Addie is now eight years old and in 2nd grade! She is full of personality and excitement and love for life. She is a girl so she is there is also plenty of emotion, sass, spunk and drama as well! She is silly, funny, beautiful, talented, smart, social and loves to have a good time! She definitely has the personality of her Dad! This video shows her personality so well- I originally was taking it of Sam but she totally stole it with her dance moves in the background!
She is a good big sister and has been such a good helper with Sam, and he just loves her! She recently lost her 3rd tooth (first front top one) and the other front top one is getting close!
She is currently in her 2nd year of participating in Up With Kids and their acting program. This year, they are doing an adaptation of Peter Pan for their performance. She absolutely loves it and can't wait till she can be in a "real" play. She also loves going to plays and is a lucky girl to have parents and grandparents that feed that love! She's been to a lot of plays in her short life and some really good ones too!
She loves playing with friends and being with family. She also loves to write, draw, bake, craft and sew (pretty much anything creative). For Christmas last year, Grandma helped her make 21 pillowcases for the whole family. She sewed and ironed all of them herself. They have a bunch of other projects she's already done and plenty more in the works! She's always wanting to make things! She participates in art club at school and I'm always finding starts of books and stories and pictures around the house.
We are proud of how well she is doing at school, bringing home report cards with all 4's! She loves to read and is currently reading on an end of 3rd grade level. She is a fast reader too- we just have to work on the comprehension of what she's reading a little more! It would help if she wasn't reading 10 books at a time (not exaggerating). Right now I think she just reads to read- not exactly for the storyline. We're going to work on that this year!!! She is doing well at math, they are learning their times tables and starting into division! A lot of things come pretty easy for her but as she's getting older, she's starting to learn that she has to work harder at some things!
We've had some ups and downs with her anxiety this year. She's still taking a low dose of Zoloft during the school year to help keep things calm and status quo while at school. We've done a few therapy sessions recently to help her get some more tools for dealing with the anxiety when it flares and it's really made a difference. We are hopeful that things will stay manageable for her and that she can just enjoy being a kid! It's been nice to see more of that "sparkle" in her eyes the last year or so.
We are so proud of her and love her so much!
Spotlight on Addison at 8.5 years old
My favorite food is: Pizza
My favorite sport is: Rollerblading
The best show on TV is: Scooby Doo
The coolest person in the world is: my friend Anna
My best subject in school is: social studies
I'm really awesome at: rollerblading
If I could change my name, it would be: Isabella
My favorite color is: blue
When I grow up I want to be: librarian
My parents are too strict about: using sharpie markers
My favorite song is: Let It Go
My favorite book is: all of them
3 words that describe me are: awesome, cool, cute
When I was little, I used to: say "kitty"
My favorite scripture story is: Ammon and the Lamanites
My favorite primary song is: When I Am Baptized
My favorite season is: Summer
The best snack ever is: cold cereal
The food that makes me want to barf is: sweet potatoes
My best friend is: Lily
If I had one wish it would be: to have a puppy
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: Losing 3 teeth
One thing I want to learn to do this year is: learn how to make a pulley
One thing I need to work on: not talking at school/church
The most important lesson I've learned this year is: Listen the first time (not sure she's actually learned this yet!)