Talisman of Indulgence

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Talisman of Indulgence


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_AoxomoxoA_ on Veni, Vidi, Vici

4 months ago

10/24/24 Revisions


A bit of a fast follow-up here, I know. While I liked where the deck was at, I couldn't help but notice that it was still far too slow. Sure, when you get to turn 7 or so, the deck was able to start pumping out, but those first turns were grueling. Essentially having 0 ways to cheat for extra mana put me far behind any deck that is even slightly competitive. So, this change was hard to make, but definitely feeds the machine of progress through the entirety of the game. Reducing the CMC of the deck with the removal of certain high-cost low value cards will ensure a better early game while not damaging the late game potential too much. One of my favorite parts of this deck is how resistant it is to being board wiped, and I think this has improved that, instead of spending an entire turn to play a 6-cost card like Elspeth, only for her to be killed the next turn I can spend my turns playing more combo pieces and not have a large cost card that's dead in hand.

Captain of the Watch: 6 Mana to create 3 tokens, plus vigilance and +1/+1. Personally I think the card is pretty good, but in White it's very slow for a mid payout. In this deck +1/+1 and Vigilance isn't nearly the game changer it would be if it were in a deck that only cares about swinging

Colonel Autumn: While his Exploit ability is pretty good, especially with the amount of legendaries in this deck, it's still not good enough and it's another case of the actual damage done during my attack phase doesn't matter nearly as much as the triggers I get off the phase

Talisman of Conviction: Replaced by Moxes, I like the Talismans but too slow compared to the 0-cost moxes

Talisman of Hierarchy: Replaced by Moxes, I like the Talismans but too slow compared to the 0-cost moxes

Talisman of Indulgence: Replaced by Moxes, I like the Talismans but too slow compared to the 0-cost moxes

Evolving Wilds: Not terrible, but there's better options. Takes 1 turn to be usable.

Myriad Landscape: You get to waste 2 turns AND spend 3 mana to get 2 tapped lands. Not ideal.

Intangible Virtue: Similar to Autumn and Captain of the Watch, at this point I care much less about the damage dealt by the tokens and more about their usability in triggers

Elspeth, Sun's Champion: 6 mana chonker for either 3 tokens, or 1/2 of an Austere Command. If she lives it's great, but she's a pretty big target for elimination. I like her, but once again, too slow and too risky to dump 6 mana into

Keeper of the Accord: I have 4 basic plains in the deck, and I almost never have less creatures than everyone else. If this card needs to come out, I have probably already lost the game and am far behind.

MacCready, Lamplight Mayor: This kind of hurts to remove. MacCready is super interesting in the deck and gets a good amount of damage to sneak through, but at the late game, most of my tokens are too big for his ability to use.

Commander Mustard: He provides WAYYY more value than Captain of the Watch in the form of trample and haste, as well as he costs 1 less than it, is a human soldier and his 2nd ability is very synergystic with the rest of the deck, even for 4 mana. Basically he provides two triggers of impact tremors when I swing out, giving my tokens more value

Priest of Forgotten Gods: This card is actually kind of busted. Forcing enemies to sacrifice creatures gets around indestructable, or big boys, pings their face for 2 damage, free mana, and card draw. All of this for a two cost card and sacrificing 2 creatures. Actually kind of insane to have all of these effects for 2 1/1 tokens.

Jeska's Will: Free mana is exactly what I was looking for. Against a deck that uses thought vessel, or reliquary tower, ad nauseum, ect... just any deck that draws cards easily (90% of decks especially with the One Ring still unbanned), this will work wonders for my X-cost cards, or just getting some of the bigger boys out.

Chrome Mox: Better Talisman IMO

Mox Amber: Almost all of my creatures are legendary, free money. Arcane Signet for 0 mana

Mox Diamond: 0 mana for any color I need every turn

Phyrexian Altar: Essentially just Ashnod's altar

Afterlife Insurance: Amazing protection against boardwipes, or punishing people for blocking me. 2 mana to recover all my tokens

Phyrexian Tower: Exactly what I was looking for, a way to generate more mana than just 1 colored.

