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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return all creatures on the battlefield and all creature cards in graveyards to their owners' hands.

bushido_man96 on Urborg Unleashed

2 years ago

Looks like you're short a few lands, lol!

You should consider running Soulquake. If you have Rooftop Storm on the board, it becomes a one-sided boardwipe that will likely win you the game.

SleeplessPr1nce on Zombo-Combo

5 years ago

It's always good to see a fellow Gisa and Geralf player; they're a pretty underrated commander imo. You've got a lot of combo pieces and a lot of bombs, but you could use some more tempo/acceleration and maybe another land or two. Necromancer's Stockpile gives tokens and card advantage in one package. Undead Augur and/or Distant Melody can yield big payoffs with your token strategy. You could also use Sedraxis Alchemist + Rooftop Storm + sac-oulet, instead of Cyclonic Rift. Does the same thing but most people never see it coming and the alchemist is a lot cheaper.

Also, I love the addition of Soulquake and now I have to find a way to fit that into my Gisa and Geralf.

bushido_man96 on All Hail the Brood

5 years ago

I think you want to go in on the self-mill, make zombies theme, so you should trim the fat on things that don't fit what you want to do. I like the dredge cards, and I like the cards that put cards from the top of your library into your graveyard to trigger Sidisi, Brood Tyrant .

Cut Prime Speaker Vannifar , Razaketh, the Foulblooded , Sidisi, Undead Vizier , Tasigur, the Golden Fang , Taigam, Sidisi's Hand , The Scarab God . I'm not big on counters, so I'd probably leave out Frilled Mystic . Liliana of the Veil and Liliana Vess don't really fit the theme. Switch Wonder for Filth , especially since you're running Urborg. I think most of your tutors could go, so Diabolic Tutor and even Jarad's Orders could go. I'm not sure Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord fits very well, other than he's a zombie. If you see yourself sacrificing lots of zombies to him, then keep him.

You should run Rooftop Storm , and consider Soulquake . Take out Shriekmaw and put in Fleshbag Marauder (fits the tribe), and don't forget that Gray Merchant of Asphodel is a zombie, too, and you're running a high black pip count; he'll pay off. I'm wavering on Meren and Muldrotha; I see why they are here, and how the will be useful...especially Muldrotha. If you had to choose one, I'd keep Muldrotha. Villainous Wealth is fun, but is it what you want this deck to do?

I hope that helps you get started!

TheDeckMaker2300 on List of Interesting cards some may have forgotten

6 years ago

Part 2

Urborg Justice oh you just played In Garruk's Wake esc card I'm taking you down with me.

Well of Knowledge if you pay a fee we will grant you a bonus card for your draw step

Avenger en-Dal once per turn and only during combat but we got a machine gun of exile attackers

Spiritual Asylum let's buy some time to get ready for battle shall we

Kill Switch holy crud the breya ramp is getting to fast ...HIT THE EMEGENCY STOP QUICK!!!

Imi Statue looky looky Winter Orb for artifacts

Dust Elemental for two more mana a Whitemane Lion but two additional creatures and it can do itself...nice flicker and panic button use

Treacherous Urge you heard of Slave of Bolas right well this one can steal and sac from the hands of opponents and let's not forget stuff like Telepathy

Detritivore delicious nonbasic land removal that's untouchable and the chances of targets being on the field same odds of finding a cow on a field near a farm

Mana Maze oh that's evil star especially since I'm using it in eldrazi decks with devoid cards wich is a loop hole around this.

Backlash another Reflect Damage catergory card

Hammer Mage a driver for the street sweeper of artifact cards in play

Fountain Watch just play a Asceticism with this and you just gave your whole board immunity to spells and abilities

Volcanic Wind hmmmm only six to do easily atleast 20+ damage to creatures and sweep...amazing

Once a upon a time someone just cast Wrath of God esc card then all the sudden I play Natural Affinity then after resolve I cast Eerie Interlude or Teferi's Protection and either resolve every one surrenders and possible a table flip happens because now it sweeps the lands and creatures excepts mine the end.

Centaur Omenreader how convenient I also have a Cryptolith Rite in play

Thermopod only red but that's Phyrexian Altar on a creature

Soulquake a board sweep and group hug at the same time sweet

Sages of the Anima and this isn't a Animar staple because?

Fight to the Death hey I also played a all creatures are forced to block a particular creature escape card earlier board sweep for one player

Death Pits of Rath let's give everything deathtouch even instants/sorcery plus this is a budget No Mercy

Nature's Revolt no need for Living Plane this only needs a few coins to buy living plane needs Benjamin franklin bills

Head Games / Jester's Mask lets rig a opponent's hand with nothing but junk

Balancing Act is that what I... IT IS!!!


Teferi's Protection your board then they have to sacrifice all the permanents

Well hope you like my stuff might have more in the future

anatelo on Nekusar, the Mindrazer

6 years ago

Hey K1ngMars, thanks for the suggestions! Funny enough I remembered I had this deck and cycled it before I started polishing it up. The first thing I did was clean up the land base. Thanks for assuring me I made the right choices haha.

Glistening Oil, Tainted Strike, and Phyresis all give Nekusar (or any draw-pingers) infect to close out the game with one swift wheel. I keep all three just for consistency.

I love the idea of Soulquake and Guiltfeeder because my playgroup uses a lot of graveyard synergies. Soulquake might be a bit too mana expensive though and all cards would eventually go back to the GY anyways.

I had Wheel of Fate in the deck but hated how I couldn't control when it was casted.

I'm so mad I never found out about Wheel and Deal and Day's Undoing, they fit this deck perfectly!

Raiders' Wake also seems great but I just have no idea what to cut for it, or any of the others to be frank. I'll work on that though. Thanks again for the help!

K1ngMars on Nekusar, the Mindrazer

6 years ago

Seems to be a really fun, low budget Nekusar, the Mindrazer deck.I'd suggest removing Izzet Boilerworks, Rakdos Carnarium and Rupture Spire, since those, in certain situations could screw you up, and instead add a Temple of Epiphany(to complete scrylands cycle), Sulfurous Springs(to complete painlands cycle). For a further upgrade there consider Mikokoro, Center of the Sea.

I like the instant speed Tainted Strike that could kill some unwilling opponent, great pesky move.On the other hand I'd probably remove Glistening Oil, since it really doesn't have a specific use in this deck.

Since you are going about this on a budget, I'd suggest really fun cars that combo with Nekusar like:

Soulquake(Mass bounce + your foes will probably discard most of their graveyard in terms of card amount... just be sure that this move doesn't allow them to come back);

Guiltfeeder(Since it has fear, if it swings on an opponent that can't block it, it could deal lethal damage. Absolutely reliable win condition);

Dragon Mage(Though it has to connect);

Day's Undoing(You need to play around the fact that it ends your turn);

Wheel of Fate(Nothing to say, simply great);

Wheel and Deal(Wheel of fortune just the opponents you choose);

Raiders' Wake(Great synergy);

Forkbeard on Grimgrin, Corpse-Born: The Gravecrawler Massacre

7 years ago

Thanks bushido_man96, G&G + Grimgrin are definitely fun decks to pilot. I checked out your build - I really like the idea of Rooftop Storm + Soulquake. Brilliant!

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