East Asia

How Trump Is Bolstering China’s World View
By Gabriele Manca
Ironically, Trump’s approach to international relations is playing the game of his proclaimed main enemy: Xi Jinping’s China.

China’s ‘Malinformation’ Comes for Okinawa
By Maiko Ichihara
China has been intensifying its information war against Japan's Achilles' heel – Okinawa.

China’s Arms Imports Are Declining – But So Are Its Arms Exports
By Muhammad Murad
What do these two trends tell us about China’s defense industry and its quest for military self-reliance?

How Russia-US Talks on Ukraine Shake Taiwanese Confidence in America’s Commitment
By Kuan-chen Lee
Survey findings reveal a clear pattern: Taiwanese perceptions of U.S. credibility are closely tied to how Washington handles its global commitments.

The US Security Treaties With Japan and South Korea Aren’t Enough to Keep the Peace
By Ju Hyung Kim
Lessons from the 1925 Locarno Treaties for the contemporary security dynamics of the U.S., South Korea, and Japan.

Concern in Mongolia After Police Raid on Independent News Outlet
By Uranbileg Tumurkhuyag
Eight employees for Noorog Creative Studio were detained, allegedly without due process, on murky and shifting charges.

What’s Behind the Constitutional Court’s Delayed Verdict on Yoon Suk-yeol’s Impeachment?
By Mitch Shin
The Constitutional Court is taking longer than expected to issue its ruling. South Koreans are divided over how to interpret the delay.

Why Did Japan Cut Funding to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women?
By Ming Gao
Japan’s decision to end its contribution to the U.N.'s top gender equality body could hardly come at a worse time, both diplomatically and symbolically.

As Impeachment Verdict Nears, Yoon’s Public Support Remains Dismal
By Timothy S. Rich
A recent poll found Yoon's approval rating has dipped even below the immediate post-martial law period – contrasting with other polls showing a pro-Yoon bounce.

China’s 2 Sessions: Slow Growth Collides With Tech Supremacy
By Stefanie Kam
China faces a paradox: structural challenges and slowing growth associated with the old economy, and a high-tech, globally competitive industrial sector in the new economy.

China Watches, Taiwan Learns: Ukraine’s War and the Indo-Pacific
By Benedetta Girardi, Davis Ellison, and Tim Sweijs
Over the course of a year-long study, we analyzed the campaign in Ukraine, comparing it with Taiwan’s military strategies and defense posture. Here’s what we found.

China’s Dwindling Marriage Rate Is Fueling Demand for Brides Trafficked From Abroad
By Ming Gao
The question of who China’s leftover men will marry is becoming a pressing issue for Beijing. The government’s response will shape the country’s future for decades to come.
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