Private Letter

Private Letter


Private Letter

Все языки Абхазский Адыгейский Африкаанс Айнский язык Акан Алтайский Арагонский Арабский Астурийский Аймара Азербайджанский Башкирский Багобо Белорусский Болгарский Тибетский Бурятский Каталанский Чеченский Шорский Чероки Шайенского Кри Чешский Крымскотатарский Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Чувашский Валлийский Датский Немецкий Долганский Греческий Английский Эсперанто Испанский Эстонский Баскский Эвенкийский Персидский Финский Фарерский Французский Ирландский Гэльский Гуарани Клингонский Эльзасский Иврит Хинди Хорватский Верхнелужицкий Гаитянский Венгерский Армянский Индонезийский Инупиак Ингушский Исландский Итальянский Японский Грузинский Карачаевский Черкесский Казахский Кхмерский Корейский Кумыкский Курдский Коми Киргизский Латинский Люксембургский Сефардский Лингала Литовский Латышский Маньчжурский Микенский Мокшанский Маори Марийский Македонский Коми Монгольский Малайский Майя Эрзянский Нидерландский Норвежский Науатль Орокский Ногайский Осетинский Османский Пенджабский Пали Польский Папьяменто Древнерусский язык Португальский Кечуа Квенья Румынский, Молдавский Арумынский Русский Санскрит Северносаамский Якутский Словацкий Словенский Албанский Сербский Шведский Суахили Шумерский Силезский Тофаларский Таджикский Тайский Туркменский Тагальский Турецкий Татарский Тувинский Тви Удмурдский Уйгурский Украинский Урду Урумский Узбекский Вьетнамский Вепсский Варайский Юпийский Идиш Йоруба Китайский

Все языки Русский Персидский Испанский Иврит Немецкий Норвежский Итальянский Суахили Казахский Нидерландский Хорватский Датский Украинский Китайский Каталанский Албанский Курдский Индонезийский Вьетнамский Маори Тагальский Урду Исландский Венгерский Хинди Ирландский Фарерский Португальский Французский Болгарский Турецкий Словенский Польский Арабский Литовский Монгольский Тайский Пали Македонский Корейский Латышский Грузинский Шведский Румынский, Молдавский Японский Чешский Финский Сербский Словацкий Гаитянский Армянский Эстонский Греческий Английский Латинский Древнерусский язык Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Азербайджанский Тамильский Квенья Африкаанс Папьяменто Мокшанский Йоруба Эрзянский Марийский Чувашский Удмурдский Татарский Уйгурский Малайский Мальтийский Чероки Чаморро Клингонский Баскский

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Private letter ruling — Private letter rulings are written decisions by the Internal Revenue Service in response to taxpayer requests for guidance . A private letter ruling binds only the IRS and the requesting taxpayer . Thus , a private ruling may not be cited or relied … …   Wikipedia
private letter ruling — n: a letter from the Internal Revenue Service to an individual taxpayer setting out the agency s interpretation of the tax rules relating to a specific situation or transaction proposed by the taxpayer Merriam Webster ’ s Dictionary of Law . Merriam …   Law dictionary
Private Letter Ruling - PLR — An interpretation of statute or administrative rules and their application to a particular set of facts or circumstances . The private letter ruling addresses unusual or complex questions pertaining to a particular taxpayer and his or her tax … …   Investment dictionary
private letter ruling — A ruling by the IRS in response to a request for interpretation of a tax law . Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms
letter — letter , epistle , missive , note , message , dispatch , report , memorandum are comparable when they mean a communication sent or transmitted as distinct from one conveyed directly from source to recipient ( as by oral utterance ). Letter is the ordinary …   New Dictionary of Synonyms
private — Affecting or belonging to private individuals , as distinct from the public generally . Not official ; not clothed with office . People v . Powell , 280 Mich . 699 , 274 N . W . 372 , 373 . As to private act private agent private bill private boundary private …   Black ' s law dictionary
Letter box — This article is about boxes for depositing letters . For video framing , see letterbox . For the type of interprocess communication , see MailSlot . A letter box , letterbox , letter plate , letter hole , mail slot , or mailbox is a receptacle for … …   Wikipedia
Private money investing — is the reverse side of hard money lending , a type of financing in which a borrower receives funds based on the value of real estate owned by the borrower . Private Money Investing (“ PMI ”) concerns the SOURCE of the funds lent to hard money … …   Wikipedia
letter — let · ter n 1: a direct written statement addressed to an individual or organization ; broadly: an official communication see also counterletter determination letter: a letter from an administrative agency ( as the Internal Revenue Service ) usu . in … …   Law dictionary
Private Dancer — Studioalbum von Tina Turner Veröffentlichung 22 . Mai 1984 [ 1 ] Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia
letter of offer — commitment letter is a letter ( also called a letter of offer ) in which a lender sets out the terms on which it is prepared to lend money to the lender . It is generally accompanied by a term sheet setting out the terms of the loan . If the letter … …   Law dictionary

Private Letters : Letters to Relatives and Friends
private letter — с английского на русский
Private letter ruling - Wikipedia
TEB Private Letter Ruling: Some Basic Concepts | Internal Revenue Service
private letter translation Russian | English-Russian dictionary | Reverso
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ A description of procedures and current guidance is found at the IRS web page How would I obtain a private letter ruling? .

^ Mitchell Rogovin & Donald L. Korb, "The Four R’s Revisited: Regulations, Rulings, Reliance, and Retroactivity in the 21st Century: A View From Within", 46 Duquesne Law Review 323, 342 (2008).

^ Mitchell Rogovin & Donald L. Korb, "The Four R’s Revisited: Regulations, Rulings, Reliance, and Retroactivity in the 21st Century: A View From Within", 46 Duquesne Law Review 323, 354 (2008).

Private letter rulings (PLRs) , in the United States, are written decisions by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in response to taxpayer requests for guidance. [1] A letter ruling is "a written statement issued to a taxpayer by an Associate Chief Counsel Office of the Office of Chief Counsel or by the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division that interprets and applies the tax laws to a specific set of facts." [2]

A letter ruling binds both the IRS and the requesting taxpayer (in the event the matter is further disputed or litigated) but only those parties, so the ruling may not be relied on as precedent by other taxpayers. The IRS has the option, however, of redacting the personal content of a letter ruling and issuing that content as a revenue ruling , which may become binding on all taxpayers and the IRS.

PLRs from 1997 onwards are available to the public through the IRS Electronic reading room (see 26 U.S.C.   § 6110 ).

A technical advice memorandum (TAM) is similar to a letter ruling, but is typically obtained during the course of an IRS examination. A TAM is generally issued by an IRS Associate Chief Counsel Office to an IRS Division Commissioner, or to an IRS Appeals Area Director. A TAM is issued after a request for assistance arising during "any proceeding" before the IRS. [3]

The request for advice must concern the interpretation and application of the internal revenue laws, tax treaties, regulations, revenue rulings, or other precedents to a specific set of facts to determine the correct tax treatment for an item in a year under audit or on appeal.

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