Kraul Harpooner

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kraul Harpooner

Creature — Insect Wizard


Undergrowth — When Kraul Harpooner enters the battlefield, choose up to one target creature with flying you don't control. Kraul Harpooner gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where X is the number of creature cards in your graveyard, then you may have Kraul Harpooner fight that creature. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)

Demon519 on M-m-m-m-m-my Muldrotha! That's a bad name.

3 years ago

RAMP: Deranged Assistant, Gilded Goose, Rootcoil Creeper, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Skull Prophet, Solemn Simulacrum, Phyrexian Tower, Binding the Old Gods, Titans' Nest, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Nissa's Renewal, Chromatic Lantern, Dimir Signet, Golgari Signet, Lotus Petal, Simic Signet, Sol Ring, Wayfarer's Bauble, Kiora, the Crashing Wave.

CARD DRAW and SELF MILL: Baleful Strix, Deranged Assistant, Glowspore Shaman, Prime Speaker Zegana, Satyr Wayfinder, Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Skull Prophet, Solemn Simulacrum, Stitcher's Supplier, Underrealm Lich, The Binding of the Titans, Titans' Nest, Vessel of Nascency, Buried Alive, Rishkar's Expertise, Victimize, Aether Spellbomb, Altar of Dementia, Kiora, the Crashing Wave.

REMOVAL: Acidic Slime, Agent of Treachery, Bane of Progress, Cavalier of Night, Hostage Taker, Kraul Harpooner, Massacre Wurm, Polukranos, Unchained, Ravenous Chupacabra, Shriekmaw, Binding the Old Gods, Pernicious Deed, Seal of Primordium, Beast Within, In Garruk's Wake, Languish, Aether Spellbomb, Vraska, Golgari Queen.

PROTECTION and RECURSION: Eternal Witness, Genesis, Gisa, Glorious Resurrector, Glen Elendra Archmage, Siren Stormtamer, Spore Frog, Animate Dead, Kaya's Ghostform, Pattern of Rebirth, The Binding of the Titans, Rise of the Dark Realms, Victimize, Kiora, the Crashing Wave.

ATTEMPTS TO WIN: Avenger of Zendikar + Fabled Passage ... Eternal Witness + Time Warp ... Avenger of Zendikar + Altar of Dementia ... Massacre Wurm + Thassa, Deep-Dwelling ... Muldrotha, the Gravetide + Kaya's Ghostform + Lotus Petal + Altar of Dementia ... Rise of the Dark Realms + Eternal Witness ... Vraska, Golgari Queen emblem ... Underrealm Lich + Prime Speaker Zegana OR Rishkar's Expertise

CUTE/GOOFY: Gisa, Glorious Resurrector, Awaken the Erstwhile, Visions of Duplicity.

zapyourtumor on Better bring bugspray for this one 2.0

3 years ago

Grist do be carrying tho. I don't know how I've never heard of Skylasher before, it looks like Cloudthresher 's little brother.

I know it might change the direction of the deck a lot, but have you considered turning this into a more Sultai control-type list with Delver  Flip and Thiccy Delver  Flip (and dropping CoCo)?

Also, some other cool insects are Brain Maggot (this thing is OP in my pioneer eldrazi processors), and maybe Foundry Hornet for a sweeper (4 cmc though so only if you decide to drop CoCo, and I guess if you drop coco you will probably also drop a lot of the +1/+1 counter cards so maybe not). Hornet Nest is hella funny but idk if it'll work here. Kraul Harpooner might be worth testing?

My all-time favorite insect is Vorapede , hands down, so it's a shame it probably won't work well in this deck.

BrassLord on Green Means GO!

3 years ago

@Grind Thank you!

I like Scavenger Grounds , I remember playing that in standard! Will probably replace Haunted Fengraf . I've found that this deck is very hungry for untapped green mana turn one and two, so I'm hesitant to cut too much green from the deck!

I also like the other suggestions! Not sure what I would cut at this point, though Thrashing Brontodon or Kraul Harpooner might be on the block, as I'll admit they're pet cards (though pretty decent), as the other's seem like they'd be more consistent.

TheVectornaut on Blue-Black Deck

4 years ago

I'd start by identifying what you want the main goal of your deck to be. I see two main ideas here that could be built around.

The first is dealing unblocked damage by disincentivizing blocks with deathtouch. Darkblade Agent , Eternal of Harsh Truths , Graveblade Marauder , and maybe Blightsteel Colossus (with enough reanimation) fit this archetype. Because of the two "blade" cards, there is some overlap with the second archetype which I'll cover next (and if you keep them, cards like Notion Rain , Mission Briefing , Thought Erasure , and Discovery / Dispersal are likely to get more mileage than Divination or Secrets of the Golden City ), but there may be even better ways to profit from unblocked creatures. Curiosity enchantments like Curious Obsession , Sixth Sense , and Keen Sense are frequent accompaniments to the Invisible Stalker s and other bogles of the world, and Bident of Thassa is a strong option for those going wide. I like Quietus Spike as a sort of midway point between Basilisk Collar and Master of Cruelties in decks like these too. Other beaters to get in with could be Tomebound Lich , Oona's Blackguard , Dimir Cutpurse , Looter il-Kor , Shadowmage Infiltrator , Surrakar Spellblade , Wharf Infiltrator , or Virtus the Veiled if he's legal in whatever format this is for. More generic deathtouch synergy could include Hooded Blightfang , Viridian Longbow , Thornbite Staff , Psionic Gift enchantments, and any source of first strike. Finally, I like Cipher as a way to gain advantage from repeated attacks, so maybe a Hidden Strings or Paranoid Delusions could come in handy.

