Texture King is a full service, ceiling and wall, texture company specializing in Knockdown finish.
Knockdown ceiling texture has been our main business for over 15 years servicing Calgary and the surrounding area.
We also offer Drywall, Taping, Painting and Level 5 work usually when ceiling texture is involved.
Why Choose Texture King for your knockdown texture projects
- We specialize in Knockdown texture – Texture King’s main service is Knockdown texture. We have textured hundreds of thousands of square feet of wall and ceiling knockdown texture in Calgary alone. We take pride in our work.
- Tried, Tested and True – We work with dozens of companies from drywall to real estate that depend on us over and over again for a consistently high quality knockdown texture and other services. They expect and receive great work every time. And for you as well.
- You don’t have to move out of your home – The larger texture companies want all the furniture out and the homeowners too. And for good reason as they don’t want to damage your stuff or be liable for your safety. We realize that is not always possible or necessary and have ways to work around yet protect your furniture, your safety and even accommodate your living needs. For example: If you are looking to redo your entire homes ceiling we could work in two parts doing half your home at a time while you live and your furniture is in the other half.
- Unique and top rated Knockdown texture – We ask the contractors and companies we work with how our knockdown compares to what they are used to seeing and if they would prefer we alter it somehow to their liking for future jobs. The general consensus is that they can tell when its a “Texture King Knockdown”. We have a unique style and technique they are consistently happy with.
- Happiness guaranteed – We do not ask for a penny until the work is done and all parties are happy. Commercial and large jobs usually the material is provided for us or the cost of material is paid upfront.
- 2 year warranty on our work – If you notice any complications due to our work we will honour our 2 year warranty good with every invoice or agreement.
Knock down texture services offered by Texture King
- New drywall, new construction application – Knock down applied in unfinished basements where new drywall taping and texture is installed. New construction homes and buildings. Additions. We can install drywall, the taping and the texture. We can also add a paint finish border around knockdown.
- Renovations – Making changes in previously finished areas often requires removing, replacing, refinishing, refreshing or updating the current ceiling to a new knockdown finish. We can help with any changes needed.
- Repairs – We have successfully repaired and matched thousands of knockdown ceilings over the last decade but the best option is always to redo the entire area for a flawless finish.
- Painting and stain blocking – Water leaks, kitchen heat, fire place fumes, bathroom moisture, accidents, can all discolour a knock down texture ceiling. A layer of stain blocking paint top coated with a flat latex finish paint will have the most stained and discoloured ceilings looking brand new again.
- Removal and conversions – Sometimes knockdown texture must be removed. There are a lot of jack of all trades, drywall to texture companies, often found on kijiji, who do an uneven, unappealing knockdown finish. To fix this we can sometimes spray a heavy even layer of texture over the old poorly done knockdown making a nice looking ceiling without having to remove the old texture. Another option is to moisten and scrape off the old knockdown or use a power sander or manpower with sanding poles to sand off the old texture back down to drywall and then go to paint finish or to a properly done knockdown texture.
Text, Email, or call Texture King today for a quote or more info
403-714-2737 | [email protected] | Jason Kowalchuk | Calgary, Alberta
What is knockdown ceiling texture
Knockdown ceiling texture is one of many drywall finishes. Knockdown can be applied to ceilings and walls.
To achieve the knockdown finish a drywall finishing compound (drywall mud) is splattered on to a paint primed drywall surface and then trowelled or “knocked down” to create a flat yet textured finish.
Picture of knockdown texture by Texture King, Calgary Alberta
Frequently asked questions about knockdown texture
How much does knockdown texture cost – The prices of knockdown texture services
- Minimum charges – Small knockdown patches, blends and repairs. New construction footage under 800 sq ft.
- Per square foot – Over 800 sq ft knockdown texture is priced by the square foot. Large footage of new construction knockdown usually over 2000 sq ft will be given value pricing lowered costs.
- Extras and upgrades – Paint finish border around the edge of the ceiling or walls. Medallion shaped circle untextured for paint finish around where lights will hang. Coloured paint under knockdown for a two tone look.
- Additional costs – Is the area lived in, furnished, finished, in an apartment building or condo with difficult access.
- Contractor prices – Contractors bring in steady, consistent work. We do not need to visit the site to estimate and quote nor do we need to answer questions or explain things. We just show up, do the work, invoice, and get paid. Contractors receive a lower total price cost average for knockdown texture because the work is ongoing, easier, less effort, less time to complete.
