Vedalken Orrery

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vedalken Orrery


You may play nonland cards as though they had flash.

SaberTech on Why Does High Fae Trickster …

3 weeks ago

You see Vedalken Orrery promoted a fair bit on The Command Zone but I've yet to have it survive the first few rounds of cuts in a new commander deck. I think that if you build a deck with a solid game plan then you usually end up wanting a more synergistic card or a piece of interaction that is already instant speed. I do have Yeva in a lower power commander deck because of elf synergies and Vivien, Champion of the Wilds in a deck that also runs Captain Sisay and Seedborn Muse though.

I guess that if I was to make an argument for those sorts of cards in casual commander it would be that since it is a multiplayer format you have the added factor of having to manage aggro from other players. It's something that you don't have to worry about in 1v1 where you just try to make the most optimal plays. In casual commander you have to deal with people with varying levels of threat assessment who may be triggered by particular cards. That means sometimes intentionally holding back cards and letting potential mana usage go to waste if it helps keep multiple people from suddenly ganging up on you until an opportune moment pops up. So being able to cast all your spells at instant speed lets you manage aggro a little better while also giving you more options to efficiently use mana over several turns (assuming that a casual game averages around 8-10 turns).

Bookrook on Battle Hymn of the Seraphim

3 weeks ago

Burn Down the House and Hour of Devastation are better cards than Inferno. Also, you need to be less concerned about the average converted mana cost of cards. If you have an absurdly high average cmc then I can understand, but it shouldn’t be that big of a worry. The new Explosive Getaway should be a good card. Vedalken Orrery doesn’t fit inside every single deck. Simply giving everything flash isn’t that valuable in a deck like this. For other cuts, the on Phyrexian Vindicator is rough, especially when the damage incoming is halved from Gisela, so your actually getting less damage.

Goldberserkerdragon on The Great Misdirect

2 months ago

Lol amazing Crow_Umbra! Drummer here and lover of BTBAM as well! I love that album too but for me i think it would have to be The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues - EP simply for the build up to Lunar Wilderness is sublime. All of their stuff is perfection though. But oh yea? I seem to have stopped really buying product over the last two years so I'm unfortunatly not aware of all the things Wizards poops out nowadays. I would say if they dropped more morph and or cloak, snag it up brother. More flash enablers like Vedalken Orrery and those few creatures that enable and you're rock'n and rollin.' :)

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put High Fae …

3 months ago

High Fae Trickster is an amazing card, and I have put into the majority of my decks that contain the color blue, but I am wondering if I should put it into my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice and Progenitus EDH decks, since those decks are a four- and five-colored deck, so I am not certain if I should replace the colorless Vedalken Orrery with a colored card, since it is very important that I be able to afford to cast any spell in those decks.

What does everyone else say, about this? Should I put High Fae Trickster into those two decks?

DemonDragonJ on Utopian Prosperity

3 months ago

I have replaced Vedalken Orrery with High Fae Trickster, since the faerie is simply too good to not put in any deck that contains the color blue, and Marshal's Anthem with Brokers Ascendancy, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.66 to 3.65, and also slightly improved the color balance of this deck, as well, since the ascendancy is a better match for the theme of this deck than is the anthem.

DemonDragonJ on Diabolical Machinations

3 months ago

I have replaced Vedalken Orrery with High Fae Trickster, since the faerie is simply too good to not put in any deck that contains the color blue.

DemonDragonJ on Patriotic Pride

3 months ago

I have replaced Vedalken Orrery with High Fae Trickster, since the faerie is simply too good to not put in any deck that contains the color blue, and I also am considering replacing Marshal's Anthem, as well, since the anthem is a rather expensive card, for its effect.

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