Titanic Brawl

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Titanic Brawl


This spell costs less to cast if it targets a creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it.

Target creature you control fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)

RogueDeck on $60 Competitive Mono-Green Aggro

1 year ago

Nice deck!

Consider Tail Swipe instead of Titanic Brawl for one mana instant speed fight. Ram Through is also quite good

As for other new cards, Bloated Contaminator and Evolving Adaptive are quite interesting, the later being able to get bonus from proliferating both oil and +1/+1 counters, given you manage to get it a +1/+1 counter first, maybe with Snakeskin Veil or Hunger of the Howlpack, I mean, it's food for thought.

I was building a stompy around Syr Faren, the Hengehammer, can finish the game as soon as turn 3.

Syr Stompy

lhetrick13 on Druids of maskwood

2 years ago

Pinkfluffyant - Thanks for the including that this is a casual deck as that changes the recommendations. The main thing that jumps out to me is why are you running 3xPit Fight and 2xTitanic Brawl? This deck thrives on token production and the vast majority of creatures/tokens are just 1/1 so having them fight another creature likely will not remove a creature from your opponent's board. You do have a few creatures with greater combat stats but with only 4 of those in the deck, the odd are not in your favor. Condemn, Path to Exile, and similar cards would likely serve this role better.

The other thing that pops out is that you lack card draw. Fungal Plots might be an interesting take as you are running Life and Limb so you can sacrifice saprolings/forests for extra draws and could easily replace some creatures with other cards that also produce saprolings for some "decent" draw potential.

Caran_Lyg on Druids of maskwood

2 years ago

Titanic Brawl, Pit Fight, Path to Exile, Cast Out or any other type of removal is always recommended to decks that can't FTK or can end the game in 6 turns or less. Your opponents will get to play Magic as soon as your done with your turn and will try to disrupt you once they see your strategy while they execute theirs. Another type of cards you can use are Divine Deflection, Heroic Intervention, or anything similar to protect your creatures from destruction based board wipes.

Araignee on Ultra-budget: Bramblewood Fight Club

3 years ago

Hi, thanks for the deck! Your lists are always a good inspiration :) I was thinking of throwing myself together a green heroic deck to go together with my white heroic deck (greatly inspired by your Jedi training camp!) and I think Titanic Brawl is even sweeter than Pounce. I was also thinking if Stony Strength could find its way in, but not sure for what to swap it...

nuperokaso on Simic counters

3 years ago



Stardragon on Tovolar's pack

3 years ago

Forgot about Xenagos, God of Revels for more buff creatures

Weapon Surge and Dynacharge- for field wide combat buff

Broken Bond solid remove plus ramp, Cindervines a much smaller Ruric but can add up, Destructive Revelry one of the best artifact/enchantment removals in my opinion, Wilt is ok the cycling can help some but not the greatest, Decimate/Hull Breach just some of the best removals

Board wipes- Savage Twister,Blasphemous Act, token and small creature wipe Anger of the Gods

Some creature removal as in fight cards-Epic Confrontation, Hunt the Hunter, Neyith of the Dire Hunt, Pounce, Prey Upon, Primal Might, Setessan Tactics, Titanic Brawl and Ulvenwald Tracker

TheMeadiator on Let them fight! (Godzilla)

3 years ago

Gruul is my all-time favourite colour combo. And fight is just such good removal! I was surprised to see you didn't have many plain ol' fight spells like Titanic Brawl , Prey Upon , or Savage Smash . Domri's Ambush is great straight up damage too, no fight required - same with Thrash / Threat .

Mage Slayer is also an excellent artifact for getting damage through any blockers. Doesn't even have to connect. Just declare attacks and hit face.

Rhythm of the Wild is great protection for your creatures, and can make them come in faster or stronger.

Overwhelming Stampede is a great finisher that has won many gruul matches for me, and would work awesome with your pump spells.

Your deck is very creature heavy (I approve!) but trimming it back by a few mooks could give you room for epic moves like Dictate of the Twin Gods which in your deck would certainly be worth the risk.

Your deck obviously works the way you want it to, but I think adding just a few more non-creature spells would allow you to hit even harder with the creatures you keep. Good luck!!

Caran_Lyg on Stompy Scales

4 years ago

Titanic Brawl and Pit Fight for removal.

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