Urza's Saga: No brainer, free colorless for 2 turns, then I get a Sol Ring, Mox, Mana Vault. Whatever fits my needs

Prosperous Partnership: 3 mana to generate 2 creature tokens and treasure tokens when I'm not ready to swing with my entire board. Also works well with vigilance!

Gidgetimer on Going beyond 40 lands if …

4 months ago

On topic of the thread:

Assuming that The Boulder Feels Conflicted... is the deck you are talking about the curve seems fine for a casual deck and your land+ramp total is about where I would run it. It seems that the major breakpoint you are trying to hit is 4 mana by turn 4 and with your current count you will have a mixture of at least 4 ramp/lands 88% of the time on turn 4. Some of the time that fourth source is going to be ramp drawn on turn 4 and you won't actually have the 4 mana available, so call it 75% success. With proper mulliganing you can bring that above 90%.

Personally I would actually cut back a few lands since I don't like running over 36, but replace them with ramp and it will keep the land+ramp total the same. Some of your lands are slow I would probably remove 4-5 lands replace them with 2 mana ramp. I would probably cut Game Trail, Riveteers Overlook, Rugged Highlands, Savage Lands, and Twisted Landscape. They would be replaced with Talismans (Talisman of Indulgence etc.) Three Visits and Nature's Lore. If you didn't want to go to 35 lands pick any 4 of the suggestions and put a Cinder Glade in would be my suggestion.

Crow_Umbra on ....But it happens twice.

5 months ago

All good, happy to help a newer player. What you described sounds like some pretty common issues I encountered pretty early on with Isshin, and still occasionally encounter every so often. In regards to your different points:

  1. I think you have a decent enough amount of ramp. I think a couple of things can help further in this regard: changing out your two Signets for other 2 mana rocks like Talisman of Indulgence, Talisman of Hierarchy, Fellwar Stone, and Arcane Signetfoil. Additionally, I think you can change out your 3 mana rocks like Darksteel Ingot for the stuff I mentioned. I think also trimming some of your higher cost creatures can help. Keeping a low curve can help you redeploy faster, if most of your creatures are in the 1-4 mana range. Etali is fun, but it's super boom or bust.

  2. Having a couple more instant speed options to help you against boardwipes can be a huge help. It's not really budget, but Clever Concealment is an excellent option, especially since you will likely have multiple creatures to help cast this with the Convoke mechanic. There are other instant speed "counters" like Tibalt's Trickery and Reprieve which can help.

  3. I think Thorough Investigation can be swapped for either Tocasia's Welcome or Chivalric Alliance. It's kinda slow for draw, since you still have to pay mana into the Clue tokens to draw 1 card at a time. Not the most budget, but Skullclamp is an excellent & repeatable option that you can feed some of your 1/1 tokens to. I'd recommend adding in Karazikar, the Eye Tyrantfoil, Firemane Commando, and Nelly Borca, Impulsive Accuserfoil as swaps with your Etali, The Master, and Elder Brain. Those 3 are all splashy, but can sit in your hand if you don't have the mana for them, which relates to some of your mana issues. Nelly, Karazikar, & Firemane all work in conjunction with the Breena you already have in your 99, and can help (or force) aggro away from you.

I think you can and should put Iroas back in there. His Menace anthem also helps to make your board harder to block, which acts as an additional layer of protection. He can help close out games if you have a strong enough board state. I think you can maybe swap him for either Righteous Cause or Blade of Selves.

Some other potential swaps: Bankrupt in Blood can swap out for Deadly Dispute (Lower creature investment needed, instant speed, and nets a treasure). Generous Gift & Stroke of Midnight can swap with any of your more narrowly focused/highly specific removal. The tokens they gift your opponents are largely inconsequential. Soul Partition is another versatile option that can either protect one of your permanents, or (temporarily) remove a threat.

