Gateway to Texas: The History of Orange and Orange County Page: 52
viii, 261 p. : ill. ; 24 x 29 cm. 2nd edition.View a full description of this book.
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rC *gPI .~FJ ;
*j- iFifth Street Bridge, built in 87, is shown in this view taken from rear of the Bluestein Building
at the corner of Fifth and Front Street, ca. r88s. (Orange was virtually an island prior to its
construction.)Fourth Street Bridge, possibly between Main and Green Avenue (house unknown), ca. r87o.
; Bridge across the Sabine River at Green A venue. After the completion of this structure all of the
ferries across the river ceased operation, ca. 192s.
1 , s l across Adams Bayou at Man Street, looking east. I'he syn says: "$2zsfinefor riding
or drivng faster than a walk over this bridge," ca. 1ro.
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Williams, Howard C. Gateway to Texas: The History of Orange and Orange County, book, 1988; Orange, Tex.. ( accessed March 5, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .