Psychic Frog

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vintage Legal

Psychic Frog

Creature — Frog

Whenever this deals combat damage to a player or planeswalker, draw a card.

Discard a card: Put a +1/+1 counter on this.

Exile three cards from your graveyard: This gains flying until end of turn.

ash_whi on Modern Dimir Nightmare

1 month ago

I like the Psychic Frog inclusion, especially with Bloodghast. With Grief unfortunately banned, I think Satoru gets quite a bit worse. Definitely something here, though

Andramalech on UB Turn 3 Emrakul (4 real)

1 month ago

sergiodelrio what you're saying is unfortunately true; the majority (lowkey ALL) of my interaction has been away from the LGS for about.. three to four years now. these type of decks are always welcome among my friends because we're not going for true "meta-dominating" decks anymore because as NoobNoob275 will testify, that would mean all four players in our pod playing Abhorrent Oculus variants that include something like Psychic Frog for value. Murktide Regent decks are still prevalent and it's like.. just a stale competitive environment overall in terms of individuality. I'm content playing at technical tier 2, but I ADORE getting the homies excited to brew again. Always up for the conversation so don't be afraid to tag me in it!

DemonDragonJ on Legacy Banlist

2 months ago

With December 16's banned and restricted announcement, I have added Psychic Frog and Vexing Bauble to this list.

legendofa on Dec 16 Ban announcment

2 months ago

Companion really isn't working out for anything. Yorion, Sky Nomad and Lurrus of the Dream-Den welcome Jegantha, the Wellspring to the land of the Modern lost.

Reanimator's gotten a lot of new toys since Faithless Looting got banned, especially in MH2. I'd like to see it float back up the ranks a little bit. I suppose it would be too much for another Golgari Grave-Troll unban? That worked really well last time, right? I'm sure it'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen? There's a lot of options for graveyard hate right now, especially that Surgical Extraction, and Rest in Peace and Leyline of the Void can still be viable when they're needed. Graveyard-omancy is so hard right now...

I'm interested to see Psychic Frog survive. Not super surprised, but I had it at an outside chance of being banned. It's very color-restricted, but it's been a good engine for several decks. I feel like it's right at the top line for Modern utility.

Icbrgr on Could Uro come back to …

3 months ago

Yeah shifting the conversation more towards modern... can't help but giggle at "format warping" just because of how everything has been in modern since Horizons.....but you are not wrong though I certainly think we would see it played lot...Psychic Frog would probably love it! in the same way The One Ring goes around as it does it would probably be great to fight boros energy bears... so long as Field of the Dead and Oko, Thief of Crowns are out of the picture and the one ring likely leaving soon maybe Uro isn't that crazy of an idea

wallisface on Brew ideas for Scrawling Crawler

4 months ago

Nice stuff!! My own tinkering has been awkward - I keep wanting to force Birthing Ritual into the deck but it’s just a lot of effort for minimal payoff. My current brew looks very similar to existing Dimir-Frog lists (an accident I swear!), but with an Echo of Eonsfoil package and enough supporting self-discard to abuse it.

20x Lands

4x Scrawling Crawler

4x Psychic Frog

4x Orcish Bowmasters

3x Abhorrent Oculus

4x Echo of Eonsfoil

4x Counterspell

4x Fatal Push

3x Collective Brutality

3x Unearth

4x Preordain

4x Tainted Indulgence

Icbrgr on Psychic Frog and Emrakul

4 months ago

If I have Psychic Frog in play and i decide to use Burning Inquiry/Goblin Lore and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is one of the random cards discarded; could I in response to Emrakul going into the graveyard activate the Frogs ability to exile 3 cards to prevent shuffling my graveyard into my library?

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