The second main idea is to stack the graveyard(s) with as many creatures as possible to extract value from Undergrowth and similar mechanics. Avatar of Woe , Lotleth Giant , Trepanation Blade , Teferi's Tutelage , and some of your Disentomb effects fit here. Major threats in these kinds of decks include Wight of Precinct Six , Jace's Phantasm , Consuming Aberration , Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker , Fleet Swallower , Nemesis of Reason , Bonehoard , Mortivore , and Nighthowler . If you want to focus on your own graveyard, green is a great color to dip into as I alluded to earlier. Ghoultree , Boneyard Wurm , Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord , Splinterfright , Nyx Weaver , Nemesis of Mortals , Spider Spawning , and Kessig Cagebreakers are just some of the tools you get access to. Golgari is also the king of Undergrowth, so Hatchery Spider , Izoni, Thousand-Eyed , Molderhulk , Rhizome Lurcher / Undergrowth Scavenger , Kraul Harpooner , and Necrotic Wound are on the table. If milling your opponents is more your thing, some staples to consider are Thought Scour , Sphinx's Tutelage , Drown in the Loch , Traumatize , Fraying Sanity , and the crab duo. Jace's Erasure , Psychic Corrosion , and the Tutelage pair benefit the most from other draw synergy, and Visions of Beyond is an obvious inclusion if that's the route you take. Either way, I'd cut down to only the most efficient of your reanimate to hand cards and the like since you don't want to be stuck with a fist full of them and no creatures in the graveyard to target. Speaking of cuts, for maximum power, it's usually correct to play as close to the 60 card minimum as possible. Picking a single strategy to hone in on should make it easier to whittle down to the most important 60 in the deck.

If you have questions, let me know. Good luck with your build!

Caran_Lyg on

4 years ago

Kraul Harpooner can go to your sideboard or replaced by a different card. You don’t have any way of increasing it’s power with this build unless you’re willing to just have your creatures destroyed every combat phase. Put those 4 cards into removal like Flame Slash or something.

TriusMalarky on What advice would you give …

4 years ago
  • Know the cards in your meta. I have won multiple matches by holding one mana up(regardless of color) and having 3+ lands in hand. Granted, these were against 12-yr-olds that I had a reputation with... but still, understand what can be done.

  • Attack! Hecking attack. The games I won by holding open mana to cast a land were also lands I won because it convinced the opp not to attack. I had a super inferior board state, and would have died immediately had they attacked. Also, that 1-2 damage can be SO important.

  • Judge your opponent early on. If they have a creature that could trade with yours, don't auto hold back -- think of what that creature is there for and if they'd be willing to throw it in front of yours. Additionally, how important is your creature? If you're going to be playing a big thing later that turn or next turn, go ahead and risk a trade in order to clear out the board.

  • Play things early! It might be something specific to the group of players I've been around, but too many people skip turns 1-3 in favor of bigger plays. I've watched players(with mana dorks in hand) play nothing for three turns while I flooded the board with peezy.

  • Ignore artifacts. Unless you know what you're doing, artifacts(in 60 card formats) suck. It is so much easier to run Kraul Harpooner or Oreskos Swiftclaw than Field Creeper.

  • 90% of the time, equipment and auras SUCK. They are absolute garbage.

TBH, I play with a lot of people who really don't know what they're doing. I can easily be in the top half of my LGS with a $15 deck when I'm not brewing something stupid.

Joker4242 on

4 years ago

Nice deck idea! If I may suggest something. Maybe put some countermeasures in the main deck that deal with your opponent's spells. I know this is more focused on creating your own combos, but say your opponent is playing with a bunch of exile/bounce spells, or (for example) have their own Leyline of the Void. It also might be hard to come back from a massive boardwipe as well. You have a bit of card draw with Silversmote Ghoul, but besides that, you may end up just top-decking after your opponent obliterates the field.

There are some inconsistencies. See some of your cards get stronger in the late game while others get worse. Some cards are just really circumstantial. Hedron Crab is fun, you got fetch lands. But later in the game, when you've drawn all you could and played all your lands, he just sits there. Being able to flicker, bounce, and interact with your own lands would help his ability continue triggering even into the late game. Having lands that give you triggers would also work with this idea. Cards like Mystic Sanctuary would prove beneficial, especially if you had instants and sorceries that could counter and destroy your opponents spells, you could also search up Sanctuary with fetchlands at instant speed. Silversmote Ghoul is cool how it can revive itself, but you only have Creeping Chill to trigger that ability. So the Ghoul will eventually be stuck in the graveyard. Merfolk Secretkeeper is the most inconsistent though. the card only works once. That's it. You can't copy the ability, nor do you have any bounce spells or revival for the Keeper. So once it mills, that is it. If you mill it to the graveyard, it also does nothing.

Putting in some looting cards might be nice. That way you still get to put cards into your graveyard, but you get to choose what that will be. Cause you might lose important cards just by milling yourself.

Another option is putting in spells with flashback. That way you can still cast spells even when you got nothing in your hand. You have some creature revival abilities, but no instant/sorcery revival abilities.

So cards like Merfolk Looter would work. Cause you get consistent looting every turn (not just a one off). The looter would also work with Mystic Sanctuary pretty well. That way you don't have to wait a turn to draw the card.

If you went straight up looting/card draw you also could use cards like Jace's Erasure and target yourself. So both looting and mill. A bit slower, but more stable. and you could use cards like Broken Concentration to help with problematic enemy spells.

If you would rather go massive self-mill instead of slow and easy mill, I would suggest putting in a few cards that outright win you the game if you have no cards in your library. Like Laboratory Maniac. Also cards that get consistently more powerful with the amount of cards in your graveyard. Gnaw to the Bone can help you stay alive in the late game. Splinterfright, Mortivore, and Kraul Harpooner are nice cards that get better as the game goes on.

I hope I was helpful. Good luck with your deckbuilding!

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