Arts programming is a wonderful way to help youth explore their creativity.
Consider that arts education:
- Stimulates and develops the imagination and refines cognitive and creative skills.
- Has a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the “learning field” across socioeconomic boundaries.
- Strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement and school success.
- Develops a sense of craftsmanship, quality task performance and goal-setting — skills needed to succeed in the classroom and beyond.
- Teaches children life skills such as developing an informed perception; articulating a vision; learning to solve problems and make decisions; building self-confidence and self-discipline; developing the ability to imagine what might be; and accepting responsibility to complete tasks from start to finish.
- Nurtures important values, including team-building skills; respecting alternative viewpoints; and appreciating and being aware of different cultures and traditions.
Benefits of Arts Education from: Americans for the Arts, 2002
We appreciate the support of our corporate partners in providing financial assistance for our programming. They know their contributions are providing our youth with opportunities to expand their horizons.
Programming Sponsorship
You can sponsor one or more of these important programs that we create through The Arts Alliance. Through our Social Media Campaigns and PR in our local publications, your business is sure to receive the kind of recognition that shows the community your support of the arts. We like to cater our sponsorships to best suit your needs. Please let us know if there are other ways that we can recognize your support through our efforts.
By supporting any or all of this programming we will (when applicable):
- Recognize companies in our FallFair Program
- Include your company logo as a PRESENTING SPONSOR on all of our printed material related to an event
- Include your logo in all of our Social Media Campaigns
- Include your logo on our website
- Your logo signage will be included at all events
Summer Art Camp Enrichment Series
As a partner in The Arts Alliance Summer Art Camps, your generosity will help serve over 200 campers. Your dollars will help us market our camps, provide snacks to our kids and acquire supplies. If you’re interested, we can talk about setting up a scholarship in your company name to help out a potential camper. $250+
Artist Enrichment Series
We are developing a series of Artist Enrichment Workshops for artists to better create their craft and to be more astute business owners. We will help them plan a Social Media Campaign, overcome art blocks, look for continued inspiration and improve their networking skills. Your generosity will help us grow that type of programming. $250+
Performing Arts Series
In partnership with Deerfield Township, we present our Performing Arts Series. This unique programming features the Playhouse in the Park, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Brass Quintet, Cincinnati Children’s Theater, Madcap Puppets, Cincinnati Opera and the Frisch Marionettes. Your generosity helps secure this programming and will help us create educational programming around these performances, like puppet building workshops, one on one with an opera singer and more. $250+
Artist Salons Series
Here we invite our local and regional artists to come and share their techniques in creating their work. Building a community of artists is an important component of creativity. Your generosity will help to promote this programming. $250+
Electronic Media, Social Media Arts and Blogging Partner
By participating as a MEDIA arts partner, you’ll benefit from the exposure of our electronic newsletters, eblasts and blogs. We have over 2,500 readers who receive our updates. You will be listed as our NEWSLETTER presenter.
Each time a newsletter or eblast is distributed, your logo, website and any other information will be proudly displayed. Our newsletters and blogs are posted to Facebook, reaching over 5,000 people. Have an upcoming sale, event or promotion? Let’s coordinate and make sure that gets mentioned on our electronic media, too! $500+
We encourage our partners in the arts to:
- Create a link to our website: www.the-arts-alliance.org
- “Like” us on Facebook
- Add the FallFair Arts Festival to their publications and newsletters
- Display a FallFair Arts Festival poster and promotional materials at their local business
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions:
Meredith at 513-309-8585 or email us at [email protected].
Thank you! Your support means SO much!
Please make your check payable to: The Arts Alliance
Mail Form and Check to: The Arts Alliance, PO Box 381, Mason, OH 45040
Partnership Form
Partnership Form
Corporate Sponsors
For more information regarding volunteering, membership or general information, please contact:
Meredith Raffel, Executive Director, at 513-309-8585 or [email protected].
Or write to:
The Arts Alliance
P.O. Box 381
Mason Ohio 45040
The Arts Alliance is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
©2017-Present The Arts Alliance | Created by The Deciding Factor Inc.