Pregnant Meme

If you have a friend or relative that is pregnant, or you’re pregnant yourself, you’ve come to the right place for some much-needed humor. With the constant food cravings, body aches and pains, and morning sickness, nothing is funny about being pregnant…except for pregnancy memes.
Pregnancy and childbirth is a wondrous thing but when you’re having a bad day, it’s always great to share a laugh to raise your spirits. We’ve done the heavy lifting for you and compiled 71 of the funniest pregnancy memes you’ll find on the internet. Enjoy!
“Pregnancy. What people think I want: Advice, pickles, to hear how big I am, their hands on my belly. more pickles, jokes about life after baby, ice cream. What I actually want: A nap, a massage, to put on socks, to sleep on my stomach, your silence, a judgment-free grande latte, ice cream.”
“All I want for Christmas is for people to stop asking when the baby is coming!”
“And now a message for men who say ‘we’re pregnant.’ ‘Do you have to squeeze a watermelon-sized person out of your lady hole? No.’ ‘You’re not pregnant. We are!'”
“Ask if the baby is here yet one more time.”
“Being pregnant. 1st trimester: Boobs on fire, nausea, can’t even tell people you’re pregnant. 2nd trimester: Hey! 3rd trimester: You OK down there, Liz? I’m fine.”
“The best thing about being pregnant…People WANT you to nap and you don’t feel guilty or lazy for doing so.”
“Can’t eat because of nausea. Nauseous because I can’t eat. Well played, pregnancy. Well played.”
“I cordially invite you to buy my baby some s#!t.”
“How do I put this? You will never ‘sleep in’ again.”
“I don’t even say ‘hello’ anymore. Every call begins with, ‘No baby yet.'”
“Due date? I’m coming when I say so.”
“During labor, the pain is so great that a woman…Can almost imagine what a man feels when he has a fever.”
“‘Enjoy your pregnancy, it goes by so fast!’ False. I’m confident I’ve been pregnant with this baby for roughly 3 years.”
“Everybody, leave me alone. I’ve had a busy day being pregnant, and need to do it again tomorrow.”
“How I feel when trying to get outta bed every morning.”
“The first trimester of pregnancy is one long all-day hangover. Except, the only thing you overindulged in the night before was Netflix.”
“‘Get pregnant’, they said. ‘You’ll glow’, they said.”
“Growing a baby makes me feel like a superhero. A really tired, weak superhero who wants to eat all the time and isn’t allowed to lift heavy objects.”
“These have got to be the two dumbest people alive. These pregnancy memes are too good.”
“I haven’t had alcohol in months. This is not a pregnancy glow. This is a detox glow.”
“Ask me if I’m having twins one more time.”
“How you envisioned being pregnant. How it actually is.”
“I DO NOT have a waddle…It is called pregnancy swag.”
“If you could stop asking me when the baby will be here…That’d be greeeeeat.”
“I’m not wearing any panties under the skirt…Because I peed a little when I threw up earlier. Now ravish me!”
“Interviewer: Any special skills? Me:”
“When is it okay to ask a woman if she is pregnant? Answer: It’s never okay.”
“I’ve reached that point in my pregnancy where I no longer want to wear pants.”
“You know you’re in your third trimester when you drop something on the floor and you walk away muttering, ‘Oh, screw it.'”
“‘Leggings aren’t pants.’ Oh, I’m sorry. I left how much I care in the back pocket of the jeans I’m never going to wear.”
“Let’s give it up for uteruses, the original 3-D printers.”
“List of foods that are safe to eat while pregnant.”
“Me: I am exhausted! Fitbit: You have taken 9 steps today.”
“That moment you realize you’re eating for two on Thanksgiving.”
“My daily meals include breakfast, brunch, lunch, pre-dinner, dinner, pre-dessert, dessert #2 and a post-dinner snack.”
“No, I don’t want to go shoe shopping.”
“Not sure if pregnancy hormones making me a [censored] or if I have a valid reason for my behavior.”
“Note to self: It is normal to hate your husband for irrational reasons during pregnancy; however, ‘because he breathes like an @$$ hole’ is not grounds for divorce.”
“Now they’ve invented a pregnancy test with a curved handle, so you don’t get to pee on your hand? Listen, if you aren’t ready to get pee on your hand, you definitely aren’t ready for motherhood.”
“Oh, you’re tired of waiting for me to go into labor? Can I do anything to make it easier on you?”
“One does not simply sleep while 9 months pregnant.”
“When people ask me how far along I am…It’s been 84 years…”
“Pregnancy: A 9-month long hostage situation where you are both the hostage, and the building.”
“When you’re pregnant and it’s new years…”
“I pushed out an ENTIRE BABY in less time than it takes my husband to poop.”
“Whoever said pregnancy is all sunshine and rainbows needs medication.”
“Say crackers and ginger ale again.”
