Now you can SAVE your favorite recipes! Create an account or login and use your saved recipe collections to create your own meal plans and shopping lists.
Having trouble? Contact Me with any issues!
⏳Video Quick Links:
0:00 Intro
0:08 Login/Register
0:23 Save Recipes
0:42 Create Recipe Collections
1:32 Create a Custom Weekly Meal Plan
2:00 Add Recipes to Collections
2:33 Add Notes to Collections
2:49 Generate a Shopping List
3:27 Editing a Shopping List
4:02 Add/Edit TBFS Weekly Meal Plans
4:44 Add recipe collections created by TBFS
Popular Recipes
Latest Meal Plans
To edit and customize these pre-existing meal plans, select the meal plan you like, scroll to the bottom of that meal plan page and add them to your collection!
Sign Up For FREE Weekly Meal Plans
Each 5-day meal plan includes a printable grocery shopping list with budget information, to help save time and money!
Yes, I want free meal plans!

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