Trimmed head door and dry fit lock

After I rebuilt all the panels, I haven’t yet tried to put the door back. Surely, it did not fit. Had to trim both sides of the door and make a small lip to hide the hinge. I was also lucky to find the original door handle and lock, which I installed into the new slimmer door. Will need to hide old hole with some small teak bangs.

Finished sanding door

Finally finished removing all the ugly veneer from the teak doors. Found beautiful wood grain underneath. Dry fit the folding door and all its latches. Will need to patch old holes with teak bangs and then they will be ready to bleach, stain, and varnish.

Fixing a leak

Several of the fasteners started leaking on the inside after I pressure washed the deck a bit too close to the handrail base. Had to raise it, clean things up, and re-bed it.