“The second trimester is the best! Only because the first was so awful.”
“How I see myself introducing my baby to people: I maed dis.”
“Sex education should be taught by a pregnant woman four days past her due date.”
“She’s getting up again??? Have to pee…Have to pee…”
“I’m sorry for the unkind words. I spoke out of raging pregnancy hormones.”
“Don’t tell me leggings aren’t pants. I’m nine months pregnant; pants are whatever I decide they are.”
“Today is the beginning of my third trimester. So I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.”
“That moment when you are walking around, actually feeling like you look attractive while pregnant, and then realizing there are cookie crumbs on your belly.”
“These sweatpants are all that fits me right now…”
“[censored] this s#!t…I’m going on maternity leave.”
“I want to eat fruit, but the baby wants the cake.”
“Today, my pregnancy hormones were so bad, I broke down crying because my cat sat on my husband’s lap instead of mine.”
“Third trimester has me like…I wanna take a nap. I wanna take a nap. I wanna take a nap right here. Good night.”
“Waiting for this baby is like picking up someone from the airport but you don’t know who they are or what time their flight comes in.”
“How I want to spend every minute of every day. #pregnancyproblems”
“I was told there would be glowing.”
“When you get out of the shower and you sit on the bed trying to get yourself pumped up to get dressed.”
“While everyone is giving birth I’m over here like…I hate you.”
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Перевести · 06.12.2018 · Being pregnant is no funny joke. Random phantom pains, the inability to hold your bladder, "morning" sickness that hits you in the middle of the night and all the other best meme-worthy …
Перевести · 11.11.2019 · 14) Funny pregnancy memes when you’re feeling exhausted. “Everybody, leave me alone. I’ve had a busy day being pregnant, and need to do it again tomorrow.” 15) “How I feel when trying to get outta bed every morning.” 16) Funny pregnancy memes about the first trimester. “The first trimester of pregnancy …
Перевести · 11.04.2018 · When morning sickness is kicking your butt, you’re feeling the pregnancy insomnia while still breastfeeding a toddler, sometimes best thing you can do is kick up your seriously swollen feet and find a little humor in it all. Enter pregnancy memes, the Internet’s gift to pregnant women everywhere. These funny images have an important role to play—they show you that you’re not alone in ...
Перевести · 08.03.2017 · 50 Funny Pregnancy Memes That Will Make You Pee Without Even Sneezing "I was told there would be glowing." by Mike Spohr. BuzzFeed Staff. 1. 2. krisblack95 / Via ...
pregnant meme || (Steven Universe fan animatic)
Pregnant | animation meme (Friday Night Funkin) [flipaclip]
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Перевести · 12.07.2020 · Tags: 20 years 6 months girl name answer in tamil 24 and me meme 2nd trimester meme 30 weeks pregnant quotes 31 weeks pregnant meme 38 weeks pregnant with twins and miserable 39 weeks pregnant bored out my mind 3rd monkey meme 3rd trimester pregnancy memes 41 weeks pregnant meme 50 weeks pregnant belly 5th pregnancy belly pics 9 months from today pregnant accident baby jokes accidental birth ...
Перевести · Pregnant Memes. Updated daily, for more funny memes check our homepage.
Are there any pregnancy memes that are funny?
Are there any pregnancy memes that are funny?
If you have a friend or relative that is pregnant, or you’re pregnant yourself, you’ve come to the right place for some much-needed humor. With the constant food cravings, body aches and pains, and morning sickness, nothing is funny about being pregnant…except for pregnancy memes.
What ' s the best pregnancy meme for the third trimester?
What ' s the best pregnancy meme for the third trimester?
– Third Trimester – The Best Pregnancy Memes for Every Trimester pregnancy post by Mama Natural It’s not like you were getting any sleep anyway. Nap whenever, wherever. The test of trust and faith. (Looking for natural induction techniques ?) Don’t worry, you’re not going bald—it only feels like it. (Check out how to grow back your hair here .)
What are some funny jokes about being pregnant?
What are some funny jokes about being pregnant?
Being pregnant is no funny joke. Random phantom pains, the inability to hold your bladder, "morning" sickness that hits you in the middle of the night and all the other best meme-worthy nuisances that come with it sure takes their toll. You and your partner have tried everything the doctor suggested, but nothing seems to work.
What ' s the best way to use pregnancy humor?
What ' s the best way to use pregnancy humor?
Via alyssa.fry. 13. Via Pregnancy Humor. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 31. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Want awesome parenting tips in your inbox twice a week? Sign up for the BuzzFeed Parents newsletter!…
Перевести · Apr 16, 2019 - Explore Lauren Harris Flatt's board "pregnant memes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about pregnancy humor, pregnancy memes, baby stuff pregnancy.
Перевести · 13.12.2017 · Edit: This is no longer canon. Simply keeping the video up because I worked hard on it. -----You ever spend …
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