Grandma And Grandpa

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A small girl tells about the good times she has during her weekly visits to her grandparents' house.
A small girl tells about the good times she has during her weekly visits to her grandparents' house.
September 1st 1993
by Puffin Books
(first published January 1st 1993)
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Apr 29, 2016
rated it
it was ok
On one hand, this book is a sweet, relatable story about a child playing with her grandparents. On the other, there's the line "I can do anything to Grandma and Grandpa!" and the general idea that the two adults will jump at the child's every demand, which isn't a lesson I find appealing.
On one hand, this book is a sweet, relatable story about a child playing with her grandparents. On the other, there's the line "I can do anything to Grandma and Grandpa!" and the general idea that the two adults will jump at the child's every demand, which isn't a lesson I find appealing.
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Jul 29, 2014
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Feb 16, 2019
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Dec 12, 2008
Simone Colwill
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it was amazing
May 05, 2016
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it was amazing
Mar 12, 2019
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Feb 28, 2016
Yuna K
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Jun 06, 2014
Karen Hoehne
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Nov 16, 2016
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Aug 13, 2009
Kerry Hand
rated it
it was amazing
Apr 22, 2015
Betty Brooks
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Jun 21, 2013
Patricia Sandjaja
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Apr 05, 2015
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WallaceWinnie Williams
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Recent Status Updates Married to John Burningham Growing up in Ipswich, England, Helen Oxenbury loved nothing more than drawing. As a teenager, she entered art school and basked in the pleasure of drawing, and nothing but drawing, all day. During vacations she helped out at the Ipswich Repertory Theatre workshop, mixing paints for set designers. It was there that she decided her f Married to John Burningham Growing up in Ipswich, England, Helen Oxenbury loved nothing more than drawing. As a teenager, she entered art school and basked in the pleasure of drawing, and nothing but drawing, all day. During vacations she helped out at the Ipswich Repertory Theatre workshop, mixing paints for set designers. It was there that she decided her future lay in theater design. While studying costume design, however, Helen Oxenbury was told by a teacher, "This is hopeless, you know. You ought to go and do illustrations--you're much more interested in the character, and we don't know who's going to play the part!" But sets and scenery, not books, remained Helen Oxenbury's preoccupation for several more years as she embarked on careers in theater, film, and TV. After marrying John Burningham, another of the world's most eminent children's book illustrators, and giving birth to their first child, at last she turned to illustrating children's books. "When I had babies," Helen Oxenbury says, "I wanted to be home with them and look for something to do there." Today, Helen Oxenbury is among the most popular and critically acclaimed illustrators of her time. Her numerous books for children include the Greenaway Medal-winning ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND and its companion, ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS, both by Lewis Carroll; Smarties Book Prize-winning FARMER DUCK by Martin Waddell; SO MUCH by Trish Cooke; as well as her classic board books for babies. More recently, she collaborated with author Phyllis Root on the jubilant, no-nonsense tall tale BIG MOMMA MAKES THE WORLD. "As I read Phyllis's text, I imagined Big Momma as part Buddha, part housewife," she says. "It was intimidating to create a whole world, but very enjoyable." And what does she love most about her work? Thinking up new ideas? Seeing the finished book? Not at all. For Helen, "The best part is when I think I know what I'm doing and I've completed a few drawings. In fact, when I get about a third of the way through, and I feel I'm on my way, then I'm happy. It's like reading a good book--you don't want it to end." Helen Oxenbury and her husband make their home in London, where the illustrator works in a nearby studio. She is also an avid tennis player.
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