Injury Rehab,
The Sleeper Stretch The sleeper stretch is a frequently debated mobility exercise among rehab providers. Some prescribe it regularly, while others criticize it as a potentially dangerous stretch that mimics the Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test position. In my experience teaching physical therapy continuing education courses, those who dislike the sleeper stretch are often either not performing it correctly or using it...

The Ultimate Erg Rower Technique Tutorial
The Ultimate Erg Rower Technique Tutorial For functional fitness and CrossFit athletes, rowing is a foundational monostructural movement in fitness programming. However, unlike complex movements like the snatch, muscle-ups, and toes-to-bar, rowing doesn’t appear as intimidating, leading many athletes to overlook optimal form. This Erg Rower technique tutorial will guide you through the key components of mastering rowing form so...
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
The Best Jefferson Curl Variations
The Best Jefferson Curl Variations Learn about the different variations of the Jefferson curl exercise and their benefits in this video from Dr. Zach Long. These Jefferson Curl variations are great for improving spinal flexion stiffness and for rebuilding strength & control for individuals rehabbing flexion-intolerant low back pain. Standard Jefferson Curl The Standard Jefferson Curl exercise is a powerful...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
Fix Shoulder Pain with the Overhead Press
Shoulder Pain with the Overhead Press is one of the most common issues athletes face in the weight room. This article will discuss the most common causes of shoulder pain with overhead presses and suggest getting back to pain-free lifting. Causes of Shoulder Pain with Overhead Press Training Volume With any injury, looking back at your recent training changes is...
Zone 2 Cardio for CrossFit Athletes
Let’s be honest: Throwing heavy barbells, swinging from rings, and crushing a high-intensity metcon is much more fun than steady-state cardio. But for many CrossFit athletes, lower-intensity training can be the best way to improve their gym performance. This article will outline why we should do more Zone 2 cardio for CrossFit Athletes. Zone 2 Cardio for CrossFit Athletes What Does...
Lower Body,
Best Exercises for Hip Flexor Strength
While most of the fitness world emphasizes hip flexor stretching, smart athletes and coaches understand the huge performance and hip health benefits that result from having strong hip flexors. Here are eight great exercises to build hip flexor strength. Best Exercises for Hip Flexor Strength The Psoas March The Psoas March is a simple exercise where we use a mini...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
Elbow Pain During the Bench Press
Elbow pain during the bench press can be a frustrating injury to overcome and stall your bench press gains. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common cause of elbow pain and the best plan of action to eliminate triceps tendinopathy with bench press. What Is Triceps Tendinopathy? Triceps tendinopathy is a painful condition where the tendon connecting the tricep...
Injury Prevention,
Injury Rehab,
Lower Body,
Addressing Knee Valgus in Squats
Knee valgus collapse is a common issue in squats that can lead to injuries and pain. In this video, Dr. Zach Long will discuss the causes of knee valgus with squats and solutions for this problem. Understanding Knee Valgus Collapse Knee valgus collapse is a common issue that many individuals experience, especially during squats. This movement pattern, where the knees...
Injury Prevention,
Upper Body,
Eliminate Shoulder Pain During the Bench Press!
Everyone’s favorite lift that too frequently comes with a nagging ache in your shoulders. While the bench press is among the best exercises for building upper body pushing strength, we all hate when that tweak happens and forces us to back off our training for a few sessions. Here are six things you can do to eliminate shoulder pain during...
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