Congratulations! You are one of the few who was curious enough to make it to this About Us page.

As you can see in the stock image above, some people are having fun applauding a large piece of white paper. We tried it and we did not enjoy ourselves, that is why we dedicate ourselves to writing content.
We take our work seriously and rely only on the most competent sources for our articles. Business news comes from the nameless guy who pushes a shopping cart around the streets. Our fashion correspondent works part-time in a local fast food joint, on the pulse of the latest trends. And our chief editor hangs around the subways a lot.
Pete is on the front line and will get your message to the right person. Do not try other addresses because you will not get a reply.
We all work remotely, so if you need to send something in the post tell Pete what it is and where it is coming from and we will give you the best address to send it to.
This site is owned and operated by Reza Rahmat