(KPRA) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority

KPRA Registration - Sales Tax on Services

Registration for Sales Tax on Services with KPRA is mandatory with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority in the province of  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Pakistan has always been working at its best to improve the taxation system to increase revenue on a national scale as well as increase business accountability. In this regard, tax administration was further categorized on a provincial level so that provinces do their roles in improving the taxation system and expanding the business by regulating the administration. There have been many measures taken to regulate the tax net.  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) is an agency of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government which manages taxes, collects taxes, and maintains the record of sales tax on services in the province.  

Tax Administration: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA)

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) was founded as a corporate entity under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act, 2013. Throughout the province, KPRA is responsible for assessing and collecting sales taxes. To have an interface with the Government, KPRA is governed quite autonomously and placed under the Finance Department. The Council operates as the policy-making body for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and it is chaired by the Chief Minister. Council members include Cabinet ministers for Finance, Law, Excise and Taxation, the Chief Secretary, secretaries of the departments of Finance, Law, Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control, as well as four private sector representatives appointed by the government. In 2017, the Provincial Government not only met its revenue targets but also progressed in its institutional development goals. Under the Finance Act of 2013, the Authority framed necessary by-laws and created an organizational structure based on an assessment of human resources. Moreover, selecting and hiring competent employees is an essential part of the recruitment process.

Taxocrate (Pvt) Limited Company Registration Tax Lawyers and Consultants

Services in KPK are subject to Sales Tax:

Tax administration in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is fragmented and characterized by a narrow base of taxation and a fragmented revenue administration among several departments including Revenue & Estates and Excise and Taxation. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) is the largest tax collection authority in the province, generating 31.63% of the provincial-owned receipts and 56.4% of provincial tax receipts in 2016-17. 

KPRA was designed to expand fiscal space for social development in the province. Since its formation, the Authority has generated revenues worth Rs. 42 billion.

Since its establishment, KPRA has faced many challenges, including frequent changes in management. Even so, the tax base for services has expanded dramatically, informed compliance has improved, and automated systems and processes have been introduced. Due to the delay in operationalization, the revenue potential was not tapped as desired. 

KPRA has also developed several strategies to increase compliance, including elaborate communication strategies. In addition to securing technical assistance from multiple development partners for governance reform, the KPRA transition team also secured the support of the Chamber of Commerce.

As a nascent financial institution, KPRA values transparency and organizational integrity. For KPRA to attain its strategic objectives and gain the trust of taxpayers, it has a fully functional financial management system that assures the preparation of financial statements of accounts, revenue statements, regular external and internal audits, management of risks, and continuous monitoring of internal processes.

The KPRA registration process: 

  • Visit the official portal of KPRA
  • Click on ‘e-registration’
  • Click on ‘new registration’
  • Enter your NTN
  • The system will show the registration particulars in FBR
  • Enter image character & press OK
  •  Form will show pre-filled information fetched from FBR
  • Enter your registration particulars
  • Enter your representation particulars
  • Save the form and proceed to the next section
  • Provide directors / shareholders’ data 
  • Enter your bank account details
  • After completing the form, click on ‘verify application’
  • Enter CNIC/NTN/PP to verify your application
  • After verification, click on ‘submit’
  • After submission, you will be allotted a passcode received through email/SMS
  • E-enroll at KPRA’s portal to activate your account


With our help, your company can be registered for Sales Tax on Services with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority. As per the law, we help you register your business with the appropriate government agencies. 

During and after the registration process as well as monthly e-filing, we will ensure that all of your needs are met. Having worked with businesses like yours for over 36 years, you can trust us! Over the past 36 years, we have assisted companies with registering and electronically filing sales tax/services tax and gaining a competitive edge. 

Using our services, clients from all over the country are electronically filing their sales tax with FBR and sales tax on services tax with local KPRA authorities.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – Talk to us about your business and get an expert consultation by just sending an email at [email protected].

Disclaimer: All information is provided on this portal solely for informational purposes. This portal is not affiliated with the Government website. Please note that this disclaimer also applies to our website, and we may refer to it as ‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘website’. The information on the website has been gathered from various government and non-government sources. We disclaim any liability for errors, injuries, losses, or damages arising from the use of this information. We also disclaim any liability for the availability and authenticity of this information. Our services consist of filling out forms, providing legal advice, and assisting our clients. The departmental processing of the registration forms is not our responsibility. You will have to use a service fee for professionally preparing your application, submitting it to the relevant authorities, and coordinating your application process. You will have to pay any Government fees.