Hour of Reckoning

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hour of Reckoning


Convoke (You may tap your creatures as you cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for or one mana of that creature's colour.)

Destroy all nontoken creatures.

Flarhoon13 on Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Token Selesnya deck

3 months ago

May 3, 2024 I started a new quest. Having built 52 decks, I endeavoured to play them all, in roughly the same order as I created them.

May 18 Rhys the Redeemed helms this deck :-) Token Selesnya deck win, topdecked Hour of Reckoning, (amazing Nontoken boardwipe), I had about 25 token creatures after activating Rhys once. Beat Cam despite his only 1 damage Ajani Steadfast emblem 8-6 .571

capwner on Improvise, Adapt & Overcome

6 months ago

I was gonna suggest Waves of Aggression as the only boros card with retrace, but you already got it :) I might also rec some asymmetrical effects that won't hit your golems like Crackdownfoil, also Crisis of Conscience and Hour of Reckoning are asymmetrical wraths which could be pretty sweet in here. I am a fan of Rokiric as well!, I have built him in modern where he is also very fun and powerful!

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

Thank you for reaching out Tsukimi, I deeply appreciate it. I like your custom commander, she seems like a fun twist on this clue/token archetype. In your play-testing, I'd say def be cognizant of how prohibitive (or not) the 3 clue sac requirement is. I don't play with Clues much, so I forgot they don't have to tap like Treasures lol. I almost recommended that the Clues she creates ETB tapped, like Ognis, the Dragon's Lash.

Anyways lol, in looking at what you have so far, here are a few thoughts I have:

  • Your 7ish sources of ramp that I'm seeing might be a bit low. Could be worth it to maybe get in 2-3 mana dorks for a little more acceleration on turns 1-3 (if that feels lacking).

  • Generally speaking, I always feel a bit iffy on cards like Hour of Reckoning, which have a very heavy single color investment, for 3 color decks. On that note, I think Cavalier of Dawn & Hour of Reckoning could be potential swap outs.

  • Bronzebeak Foragers could be a potential swap for Cavalier of Dawn, & gives you another Druid of Purification-esque effect that you could copy.

  • Detective of the Month could be a potential swap, mostly because you only have 2 other Detectives in deck, not counting the Detective tokens she could make.

  • Volatile Fault could be a cool addition to your mana base, especially since it makes a Treasure token.

  • Scapegoat and Fanatical Devotion are both fairly budget protection effects that can make use of the creature tokens your deck will make.

  • Fractured Identity seems kinda risky. I recognize that you could break parity with some of your token doubling/copying effects, but I feel like it could be troublesome to remove a big threat, and now there's suddenly 2 copies opposing you. I'd recommend checking out Soul Partition as a removal and protection option.

All in all, the rest looks pretty solid. I was surprised at how strong the reprints are in this precon. I'll take another look at your deck once I'm off work. These were just some quick thoughts I had on first look.

MrHighscore on In the grim darkness of the far future

1 year ago

Updated. Not sure for the better, but for sure plays into the win conditions.

kpres on Commander Deckbuilding Advice - A …

1 year ago

I have some deckbuilding advice. I'll make it concise:

The Three Problems

Your goal is to play a winning combination of cards before your opponent can do the same. To do this, you need to draw the right cards, be able to cast them, and do this faster than your opponent despite their efforts to stop you. These are the Three Problems your deck is trying to solve. It is tempting to fill your deck with only cards that work towards a build-around commander, but if you do, you'll have 4 or 5 mana available on turn 6, you won't be able to stop your opponent's threats, and you won't be drawing the cards you need. Follow the quantity recommendations below to deal with the Three Problems and still get to play your strategy.

Include 28 lands, plus 2 for each color, plus the average mana cost of your deck. So for a typical 3 color deck, you're looking at 39-ish lands.

Include 10 cards that let you deal with threats at instant speed. Every opponent uses artifacts, enchantments, and creatures, and you often need to disrupt a combo that's about to go off when it's not your turn.

Include 10 cards that net you more cards. With a high density of card draw spells, you are more likely to draw into your next draw spell and never run out of things to do.

Include 10 cards with low mana cost (3 or less) that give you more mana. Generally for every 2 mana rocks above this number that cost 0 to 2, you can cut one land.

