
Hello Friend,
Grab a warm beverage and sit with me for a moment.
You know there is more to being a homemaker than cooking, cleaning, and feeling like you’re just surviving every day. You desire to see the purpose in what you’re doing, that you’re making a difference in the lives of your loved ones. You don’t want to get caught up in comparing yourself to others or grumbling about the work set before you.
If you are in Christ, the Lord has called you first to Himself and then to serve others in the midst of our ordinary days. He has called us into the role we are in, and He will equip us to be faithful servants to love and minister to what He has placed in our care.
Your role as a homemaker matters to God. You can find contentment and joy in caring for your home and family when you keep your eyes on Christ and His calling for your life. Our contentment in our homemaking begins with finding our satisfaction in Christ.
This is why Thankful Homemaker was created – to remind you:
- To see the purpose and importance of your calling as a Christian Homemaker.
- To keep your eyes on the eternal and not the temporal.
- You can have order in your days to have time to focus on what is most important.
- In each moment, the Lord is molding you more and more into the image of Christ.
- We’re not seeking perfection but faithfulness, one moment at a time.
- To do all your work as unto the Lord.
- There is always time to do the will of God.
Thankful Homemaker provides truth-filled, gospel-driven encouragement to homemakers who amid their ordinary days desire to honor and glorify God in all things.
Meet Marci Ferrell:
- Just in case you’re wondering who I am:
- I’m a full-time homemaker, married for over 37 years, and have two grown children and three grandchildren. I didn’t come to faith in Christ until I was in my mid 30’s.
- I’m an avid reader and love to share all I’m learning.
- I enjoy studying God’s Word and have been blessed through inductive Bible study.
- I enjoy making lists (and checking them off!)
- I love to travel alongside my husband for his job.
- We love to serve our local church family.
- I am a coffee lover!
How Can I Encourage & Equip You in Your Role as a Homemaker:
Thankful Homemaker Podcast
- It’s the podcast to encourage you in your role as a Christian woman, wife, mother, and homemaker. Solid reformed teaching on a bimonthly basis and currently with over 130 episodes and over 1.5M downloads.
Blog Articles
- Articles covering all various areas to help you in the care of your home and family. My Start Here page is a good place to begin.
Homemaking Courses & Printables
- I’m continuing to develop more budget-friendly resources to help women in the care of their homes and families. Come see what is currently available.
Newsletter & Free Library
- My bimonthly newsletter (Coffee Chat & Tea Time) gives quick encouragement in your inbox with a short devotional, resources I love and recommend and what I’m reading, articles and teachings that were a blessing to me, and much more. It’s free, and it gives you access to the growing free library of printables.
Resource Recommendations
- Book recommendations are my favorite to share with you, and you can see my lists of some of my favorites here.
- I love to share books & products that have been a help to me in my homekeeping, and you can visit my Amazon Storefront here for recommendations.
Contact Me:
You can find me on social media:
How Can I Support Thankful Homemaker?
Your support is a huge help in keeping the content on the blog and podcast free. When I first began this venture, I had no idea the costs involved in keeping the blog, email, and various other costs, from supplies to equipment, would be, and I’m so grateful for all the support of my friends here at the blog.
- You can make a one-time donation to Thankful Homemaker here.
- You can become a monthly supporter at Patreon and get exclusive posts on what is going on in the blog, podcast, and my family life. Supporters can also get access to my private community with exclusive video teachings and encouragement for Christian Homemakers.
Thank you for even considering it – I couldn’t continue to produce free content if it wasn’t for supporters like you 🥰