Wirewood Hivemaster

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wirewood Hivemaster

Creature — Elf

Whenever another nontoken Elf enters the battlefield, you may create a 1/1 green Insect creature token.

lpeters82 on Elvish Honey

4 years ago

I've decided to add Wirewood Hivemaster and Wirewood Symbiote into the deck. The Symbiote gives us another chance to pump with our Priest of Titania or Timberwatch Elf. Hivemaster is on theme and allows us to create a 1/1 insect hoard. I wish they had flying, but Wizards has been trying to keep green out of the air for quite some time. I also decided to just run Blossoming Defense as our combat trick and protector. I think their are better options, but again, I wanted to stay on theme with the blossom. Finally, I added a single copy of Bee Sting for flavor. Bottom line, if I was playing competitively, I wouldn't be running bees in the deck, so why not go all in on the theme.

MagicMarc on Elves without shelves

4 years ago

First, play whatever cards you want or feel like. Your deck, your gameplay, and Have Fun!

The following are all friendly suggestions not in any way meant as criticism of your deck. But the singleton thing should get stopped. Figure out which elves work best for your local metagame and the decks you play against. Then go to 2 or 4 copies each of them. Cut the situational cards and put them in the sideboard for game 2 or remove them entirely. I would also follow abby315's list of suggestions and his suggestion of ditching weak pump spells and replace them with the various lords or creatures with a pump capability like others have suggested. Here is a list of cards that may be decent replacements or adds to your deck:

Ezuri, Renegade Leader is probably one of the better elf cards for aggro elves. Provides Regeneration for any other elves you have and Overrun at will. I would go to a 2 count
Imperious Perfect: Replace Wirewood Hivemaster with this card. The hivemaster produces insects so they wont bonus from your anthem/lord effects. Is not legendary so you can have up to 4 copies. Besides pumping all your other elves, they even produce them every turn. Worth 2-4 copies.
Reclamation Sage: Replace Deconstruct with this, maybe go to 2 copies main deck. But if the deck is for 1 on 1 put them in the sideboard for game 2.
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen: Replace Stream of Life with this guy, go to 2 copies of this maybe
Loxodon Warhammer, Rancor or anything like them: Replace your instants that boost creatures with permanents like these or similar instead. Or if you are going to have a combat trick in your hand then make it something like Overwhelming Stampede, Wrap in Vigor or Heroic Intervention like abby315 suggested. If it's not a permanent you want a card that is going to change the game state dramatically not just boost 1 creature for 1 turn. Remember, if you have a card like Ezuri, Renegade Leader or your Timberwatch Elf you can activate his ability at instant speed which surprises people if they lose track of what you have in play.
Return of the Wildspeaker: An example of a go big instant instead of cards like Giant Growth. Replace any instant you have with this card. Its modal to refill your hand or giant growth all of your elves. At instant speed.
Beast Within: If you want instant speed removal, use a catch-all card like this instead of 1 card for artifacts, 1 card for creatures, etc. It doesnt need to be this card specifcally but one that targets any permanent at instant speed. And run at least 2 copies of it main deck to always have an answer in your deck for your opponent's stuff.
Lifecrafter's Bestiary: Replace wurm's tooth with a copy of this card instead. It will accelerate your deck. 2 copies wouldnt hurt.

Some good utlity cards:

Bow of Nylea: Excellent all around support card. Does many things but the big one is giving your elves deathtouch so even when you attack with them when they are tiny, they kill stuff. All the other utility is amazing value.
Leyline of Abundance: Another mana ramp/anthem/lord option that has a chance of getting put into play on turn 1.
Nullmage Shepherd: This card is like repeatable Naturalize. Sometimes holding an instant in your hand is better, but sometimes repeatable wins games.
Titania's Chosen: Replace stuff like Wurm's tooth or Nomadic Elf, Norwood Ranger with cards like this or some of your other better creatures you should be running more copies of.
Masked Admirers: Another good elf creature that provides a repeatable benefit that can be used to replace other cards you arent thrilled about.
Creeping Renaissance: Following someone wiping the table, this card or Fresh Meat can get you right back into the game.