An easy way to receive a price quote or estimate is by emailing pictures and details to [email protected]. For larger jobs we don’t mind visiting the home as the first step.
Send these details for an easy quote on knockdown or any ceiling or wall need.
- Approximate footage size of the job
- Are the walls finish paint. Are they being repainted. Can we staple into them.
- Are the floors finished will we need to protect them from over spray.
- Is there existing texture. New drywall. Or will you need drywall, taping, paint or texture.
- Type of finish you are looking for. Knockdown, splatter, popcorn, level 5, paint finish.
- Do you have a time frame in which you would like the job completed
- Additional info you think might be relevant
- Some pictures if available
We will look over the info and provide a rough cost quote via email.
After you are pleased with our fair pricing and reputable credibility we can visit your home to take exact measurements and finalize the agreement to move forward with the work.
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How is knockdown texture applied
- A knockdown sponge from home depot can be dipped into the drywall compound mix and dabbed on to the ceiling then knocked down with a trowel. The fingers can produce a similar effect for tiny knockdown repair areas. We do not recommend this method as it pales in comparison to a air sprayed application.
- A knockdown sponge shaped like and on a paint roller. You can then roll on the knockdown texture. This may work well for a small area but the knockdown roller provides an inconsistent pattern.
- We do not recommend using the knockdown texture spray cans such as the popular Homax knock down spray cans sold at home depot and online because the material is not the same as all texture companies material and has a different colour and finish that we have not seen look good once. In fact we have scraped that stuff off of many ceilings and repaired properly.
- For small knockdown texture areas and repairs it is best to use a hopper and compressor combination. The material fills the hopper and is funnelled down by gravity in to the hopper gun where it mixes with a line of air pumped by a compressor. The material is splattered on to the primed drywall and then knocked down.
- For larger knockdown footage a truck mounted or portable air compressor and material pump combination is best. We find Gracos line of texture pumps and compressors to be the most consistent and longest lasting when it comes to applying knockdown texture.
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How long does it take to apply knockdown texture
- Knockdown repairs and small areas – 1 to 2 hours. With knockdown texture even the smallest areas must be primed and allowed to completely dry before knockdown compound can be applied. Then the mud compound must be allowed to set up or dry at least 15 minutes before it can be knocked down with a knockdown knife or trowel.
- Knockdown in unfinished basements – 4 to 5 hours. Before the ceiling can be primed we mask the top angle of the wall with paper and hang plastic below that to the floor to protect from over spray. This adds time to the knockdown texture application process.
- Knockdown texture full house new construction – Full day. Once the walls are protected we can move through the home swiftly applying the large footage of paint primer and spray on the knockdown mud right after. There is little down time.
- Removing popcorn texture applying knockdown per 1000 sq ft – 2 full days, additional day for stain blocking. Additional day per skim coat when required. When removing Popcorn texture prior to knockdown a large amount of time is spent covering and protecting or prepping the area to contain and prevent the inevitable drywall and texture dust.
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Can you clean knockdown texture
You are not able to wash knockdown texture with any liquid but you are able to dust or vacuum it. If the knockdown texture has become discoloured the only way to return it to its original white colour is to paint it. Some companies offer a bleaching solution but it seems to damage the bond with the drywall were as paint strengthens the bond. You can roll on the paint yourself if you are handy just be careful not to roll over the same spot too many times especially if it has been saturated with paint as this could loosen the knockdown textures bond with the drywall.
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Should I put knockdown texture in the bathroom with a tub and or shower
Most new construction bathrooms we are asked by the contractor or builder to apply knockdown texture in them. A well ventilated bathroom with shower or tub will not affect or damage the knockdown texture for decades.
We also repair and remove knockdown texture in many bathrooms where the shower steam and moisture is not properly ventilated or perhaps the knockdown is directly over an open shower area and the texture begins to flake and fall off.
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Knockdown texture vs Paint finish. Pros
We often hear home owners and contractors say that Knockdown texture is the more artistic, interesting, enjoyable option for a comfortable home feeling and paint finish is better for working environment office buildings where a flat perfectly smooth less interesting finish is better suited. It can come down to personal preference and a well applied Knockdown, paint or level 5 finish will make any room look great.
