Pilfering Imp

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pilfering Imp

Creature — Imp


, , Sacrifice this: Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card. Activate this ability only at any time you could cast a sorcery.

Fenga on Flight Club

3 years ago

HyrdaDOOM666: Skycat Sovereign and Pride of the Clouds (preferably the latter) are definitely on my radar, and will probably be my next addition. Perhaps Staggering Insight could be another target for Zur the Enchanter to fetch. Lord_Olga: It's not uncommon to not see my enchants in games. I guess the sensible thing to do would be to bump up Favorable Winds , but personally I just like Zur the Enchanter . I completely agree about Jubilant Skybonder , it's kind of just there at the moment because I have it. As for Mausoleum Wanderer , at first I also thought it was a bit iffy on paper, but in testing it's been surprisingly good. I put it in as a 1 drop flyer, but actually the counter ability has been much more useful than I would have anticipated. Don't forget, Empyrean Eagle and Favorable Winds buff it and its ability as well. Pilfering Imp is a good suggestion, but I'm not so sure about paying 3 times the cost for the Duress ability. It would mean I'd have less chance to snipe a problem card before dropping something important, which is why I'm playing it. I'm a bit confused about Watcher of the Spheres being maxed. Personally, I was thinking of cutting it altogether. Assuming I take out Jubilant Skybonder and Zur the Enchanter , that only leaves 3 Empyrean Eagle which benefit from the cost reduction effect. At that point, mightn't I as well just replace him with Pride of the Clouds ?

Anyway thanks for your suggestions

Lord_Olga on Flight Club

3 years ago

Hey! I like a good tribal, here are some things to consider:

Zur the Enchanter is great, but you only have 5 enchantments to work with. He can also only start grabbing enchantments by turn 5, which by then, you'll hopefully already have these enchantments out and be looking for how to secure a win. I would take him out and grab another couple Favorable Winds . You won't be able to cast them for free, but they'll still be up and running earlier, which is what you want.

Jubilant Skybonder to me, feels like a really round about way of granting your creatures protection, when you could just spend one more mana on some Shalai, Voice of Plenty and give everything Hexproof.

Mausoleum Wanderer seems a little weird here. I understand that you do have a couple spirit creatures and that Lingering Souls , but it just seems like more of a distraction from your flying tribal. Giving him a couple +1/+1 counters for the turn from summoning spirits seems to be about the height of what this guy's potential, and I don't think it's worth having the playset. For 1 drops, maybe try Pilfering Imp . Basically Duress on a stick with flying.

Watcher of the Spheres deserves to be maxed.

This above comment also does have some good cards to look at. Also, Rally of Wings can be fun.

That's about all I got.

abby315 on 8cat

4 years ago

Love the idea and love Lurrus! Here are a few cards I think might fit in:

Yarok's Fenlurker is another Burglar Rat that might be better than Pilfering Imp, since Imp can only rip a card every other turn.

Dreadhorde Invasion I think will be really good here, to give you a never-ending stream of sac fodder or as a win-con once you have them topdecking. It's like a worse Bitterblossom! Perhaps over the Vicious Rumors?

You can also consider Piper of the Swarm if you end up needing a mana sink.

I strongly suggest at least 20 lands, especially in a two-color deck, even with a curve this low. Mono-red typically runs 20 at fewest and also ends around 3 CMC and has the advantage of being one color. I would cut Specter's Shriek and maybe a Bankrupt in Blood to add +2 Blood Crypt and +1 Swamp. Given that you run so many 1 & 2 drops, you might also want to swap the Triomes for more basics or Fabled Passage if budget allows!

MonoCommander on

5 years ago

Hi, i do play a discard deck too, and i can give you some advice from experience, Cards like Megrim or Liliana's caress are underperforming if you're not playing with wheels, since you're opponent are quickly going to play topdecking. I prefer cards like Quest for the Nihil Stone , Shrieking Affliction and Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage dealing a lot more damage if you are consistent with discard effect.

I really think targeted discard effect are kinda clunky, like Pilfering Imp you already gonna make everyone discard so fast that card selection isn't that important, and you'd better have some removal instead.

Also, i really think you should include some ramp into the deck, that allow you to play your hand and not suffer too much from the symetric discard effects and play your high curve spells early on (else you just gonna discard them) in the same way, i really like to include "free" spells like Snuff Out or Massacre . Ramping or Mana efficiency is really a key in multiplayer EDH and you're going to suffer a lot if you can't play faster.

