Gauchos Triumph Over Cal Poly in Iconic Blue-Green Rivalry Clash

Shelby Appice Marketing Director In an electric atmosphere at the Thunderdome on Feb. 27, the UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) Gauchos secured a dominant 96-77 victory over...

Writing For The Soul: Finding UCSB Alumni’s Voices 

Sasha Nikanova  Senior Staff Writer  The Wayfinding Project, coauthored by Professor Karen Lunsford of UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), is exactly what its name suggests: a research...


Juno: Isla Vista’s Newest Indie Rock Girl Group

Sophia Sullivan Contributing Writer The incredible women of the indie rock band Juno are taking Isla Vista’s (I.V.) music scene by storm. The Bottom Line (TBL)...

A Fellowship for the Future: Dr. Daniela Soto’s Award-Winning Bioinformatician Research

Celia Bueno Sanchez  Senior Staff Writer  This past February, postdoctoral researcher Daniela C. Soto received one of the most prestigious fellowships in biomedicine: the Hannah H....


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Should Attendance Be Mandatory?

Theo May Photo Editor One of the most compelling arguments I’ve seen against tenure is my literature professor this quarter. He often rambles on about subjects...

Is Studying Abroad Worth It?

Spencer Page Senior Staff Writer Studying abroad offers an exciting opportunity for many students eager to travel and experience a new culture. However, there are several...

Does the Heart Shape Suck? 


COMIC OF THE WEEK: "Last Day in Paradise"

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