I love Mexican Street Corn and it is so easy!! Fresh corn on the cob grilled slathered with mayonnaise, Cotija Cheese or Feta Cheese , lime juice, fresh cilantro, chile powder or tajin as I like to use……what’s not to love?
If you haven’t been to Mexico or seen the street carts selling Elote, or familiar with the dish, here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Mexican Street Corn ” Elote, or corn on the cob is a popular street food in Mexico, although it is frequently served at home prepared in the same way. It is customarily consumed on a stick, or by grasping the husk of the cob that has been pulled down to form a “handle”. Condiments such as salt, chile powder, butter, cotija, lemon juice or lime juice, and mayonnaise are usually added to the elote.” There you go! Good Stuff!!
Delicious! Grilled Mexican Street Corn

I’ve made this will the husk still on, but this time I removed the husk then I par boiled the corn, then placed on a hot grill. This cuts down on the cooking time. If you don’t have a grill, lodge makes a great cast iron grill/griddle that works great and I use a lot! Here’s a link for that grill/griddle that you can use for so many things. https://amzn.to/3guuqpA

Here’s a photo of Mexican street corn I’ve made before grilling in the husk and in that case I used feta cheese:

I used cotija cheese this time. Traditionally, Cotija cheese was made with raw milk aged for three to twelve months. But the commercial productions add an enzyme to speed up the ripening process. This need for acceleration gives the commercial produce a slight change in flavor compared to the artisanal variety.
Since, Cotija cheese is very salty, strongly flavoured, firm and does not actually melt, it is used for grating on salads, soups, casseroles, tacos, tostadas and chilli. In Mexico, it is also widely used to enhance the flavour of many savoury dishes by mixing directly into the casserole or recipe. In the U.S. it is increasingly popular on pasta. It is typically shredded onto cooked foods, also in salads and with fruit.” https://cheese.com/cotija
Here’s the brand of cotija I used, but there are various brands available. https://amzn.to/2C7I2Iu

Delicious! Grilled Mexican Street Corn
I made this the other night as a side dish for my barbecue chicken. Here’s the link for the chicken. https://the2spoons.com/best-summer-barbecue-chicken-on-the-grill-with-my-1-go-to-sauce/. The grilled corn was perfect while I already had the grill going.

Here’s the recipe for the corn! Enjoy!
Mexican Street Corn
- enough mayonnaise to brush on each ear of corn
- cotija cheese or feta cheese, crumbled
- 1 -2 limes
- Chili powder or tajin, which I used
- cilantro, chopped
- salt and pepper
- Par cook your corn. My simple way is to place the ears of the corn, still in their husk into the microwave and hit the fresh vegetable button. When complete, they are perfectly cooked and they peel so easy! If you don’t have a microwave, remove the husks and silks and cook in a pot of boiling water until tender, about 8 minutes. For presentation purposes I prefer the microwave method, because you can peel the husk to the bottom and tie with a piece of husk, and just remove the silk.
- Remove the corn and completely dry. Either start your outside grill or your inside grill pan works great. This corn is already cooked, so you just want to add some flavor and char.
- Liberally oil each piece with some canola oil and lightly salt. The cheese is salty so don’t add too much. Grill until nicely charred on all sides.
- Remove from the grill plan, and place on a platter for serving. Brush mayonnaise on all sides of the corn. Sprinkle with the crumbled cheese on all sides. Sprinkle with chile powder and squeeze lime juice over the corn. Top with chopped cilantro.