

PreK-Grade 12 / English and Spanish Speakers


  • Content-Rich Nonfiction and
    Informational Text
  • Independent Reading
  • Increased Comprehension
  • Write with Evidence

Take-Home Book Packs with Parent and Student Activities

Children need a large variety of engaging, high-quality books in their homes, However, not every household has the resources to provide a sufficient amount of books for their children. My Books are high-quality, take-home packs that are purposefully discounted to support schools, districts, and community organizations in their efforts to provide free books to children. Each My Books pack includes title-specific activity sheets to reinforce key learning skills.

Ideal Users

  • Schools and districts
  • Title I coordinators
  • Community-based organizations

What It Includes

  • Four or eight books
  • Title-specific activity sheets
  • One math title in every pack

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Ensuring that books are available to every child throughout the year is absolutely necessary for closing the reading achievement gap.

-Allington 2007; Allington and McGill-Franzen 2009

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