Lastly, I think you can swap Mardu Shadowspear, Pulse Tracker, and Vicious Conquistador for some the 3 creatures I mentioned in bullet 3. I think you're on the right track with their group slug effects, but as smaller 1/1s they are easily blocked and killed. Mostly suggesting this as alternative if you would prefer to keep your 3 higher end creatures I suggested as swaps.

I hope this is all helpful, my apologies for writing you an essay.

Azoth2099 on

7 months ago

Nice base! But if you want to consistently get a 3-pip 5-drop commander on the board in a reasonable time frame, you're going to need more rocks for sure. Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone, and your guild Talismans like Talisman of Indulgence will go a long way here. I'd also recommend more rituals like Dark Ritual, Culling the Weak, Burnt Offering & Sacrifice. Tons of value!

MTGBurgeoning on Magar the Horrible

9 months ago

Rise of the Eldrazi is meant to be more of a target for Magar of the Magic Strings than a card to cast from our hand. I would love to add Ancient Tomb TO EVERY DECK haha, but, alas, a copy must become available...and at a more affordable price. To be clear, there are four lands that can tap for colorless mana (Access Tunnel, Rogue's Passage, Sulfurous Springs, Tainted Peak) and three artifacts (Mana Crypt, Sol Ring, Talisman of Indulgence). For me, Mirari is too pricey. I love the card and have tried playing with it in a variety of decks. However, it just comes down to being too mana-intensive. You hit the nail on the head with Wheel of Misfortune: we don't want to help our opponents!

DreadKhan on Sisay- CEDH Build

9 months ago

I'm not sure if you should be running that many guild Signets, why not just run more Green ramp that is better at fixing your mana? Artifacts do better in cEDH than more casual games, but you'll be feeding Dockside. I'd even run Talismans over Signets if you feel desperate for 2 mana rocks, Talisman of Indulgence is a more useful card in most situations than Rakdos Signet. Also Fellwar Stone exists fwiw.

Similarly, I'm not sure if you should run ETB tapped Fetches in a cEDH deck, but I will admit the fixing is nice. Stuff like Rocky Tar Pit belong in more casual games, at least in my experience.

I can see you have tons of combos in here, but I can't help but mention Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, she synergizes incredibly well with Sisay, Emiel and a Haste source (like Samut), usually netting you infinite mana and as many cards as you want (by flickering your Sisay, who should be the strongest creature). I only mention it because I think you've got everything Selvala needs to work, and she's a Legendary mana dork that can make any colours of mana.

If you're hoping to play cEDH I would recommend you run at least a couple Counters, some relatively affordable ones (that still hit relevant stuff reliably) are Swan Song, An Offer You Can't Refuse, and maybe Pact of Negation or even Flusterstorm. If these are too pricey you can also try Arcane Denial or Dispel. I would definitely run Dispel over Lightning Greaves in a deck like this, people don't run Sorcery speed answers very often in cEDH, so they'll just wait until you're going to equip the Greaves and then Swords you.

Do you have a plan for Opposition Agent? I feel like if people resolve one you're going to be having a very bad time, unless I'm missing a bunch of removal, and people love Oppo in cEDH. You might consider some of the more versatile removal options, stuff like Generous Gift, Stroke of Midnight, and Beast Within can hit pretty near anything you need gone.

EquivocalVision on Barren Glory RWB - EDH

11 months ago

First of all, this deck looks super fun! I love a good Mardu strategy!

How has your mana curve been treating you? I run the original duals and every possible best dual land, but even after that I recently increased my mana rocks to include the talismans just to ensure I can mana fix earlier.

Have you considered including: Talisman of Conviction Talisman of Hierarchy Talisman of Indulgence

If there isn't room in the deck, that's totally legit. I get it. I've got a lot going on in mine as well. Just thought I'd leave the suggestion, but otherwise good job man! This deck again looks really fun to play!

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