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Updated according to new NCERT - 2023-24 NCERT Books.
Get NCERT solutions for Class 9 Maths free with videos of each and every exercise question and examples. All answers are solved step by step with videos of every question.
Each chapter is divided into 2 parts - Concept Wise, and Serial Order Wise.
In Serial Order Wise, you can check the chapter according to the NCERT Book. The chapter is divided into Exercises and Examples. You can check out a question by clicking on the exercise link
This is useful if you want the solution of a specific question.
There is a better way to do the chapter.
In Concept Wise, we have divided the chapter into concepts. First the concept is taught, then the questions of that concept are solved - from easy to difficult. This is the Teachoo way of learning.
Click on a chapter and start doing.
Note: When you click on a link from a chapter. The first question or topic will open. To see other questions, there is a list with arrows which has all the questions.
What's in it?
Updated according to new NCERT - 2023-24 NCERT Books.
Get NCERT solutions for Class 9 Maths free with videos of each and every exercise question and examples. All answers are solved step by step with videos of every question.
Each chapter is divided into 2 parts - Concept Wise, and Serial Order Wise.
In Serial Order Wise, you can check the chapter according to the NCERT Book. The chapter is divided into Exercises and Examples. You can check out a question by clicking on the exercise link
This is useful if you want the solution of a specific question.
There is a better way to do the chapter.
In Concept Wise, we have divided the chapter into concepts. First the concept is taught, then the questions of that concept are solved - from easy to difficult. This is the Teachoo way of learning.
Click on a chapter and start doing.
Note: When you click on a link from a chapter. The first question or topic will open. To see other questions, there is a list with arrows which has all the questions.