I really like to play with "not in hand" card like Experimental Frenzy or Theater of Horrors that let's you play with cards even if everyone has no hand.

I'm not a fan of Sanguine Bond exquisite blood combo in this type of decks, because the cards alone are pretty bad, but one card i'm really not enjoying on discard lists is living death. your deck is fill with some week creatures and you're never gonna get more value then your opponents with a living death. Targeted Reanimator spell can be good, like Reanimate , opponent discarding an ulamog turn 1 cause he's never gonna play him ? just take it for 1.

As a suggestion i think you missed out Anje's Ravager a really sweet card in this type of deck and Asylum Visitor

Thoose are just thought on how i like my discard commander decks, take what you need and what you think is fitting your playstyle !

asprinks on Synergy? *Pioneer*

5 years ago

Plz forgive if this is a stupid thing to ask: Is synergy a must have for competitive play? I’ve had mixed results with this mono black aggro deck over the past 5 or 6 weeks. Any comments/criticisms from anyone more experienced than me (everyone ha!) are appreciated.


1 drop - Pilfering Imp x2 - Vampire of the Dire Moon x3 - Foulmire Knight x3 - Banehound x4

2 drop - Order of Midnight x2

3 drop - Midnight Reaper x2 - Drana, Liberator of Malakir - Bloodthirsty Aerialist x2 - Murderous Rider x3

3*/4 drop - Spawn of Mayhem x3 - Rankle, Master of Pranks x2


- Fatal Push x4 - Thoughtseize x2 - Duress - Despise - Ultimate Price


- Swamp x18 - Mutavault x2 - Cabal Stronghold - Geier Reach Sanitarium - Rogue's Passage - Fabled Passage

Sideboard is a couple more removals, green countermeasures, and planeswalker removals

If this was a stupid question, I’m sorry for spam. TY for taking the time to read.

Bxbx on Sen Triplets Handcontrol

5 years ago

@mortifolkmurphcaster: Hi, thanks for commenting and first of all: sorry for me taking so long to answer you. I'm not that active on tappedout anymore and only saw your comment today.

I'm glad you liked my deck and found some inspiration for your own. The deck evolved quite a bit over time and the deck description isn't up to date anymore (the decklist is almost up to date though). So before answering your questions I might make a few remarks about my deck in its current state:

I discarded a lot of the cooler but clunkier cards, that initially gave rise to the deck, like Head Games , Jester's Mask , Ghastlord of Fugue , Seer's Vision and Mindleech Mass , because they just weren't doing anything useful in most games, especially when I was already behind.

Two of the cards that stayed in and that are crucial for where the deck is now are Silent-Blade Oni and Doomsday Specter . Because both of those cards work well with small creatures that have etb effects I decided to create this really creature heavy build. But maybe there are better ways of building the deck and especially Doomsday Specter can be quite disappointing sometimes.

I can also say that I seldomly find myself casting Sen Triplets but I don't know if this is because of my play mistakes or because of the triplets drawing too much hate. I recently added Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage to help Sen Triplets get down (one can also use Shimmer Myr ). When I win games, I most often do so because of a Bribery after a long and exhausting attrition war or something like that. Unfortunately I wasn't able to pull off an infinite combo win that used the cards of my opponents yet.

I didn't know about Thrull Surgeon and Pilfering Imp . Thanks for the suggestions! I will not include them in the current build because it does not play enough from the graveyard to recur them regularly. I focus on creatures that have an etb effect, and then I bounce them back to my hand.

Windfall effects in combination with cards like Narset, Parter of Veils are brutal and, although I do not shy at treating my playgroup like that, I would not include them because I see a nombo between effects that give everyone 7 fresh cards and my strategy of casting/discarding the opponents cards. My deck does not play out cards that fast which is reinforced by the fact that I sometimes play the opponents cards instead of mine with Sen Triplets . So Windfall would likely help the opponents more than it helps me. While it is good as a combo with Narset, Parter of Veils and Notion Thief , on its own it doesn't fit into the overall deck strategy that well. But maybe one could trim down the mana curve a bit more and then all the small creatures in combination with windfall effects and Notion Thief could be strong, but I'm not quite sure.

Ok, I think that's all for now. Again, thanks for your comment!

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