Best camp ground ever

Keen lake is the most cleanest friendliest family environment campsite you will ever find. Beautiful lake great fishing. Activities all day long for the children. Great general store that has everything in it that is open from sun up to sundown. The nachos and ice cream are the best. Super friendly staff. It's big they have tent sites right along the lake the lake is huge there's so much I could say but I would run out of room. I started coming here when I was four and I am now 46 years old and it is just the best place ever. It will always have a special place in our heart. Look forward every year to coming here no matter what age my kids are they all have a blast. From tent sites to RVs to cottages to glamping you name it they have it highly recommend it. Recently went camping to somewhere a little bit closer to home and it's nothing compared to here. It's like comparing Macy's to Walmart. You will never regret coming here. So pack your family up and have a great time.

Its ok. Nothing special about it.

We recently went camping with a tent there. Not tent friendly first night we slept on rocks second night we got moved to a spot which actually had some grass. Everything has weird hours. The cafe is only open on weekends and the store is only open from like 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. and that's it. The pool hours are good they're from 11:00 to 7:00. The bath houses are fine. It's just that there's nothing to do in the morning time nothing at all the lake that you want to call it or river it was all green like there's better campsites out there but this one isn't that bad If you're just staying for a night or two but just do not use a tent.