Planeswalker suggestions. Because they are resistant to removal and can add a lot to a game if it goes long. Multiple repeatable abilities are strong. They are expensive, and I would try to trade for them if possible. If interested:

Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury: She makes llanowar elves! And she basically does all the things in Green's pie. Makes lots of elves, destroys artifacts and enchantments at will and draws cards.
Nissa, Who Shakes the World: Not on theme for elves, but she is so strong that I would feel lame not mentioning it for a mono green deck. Her static ramps you crazy style and her ultimate can finish games.
Nissa Revane: Basically, her ultimate would put all 24 of your elves into play in one turn. If you do want to put copies of her in your deck, I would also suggest replacing some other elves with 4 copies of Nissa's Chosen for added value.
Vivien Reid: This is a well-balanced walker for any green deck. Built in card advantage, removal and flyer killing, and then her ultimate is an emblem better than almost any other lord/anthem effect you can put in the deck.
Garruk Wildspeaker: My lowest choice for the list, but he plays early and produces creatures.

Land Suggestions. You may not need them, being mono-green doesnt mean there arent a couple good lands for your deck:

Oran-Rief, the Vastwood: While this is in play, most every creature you cast will get a counter. Basically a free boost for a little tempo loss.
Rogue's Passage: Does what it says, sometimes you only need 1 more hit to win. And it taps for some mana.
Pendelhaven: As long as this is untapped, a shock spell wont kill an elf! Kind of situational but useful.
Treetop Village: A forest that's also a 3/3 creature when you need it.

Again, these are just ideas to get you thinking about ways to improve your deck. The most important thing is to focus on what you want to do with the deck. Then get 4 copies of every card in your deck that makes that happen. Everything else after that should provide support, advantage or acceleration for those main cards.

hitek1208 on Ezuri, Renegade Leader [Competitive]

4 years ago

To answer the question of non targeted removal like edict effects, have you tried cards like Wirewood Hivemaster? Getting extra tokens on elves etb helps give you chump blockers at worst, but sac fodder when you need them and extra bodies for cradle if you make that investment. Hivemaster is probably one of the cheapest cmc wise, but there are similar creatures like Lys Alana Huntmaster and other token producers that can help this strategy as well

wyzeman on Walk in the Vastwood

5 years ago

Basicly I have removed the slower Planeswalker, those with high mana cost and/or high ultimate and no very usefull +1. The reason is that I just can't never use it. Thats means no more Garruk, Caller of Beasts , and Nissa, Who Shakes the World . I have replace them with Horn of Greed and Early Harvest to get more momentum on card draw and mana ramp.

I also have switch Rishkar's Expertise in favor of Shamanic Revelation because I get stuck with Rishkar's Expertise too much time waiting for the a good time to cast that never came. Also, this deck almost never loose a game in my meta. Thats means that im the primary target before the game start. Since that, I need more way to gain life. It also combo well with another modification. Game are almost alway's win with Craterhoof Behemoth and this card is better with a lot of token than fiew big fat creature. This is why I had reintegrate Beacon of Creation and add Lys Alana Huntmaster . Lys benefit from the more elf of the last update (like Eladamri, Lord of Leaves ). I had cut in the treefolk branch to make those addon, swiping out Seedguide Ash who is very slow and Leaf-Crowned Elder who lack of target to be really efficient.

Other modification are Constant Mists for a better protection. Wirewood Hivemaster for more tokens. Genesis Wave to replace some Vivien, Champion of the Wilds and other planewalkers habilities to fetch card from the top of library. Mwonvuli Acid-Moss Who can be use as bad ramp or to get rid of Maze of Ith or other "screw my day" land and Desert Twister as this the only one true removal in green (that I know).

To make room for the last 4 cards I don't remember witch other card than Tireless Tracker I have removed.

The goal was to get more synergy from land and creature type and also get more tokens as they are the main key to victory. By playing more and more this deck it's become obvious that the draw rate was never an issue with Nissa as commander, This is why I have cut in the more slow planewalker that do that kind of stuff in favor of more quickness and momentum.

deadcolossus on

5 years ago

I like the different take. This seems more like a 75% version and a lot less like a cEDH deck. A card you might have fun with is Wirewood Hivemaster . Came across it digging through a box lol. How are Rhonas's Monument Presence of Gond treating you? Do you feel like Nexus of Fate or Beacon of Tomorrows would be too degen of a wincon?

Flagellum on Nature AND Nurture with Marwyn

5 years ago

Added Wirewood Hivemaster back in. If for nothing other than generating clamp targets/chumps.

Removed Wolfbriar Elemental and Gelatinous Genesis and opted for more elves/Marwyn protection.

Made other more budget friendly options.

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