Quest for the Nihil Stone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Quest for the Nihil Stone


Whenever an opponent discards a card, you may put a quest counter on Quest for the Nihil Stone.

At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if that player has no cards in hand and Quest for the Nihil Stone has two or more quest counters on it, you may have that player lose 5 life.

ChaosJester on Need help to make the …

1 week ago

DreadKhan Thanks a Lot for your Feedback! In Commander and Casual Games, Transmute is my absolute favorite ability to bring my janky combo pieces together haha.

In this case, I fully agree with you that the unbanned tutors are not that great. However, I think Beseech the Mirror could have a place in that Artefakt based deck.

As for the Option to use mass Removals against creature Heavy Decks: I initially decided to play Ensnaring Bridge over mass relovals because I thought it would fit into the overall artefact based approach of that deck and would synergize well with Urza's Saga. Now I have realized that I would restrict myself because an empty hand with a huge construct and the Bridge would be awful for me haha.

Regarding Liliana's Caress and Quest for the Nihil Stone: would it be not better to play Shrieking Affliction instead?

DreadKhan on Need help to make the …

1 week ago

I think most of the legal tutors in Legacy aren't very good (Legacy is a VERY fast format at this point), but if you are okay with 3 mana tutors you can look at Transmute effects, some of them are available in mono-Black. These tutors come stapled to what is almost always a terrible spell (Brainspoil might be the worst removal spell I've actually played), but they let you find anything at that spell's MV. I think the one you'd want in here is Shred Memory, this also lets you exile something if you really need that (it's even an Instant speed exile effect), I find graveyard hate needs to be in the mainboard or your sideboard, ymmv.

I second adding some duals, I would think even 1 would help, especially because Blood Moon will just turn them into Mountains anyways, so if they replaced Mountains you'd be fine.

Would Liliana's Caress make any sense? I love Rack decks and I have often wondered about Caress, but I don't have the forced draw your deck can provide, Caress + Anvil is 2 damage each upkeep, and it goes up for each extra card they have to pitch. I don't use any Caress atm in my Rack deck, but mostly because it's pricey and the one copy I have is in my Discard EDH deck already!

Maybe x1 Quest for the Nihil Stone? If your deck is working correctly the opponent very quickly has no cards, meaning this will be very quickly turned on, and 5 damage per upkeep from 1 card for {B} seems worth a look.

I'm a bit curious what happens if someone resolves a good creature before you can lock them out of cards, I run ~16 ways that interfere with creatures in my own Legacy Rack deck, but I admittedly don't lock them out of cards!

Good luck with your list, it looks like a lot of fun!

TheForsakenOne on Undead Army

2 months ago

Dreadmalkin and Leech Gauntlet are both pretty mediocre. I'd recommend replacing them with more ramp (you have a lot of pricier cards here, including your commander. More 2-cost mana rocks would go a long way). I also don't think you have enough enchantments for Grim Guardian to be putting in the work.

Other suggestions would be Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal  Flip (discard payoff), Hostile Investigator (Discard payoff and targeted discard), Sangromancer (Some lifegain) or Quest for the Nihil Stone (Cheap discard payoff). I do think you should be prioritizing adding more ramp first so you can get you specters out and start swinging faster.

RiotRunner789 on Any discard payoffs on mono …

5 months ago

I have my own discard deck and most of my wincons revolve around Wheel of Torture effects. Some cards in the same line are Gibbering Descent and Quest for the Nihil Stone.

I also use cards like Arena of the Ancients, Ensnaring Bridge, Noetic Scales, and Null Brooch to keep myself alive. Creature wise I've won with Guiltfeeder multiple times (going under the bridge) and Necrogoyf has helped out more than once take some life totals down.

YesterdaysGhost on Cash-Strapped Black Racks

7 months ago

Thanks for popping by, Quackisaurus! Always great to meet another 8Rack player!

Quest for the Nihil Stone is a great card and one I certainly played in early iterations of my builds years ago. The issue I found was that it took a bit of support to get going and that I was missing additional discards to keep the opponent's hand low. Certainly reminds me I should get this going in my Rack/Discard EDH; Remnants of the Past

doktoras on Mono Black Pox Control

1 year ago

DreadKhan Thanks for your advice. I will consider very seriously to test first and then put them in the 75 if they perform well, the following 3 cards that you suggested me: Leechridden Swamp Necrogen Mists and Quest for the Nihil Stone.

DreadKhan on Mono Black Pox Control

1 year ago

I'm not sure if you have enough removal here to make them work, but I absolutely loved Phyrexian Totem in my Pox deck, it's an incredibly fast clock if people have an empty board. If you used Shrieking Affliction over The Rack you might try out Leechridden Swamp, these seem too small to matter, but in longer/slower games they are a nice surprise. Leechridden Swamp also likes Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage, which combines a Rack effect with the option of a discard effect, he's also a very good Rack, even at 3 mana.

I don't know what else you should run in their place, but is Fatal Push really a good fit in here? I usually see it run in decks that use Fetchlands. I think I'd just run x4 Sudden Edict and try to keep the board clear, is the targeting that key? There is also Liliana's Triumph and Geth's Verdict that each relevant have upsides and can hit big/durable stuff.

If you don't mind raising your budget a bit (and stay on The Rack) Urza's Saga can find a Rack for you, that's a lot better than paying 4 mana for a Wasteland I'd argue, and that ignores the supply of constructs you can get if you've got nothing better going on.

Have you ever tried out Necrogen Mists? It doesn't work well with stuff like Quest for the Nihil Stone, but it's great with The Rack, once you get one out the opponent no longer can sit on their cards, they only go down without serious card draw.

Really like what you've built, it's always nice to see different takes on the archetypes of Discard and Pox!

dnthymamai on Discard Raven

2 years ago

Nice discard deck! May I also suggest some ideas for the sideboard:

Quest for the Nihil Stone if you find that your opponent's hand empties fast (e.g. they are aggro).

Cabal Therapist for game 2, when you already have information on your opponent's deck.

Unearth for some recursion for your key creature!

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