Pros of Knockdown texture
- More artistic and interesting than flat paint finish
- Hides the minor flaws made evident by paint finish
- Knockdown is more cost effective than paint finish
Pros of paint finish
- Washable, easy clean
- Easy DIY paint touch ups for minor damage
Summary of Knockdown texture vs paint finish pros list: It really comes down to personal preference and experience with knockdown texture and paint finish. If you are unsure which would look best let a professional view the space and make a recommendation.
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Is knockdown texture outdated
No. Knockdown texture is far from outdated and is often the more modern finish to choose.
Texture King works with several of the top real estate developers and home purchasers in and around Calgary.
Unanimously they agree, in most cases, Knockdown Texture finish not only is the most desired ceiling finish for home owners but it also has the highest value vs Paint finish, popcorn and splatter finishes.
When a home developer purchases a home with popcorn ceilings the first thing they do is bring us in to scrape off the popcorn and convert to a knockdown finish. We also convert to paint from popcorn but feel the knockdown finish in the end always gets the warmest response from homeowners, realtors, contractors, from everyone, compared to paint finish although our level 5 finish is very beautiful verse regular paint finish. See the Level 5 drywall drywall surfacer and primer finish page to see the difference
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Can you add colours to the knockdown
Two tone knockdown is possible. This is when you paint the drywall with the colour of your choosing and then apply the white texture creating a two tone look. We have also painted the drywall with one colour and died the texture itself with another colour eliminating the white. In our opinions the all white knockdown ceiling is the best option.
Are Knockdown and Drop down ceilings the same thing
No. Though many homeowners have used the words Drop down, thinking it is the knockdown texture they desire, a drop down ceiling is usually panels and rail systems.
Can you repair knockdown texture ceilings
At Texture King we do many knockdown repairs and most homeowners are very pleased with the results.
In our opinion no knockdown repair is ever 100 percent perfect or unnoticeable.
We recommend redoing the entire rooms ceiling. This is not always realistic when the room is large and connects to other rooms also the price difference is worth considering trying the repair first and seeing how it looks.
Another issue with knockdown repairs can be a colour difference. Texture ceilings in homes with fireplaces will start to discolour. The ceiling in kitchen areas will start to discolour from heat and fumes.
An option to resolve this is to do the texture repair, allow it to dry overnight and then paint the entire rooms ceiling.
Whats the difference between knockdown, splatter and popcorn (regular) texture
Knockdown and splatter texture are the same material and a similar spray pattern. The difference between them is that the knockdown texture has a blade run over it after it has set up, flattening it out a bit. Splatter is left as is. A common name for a finer smaller splatter is called orange peal because it resembles the fine bumpy texture of an oranges peal.
Popcorn texture is a different material base and has small chunks of Styrofoam or sand mixed in.
Can I change from paint to knockdown
We have changed many ceilings from paint finish to knockdown.
The usual process we use is to spray a light splatter coat of mud over the painted surface called an orange peal.
This is to give the knockdown something to absorb into so that it can set up properly for trowelling.
People often ask if we can just prime over the paint white and apply the knockdown and skip the splatter or skim coat.
We have tried this in the past and the result is less than desirable. The mud for knockdown is unable to set up and starts drying from the outside in rather than absorbing into the drywall. The drying from the outside in instead of the inside out forming a dry crust on the outside. Then when we drag the trowel over the material to knock it down it drags the dry crust and does not look good like a beautiful knockdown should.
Can I change from popcorn texture to knockdown
Can I change from knockdown to paint finish
Can I paint or stain block the knockdown texture myself
How long will knockdown texture last
Has there ever been asbestos in knockdown texture
Do Knockdown repair spray cans from Home Depot work good
Can you apply knockdown in my lived in home
How long does it take for knockdown to dry
How knock down texture is applied | What to expect
Knockdown repairs, patches, blends. –
Unfinished basements
Lived in renovations
Painting and stain blocking existing knockdown texture
Removing popcorn texture and finishing with knockdown
Removing knockdown and finishing with paint
Knockdown texture on walls
Pictures of knockdown texture ceilings and walls by Texture King
Pictures and videos of knockdown texture application
Other drywall finishing options we offer
- Popcorn (regular texture)
- Splatter coat
- Orange peal (a finer splatter coat)
- Level 5 Drywall finish
- paint finish