Looking forward to further refining this deck, and maybe creating a fork of it with another commander!

FolkOccult on Sheoldred, Rising Dead v2

2 years ago

I just saw your list yesterday while I was scrolling through the site, and wanted to say I find it all so charming! I love decks hungry to consume their own creatures and use them as fuel. Korvold, Fae-Cursed King, Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis, or even K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth, are commanders that just keep on giving as long as you throw bodies into the furnace so to speak. It's a delight to get their engine rolling, and I've always wanted to build a Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip or Sheoldred, Whispering One deck.

If you planned on using Sheoldred still, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is both flavorful and helps turn all of your opponents' lands into swamps, allowing sweet unblockable commander damage. I've never really left a comment on this site, but looking at this deck list makes me want to show my K'rrik deck some extra love. Props dude, I'm gonna love following this deck's progress.

While it's on my mind, something that might help, using Poison the Cup for its foretell may add to 4 mana, but it lets you store a Murder outside of your opponent's influence and lets you scry off the top, allowing you to search for lands, or more removal/creatures to send to grave; and if you might be looking for more mass recursion to your library (whether to avoid Rest in Peace or similar effects, Gravepurge is another way to draw whichever creature you might have planned on saving.

Bolas's Citadel may be pricy on mana, but it mass sacs, and after a Bone Harvest or Gravepurge could allow you to just rebuild your board with your life total. Anyhow. I love this deck, apologies for the long winded comment.

SniperFrog on Oona

2 years ago

Alright. So there's a couple things I would change, but I don't want you to think it's better or anything, just what I would do. I'll give budget suggestions and non budget suggestions so you have a variety of choices without hurting the wallet.

I think I would go for mono blue so I can get Bruvac the Grandiloquent's effect in my command zone. It seems actually nutty to just be able to get this guy going. That being said, I like a lot of the black spells you have here, namely Mind Grind and Nightscape Familiar, so I would consider something like Phenax, God of Deception or maybe Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker to stay in dimir. Not really sure the red is helping much at all, though. Only four red cards is a bit of a bad look, though they seem cool in theory. I've never played any of them, so I don't really know how good they actually are.

So there are a few optimizations I would consider as well. Three mana rocks are a bit slow for my tastes and there are a lot of decent options at two mana, I'd recommend Fellwar Stone, Mind Stone and Arcane Signet to name a few cheaper options. There's also Sapphire Medallion, Chrome Mox and Mana Vault, though those are strictly non budget.

More optimizations for interaction seems good here as well. Maybe drop some of your three mana counterspells for some one or two mana spells. Counterspell is a mainstay and at very good price as well. I like Swan Song, An Offer You Can't Refuse and Drown in the Loch in this slot. There are a plethora of non budget options as well, particularly free counters like Force of Will and Force of Negation or other heavy hitters like Mana Drain and Cryptic Command. Plenty of cool things to do with this, however, so you have options.

Your lands look rough. I personally will always go with untapped lands with so many options, but that can get really pricy, really fast. Of course, if you didn't have to worry about a red splash, your landbase gets A LOT better.

If you're having trouble with hitting enough lands, consider lowering the curve a bit or even adding a couple more to try to smooth things out. I generally try to have around forty-two to forty-five mana sources, though my curves are usually around 2-2.5, so you might want a little more than that, maybe. I don't know. That's something you can figure out with playtesting.

Now comes the fun part. As it stands, including the above mentioned cards, I would try to find room for these:

Into the Story for some card draw.

Leyline of the Void or something similar like Planar Void along with Helm of Obedience mills infinitely. Also pretty good to beat the eldrazi triggers if you see these things regularly.

Rhystic Study and its baby brother Mystic Remora are both excellent card draw spells with humongous upside, though they are both getting a little on the expensive side now, with Rhystic pushing forty or fifty bucks.

I like Bitter Ordeal, but I think this is kind of a pet card that I want to make work, so I might be projecting here. lol

Reanimate effects seem VERY strong here. I like the ones that target opponent's graveyards the most, so I would stick with Animate Dead and Dance with the Dead along with the aforementioned reanimate. Didn't think about this at first. Could be really sweet.

Mesmeric Orb is money in these decks. Gives mad inevitability.

Altar of the Brood and Altar of Dementia are both combo pieces, but I feel like they're more build arounds than good on their own.

Folio of Fancies. I've never seen this card before, but I love it. Seems like it would fit nicely.

Tome Scour and Brain Freeze are insane with Underworld Breach but this is another build around that pulls you more into storm than mill, I think. Still maybe worth thinking about.

Sands of Delirium seems sweet.

A few draw X spells could be just what you need. Stroke of Genius, Pull from Tomorrow, Fascination and Prosperity come to mind. Skyscribing also seems sweet, but I'm not sure how good it is.

Some cards I would just outright cut:

Gravepurge, not positive what this is doing for you, beside gumming up your draws. I guess it can get something back but not sure it's relevant. Hard to say without playing the deck.

All three mana rocks. Darksteel Ingot, Dimir Cluestone, Ur-Golem's Eye, Hedron Archive are a few. There are actually a few more than I thought, so maybe cutting all of them isn't the right thing to do unless you are cutting like for like for cheaper rocks.

Grisly Spectacle, I feel like you can get a better removal spell. I see the appeal, but I feel like it will get at most six cards milled maybe. Something like Feed the Swarm is probably just better or Drown in the Loch which hits two birds with one stone.

Countermand. Four mana counterspell seems like a really hard ask. I know it's on theme, but something cheaper is probably just better. See above for suggestions on cheap counters.

I would maybe cut some other, stuff, but I feel like I've already given you a lot to think about. Love the list. I'm excited to see it once you've had a chance to keep tuning it. Follow for sure. :)

GrimlockVIII on Grist, Bugmen Investigator

3 years ago

Ah dang, was hoping you cobbled together a weird clue token/Grist deck with some of the new Investigate stuff from Modern Horizons 2.

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

As for more mid-game suggestions, would Nyx Weaver be of any help? It kinda just helps you mill stuff on its own, and it naturally gets boosted by Blex, Vexing Pest  Flip.

Ant Queen looks like a decent mid-game insect that does stuff with your mana if you're flooding out, if you're into that.

Diabolic Tutor is also a cheap way to search for your main combo pieces like Gravepurge and Forever Young

Kinda sucks that insect tribal is a bit undersupported as of right now.

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