Include up to 5 "win-more" cards, not more. These are cards like Doubling Season that are only good when your deck is already doing what it's supposed to do.

Include 1-2 spells that serve as a big finisher that works even when you're losing. Examples: Rise of the Dark Realms, Insurrection, Expropriate, Primal Surge, or Overwhelming Splendor.

Include 1 card that hurts decks that use the graveyard, such as Tormod's Crypt.

Include 1 card that recycles your graveyard, especially if it can be played from the graveyard or activates when milled. Gaea's Blessing is a good one. Feldon's Cane is especially good if you are using your graveyard and you would rather have your graveyard be in your library than exiled by someone's Bojuka Bog.

Include 1 board wipe, but it must fit the theme of your deck and break parity. For example, All is Dust when you're playing colorless, Living Death when you're playing reanimator, Hour of Reckoning when you're playing tokens, Cyclonic Rift in blue, etc. The more one-sided, the better.

Include 20 creatures, at least 10 of which can be played by turn 3. Some of these cards can double as your removal, ramp, or draw, or strategy cards. Having creatures prevents you from taking opportunistic early combat damage, and helps you recover quickly after a board wipe. Creatures with ETB effects are more valuable when you can blink or reanimate them.

Include 20-30 cards that work with your deck's strategy. It seems like not enough, but when you include more than this, you're cutting removal, draw, or ramp, which are all necessary for dealing with the Three Problems. Also don't forget that when you have enough card draw, you'll have access to most of these strategy cards.

HatchMichael18 on 5 color 0 creatures v3.0

1 year ago

Crucible of Worlds and Command Beacon makes it where you no longer pay command tax Divine Reckoning Slash the Ranks The Eternal Wanderer and Hour of Reckoning are decent board wipes to consider

very janky but hear me out

Avacyn's Memorial and Leyline of Singularity i noticed your only using token creatures Mirror Box when your against snowball goblins or elves this combo comes in handy

DreadKhan on The Golem

1 year ago

In budget decks I always want a Transmogrifying Wand, removal tends to help budget decks a lot more than higher power decks because it's usually harder for a budget deck to just 'go over the top' and win via brute force. GW is really, really good at removing stuff, it's a specialty of both colours at this point.

A few things I use in my Selesnya deck, which is also interested in tokens, might fit in here. Gigantomancer is a lot of mana to get out, but all buffs stack with 7/7 base p/t. Harmonious Archon is an unbelievably good card in a deck that can go reasonably wide, it makes everyone equal, meaning anything that gets even +0/+1 is suddenly terrifying, same with First Strike. Keeper of Fables is a big dumb version of Toski, Bearer of Secrets, but Toski is very much not budget. Soltari Visionary is a weird old card that can remove an enchantment each time it gets in for damage, and most people don't run any Shadows. Hour of Reckoning might work if most people don't run many tokens in your area. Shamanic Revelation is better in decks that don't have very big creatures but tend to have lots, Return of the Wildspeaker and it's ilk are better if you have a very tall creature. Abundance is great in budget decks where you might struggle to find enough card draw, it gets you more consistent value for each draw. Felidar Retreat might be a bit pricey, but getting a free +1/+1 counter on each creature matters more in a deck with tokens. Similarly, Idol of Oblivion isn't super cheap but it's a strong effect with token generation.

If you like Myriad Landscape, Blighted Woodland also exists, ramp on a land is really sweet, even if it's not the most efficient ramp (it enters untapped). Devout Witness is repeatable removal vs artifacts and enchantments.

There is an old cycle in Selesnya that's really useful in some cases, most of them are budget but the odd one is pricier (though not very). They all work on the principle that you give an opponent back cards from their graveyard to get access to a really strong effect. I've had good results with Spurnmage Advocate, Pulsemage Advocate and Nullmage Advocate, but take a look if you've got a few minutes. They're all from the Judgement set iirc, but some got reprints. One fun thing you can do with these is target something someone else was planning to reanimate/dredge with, there are a decent number of Magic cards that people play in EDH that they want/need in their graveyard.

Hope some of this is relevant/these aren't outside your budget! Good luck and have fun!

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