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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

End of School Fun

Elementary School Art Show
I love walking the halls and seeing all the art work. My girls love art class and love showing off their art work even more. 

 Hannah couldn't reacher hers. The above picture is of Hannah jumping and trying to point to the blue rose she made in class (seen below).

Field Day! 
Will and I headed to the school around lunch time to check in on the girls. It was a beautiful day and the girls had a blast.

Isabelle and her best buddy Hailey

No Words

I wish I new what this little guy was thinking when I took this pictures. He is just too adorable!!

Emmett's First Photo Shoot

My good friend Dana took the most adorable newborn pictures of Emmett. We chose a time when Emmett was usually asleep so of course he was wide awake :) It took is a while to finally get him to fall asleep.  I love newborn pictures. I wish newborn pictures were a thing when my older children were babies. 


Hanging Out With Daddy

 I'm excited to see the relationship between these two develope :)

Nap time

 "Watching" TV with Daddy

 "Reading" about tile work

Not too excited about it :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Emmett's First Few Weeks

Since I haven't blogged in a month I thought I would just sum up Emmett's first few weeks in one post. Emmett is adorable which helps make up for his less than stellar sleep habits. The first few weeks he woke up a lot at night and long naps turned in to short little cat naps.  Alice was an amazing sleeper, I new lighting couldn't strike twice :(