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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Horror

Fear (This creature can't be blocked except by artifact creatures and/or black creatures.)

Whenever Guiltfeeder attacks and isn't blocked, defending player loses 1 life for each card in their graveyard.

Flarhoon13 on Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death

4 months ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 31

Erebos' Totally Devoted to Death loss 8-11 Misplayed, had an out vs. Phenax, God of Deception and a Rogue's Passaged Guiltfeeder but I, honestly against my instincts, tapped out greedily for an Abhorrent Overlord in my pre-combat main phase before attacking my Corpse Augur into its death:  lost 9 life but drew Sudden Spoiling and 8 other cards. If I would have waited to play spells post combat, I could have had another turn and quite possibly recovered enough to win the game, but alas... .421 Then again, maybe if I wasn't tapped out, my opponent wouldn't have blocked and killed my attacking Corpse Augur.

RiotRunner789 on Any discard payoffs on mono …

7 months ago

I have my own discard deck and most of my wincons revolve around Wheel of Torture effects. Some cards in the same line are Gibbering Descent and Quest for the Nihil Stone.

I also use cards like Arena of the Ancients, Ensnaring Bridge, Noetic Scales, and Null Brooch to keep myself alive. Creature wise I've won with Guiltfeeder multiple times (going under the bridge) and Necrogoyf has helped out more than once take some life totals down.

RiotRunner789 on

7 months ago

I think ot looks good but will leave you with three creature suggestions.

Scion of Darkness: Can put himself in the yard to be reanimated then begins reanimating once he's out

Sheoldred, Whispering One: Seen this card, more than once, get pitched turn 1 and reanimated turn 2. Still great later in the game.

Guiltfeeder: Late game, after a board wipe or two graveyards will be getting big. Granted, he's best going under Ensnaring Bridge but can be a solid closer when other boards build back blockers.

Eldrazi_Nugget on Double attack triggers interaction with …

3 years ago

With the ability of the new legendary Isshin, Two Heavens as One or Wulfgar of Icewind Dale, how to they interact with a card like Guiltfeeder? From what I understand, the attack triggers will trigger in the declare attackers step, before the declare blockers step. Guiltfeeder triggers on attack but after no blockers are assigned? Will it double the effect if no blockers are declared?

Idoneity on Rankle's Discard Fest!

4 years ago

And I already love the deck, for you did the very best thing a brewer can do: Keyword "discard" and search therefrom.

I have a discard deck of my own, you see, and thence I may be able to tell some cards. It is also my oldest deck, and it is here if you so wish to see it.

Thereupon, I have quite the meiny of suggestions:

Ramp would be best for such a mana-hungry complot, withal I would like to recommend a seldomly known card. Ahem. SOL RING?! It's too powerful to ignore, and thence I would most see to its inclusion. Charcoal Diamond is splendid, Mind Stone does quite a bit, Worn Powerstone is slow but leastway worth a mention. K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth does much for any black-based strategy, anent all of the resource life offers.

Now, Mindslicer is most meritorious, for it may be sacrificed to dear Rankle whiles doing the job in one turn.

More efficient discard! Delirium Skeins and Mind Rake are each quite effective, whereupon Hymn to Tourach is as good as it gets.

Terror is a little restrictive. I've much enjoyed Murderous Rider and Hero's Downfall. Snuff Out catches people off-guard.

It is important to be ahead on cards whiles playing a discard deck, so I would try Necropotence. It may exile those discarded, but the amount it draws is ayont worth an inclusion. Greed and Erebos are also fine. Castle Locthwain is essentially a free inclusion, where at Sign in Blood should be here, too.

There are a few cards I trow to be lacking:

Beacon of Unrest is quite costly for its effect, and the renowned Animate Dead is oft just better. Any graveyard, three less to cast, all the like.

Mind Slash is one with which I have tested. What exactly are you sacrificing? You haven't much in terms of fodder, not much to reanimation, and thus it is almost certes a dead card most of the time.

Liliana's Reaver and Guiltfeeder are so slow! Try actual threats that murder quickly, or prioritize wraths and board control.

Curse of Fool's Wisdom doesn't do anything, thereupon it is slow to slaughter and expensive to cast.

May fortune betide and may your opponents be hagridden.

StasisAbuser on Mill-ionaire's Nightmare [Budget Mill EDH]

4 years ago

If you can find a way to safely tap/untap creatures, Disciple of Deceit can end up being a great tutor effect for you.

Guiltfeeder can be devastating to opponents and even provide the game winning blow if their graveyards are large enough.

Whispering Madness is a great, repeatable wheel effect that can be nasty with Syr Konrad in play.

greyninja on Doran the Tree Man

4 years ago

@PartyJ thanks for the comment; sorry it took me eons to answer!!
Forgotten Ancient good card. Went into elemental tribal deck
Guiltfeeder & Kheru Mind-Eater she'll only tolerate so many scary cards. My wife isnt into the gnarly stuff haha
Oketra the True I pack pulled an invocation and traded it away. I live with regret.
Rogue's Passage %@#& I absolutely have multiples floating around in binders n boxes. I'm embarrassed.
Shizo, Death's Storehouse might be worth buying

@McToters heck yea, I love the diversity. I totally understand the control aspect in groups of friends / multiplayer in general. Abzan has OPTIONS
@GhostChieftain you're not wrong! You dont mind boardwipes with that on the 'field. I just added Nethroi, Apex of Death, might be worth having both to help spam the board lol
I actually just made a bunch of updates to the deck. Foil Mothra, Deadly Rollick, and Mythos of Nethroi too. Trying to keep it updated. sad to see The Immortal Sun go. Hard cuts are hard. Peace!

Rainbowjuice77 on Shirei, Death isn't permanent!

5 years ago

Hey, Ghosthunter39 Guiltfeeder was in my original budget Deck when I stated with Commander. It is indeed a fun Card (and I like weird creepy Creatures), but it ended up being cut to being to slow for the deck and my local meta.

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