

I’m Gayatri, with an online avatar as The Desserted Girl since April 2013.

Both avatars love books, dogs, puns and chocolate, not always in that order. I grew up in a bunch of different places but call Mumbai (India) home, and currently live in Bangalore.

I studied advertising, worked full-time and now freelance as, a copywriter. I’m a vegetarian who eats eggs and I talk a bit too fast so it’s a good thing this is all typed up.

The Desserted Girl started off as a hobby, turned into an obsession and is now the thing I spend hours muttering to myself about. My brain is now basically one big grocery list usually with lots of butter to make the batter better. There are mostly desserts around these parts, but also some of my favourite dishes to make for lunch and dinner.

Take a look around and you’ll find lots of chocolate chips and sugar but fruits and wholewheat flour too. You will find stories about burnt cake and tales of crying over spilt milk and more. You will hear excited squeals about nailing vegetable burgers, high fives over an utterly perfect cheesecake.

To chat about recipes or anything else, write to me at [email protected] and find me on Instagram.

Welcome to my blog, I hope this is as much fun for you as it is for me 🙂