When my life isnt going exactly as Id like, when its frustrating, confusing, overflowing with drama or just plain blah, I go to my ‘basket of toolsto help me shift to a better place. This basket includes meditating, praying, spending time in nature, seeking out friends and sometimes even enlisting professional help.

Tiny books are some of my most valuable tools.

Tiny books are smaller and shorter than regular books. That’s their beauty. You don’t have to wade through pages of complicated text to find the wisdom you’re looking for.

It’s right there in short, punchy paragraphs and blunt, bulleted lists.
Little books remind us to breathe, smile, love, be in gratitude and stop sweating the small stuff. When we’ve lost our way, they get us back on track in a heartbeat.

Some people find tiny books silly or overly simple. I, however, am in awe of how quickly they refocus me on the basics of life and how deeply that enhances my well-being.

Thats what I love about them! And that’s why I’ve acquired so many of them over the years, including these favorites:

          Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
          Life’s Little Instruction Book
          Plain and Simple Wisdom

          Reflections on Immortality
          Everyday Wisdom
          Secrets of Winning People
          Each Day a New Beginning
          The Places That Scare you
          The Little Bar Book (oops, I guess not that one!)
          Small Change

Need a new attitude? Open a tiny book at random!

Vexed by a problem or ‘situation?Want to shift a mood, improve an attitude or give yourself a pick-me-up on those days when a gray cloud is following you around for no reason?

Do what I do. Crackopen a tiny book grab bag style. Skip the Table of Contents. Open at random and read a sentence or two. Then take a moment to ponder what you’ve read. More often than not, it will quickly shift your thinking and your mood. (If not, grab another page.)

I find this consistently works for me. Every single time I do it, I feel better.

Online lists, reminders and guidelines are helpful, too.

Over the years, I’ve also collected bulleted lists of helpful hints and suggestions… and you might want to do the same, bookmarking your favorites so you can call them up in a flash.
For example, one of my favorites, “Six Right Livelihood Guidelines”, reminds me to eat with awareness, listen to the people I encounter, forget the drama, and accept constant change. I can scan this list in seconds and get a quick shot of awareness in my spiritual muscle. 

I love tiny books so much that I wrote one!
It’s called Golden Grace and its message is simple and powerful: your senior years can be the best time of your life.

I love the thought that, throughout the day, people I may never meet are dipping into it to find nuggets of wisdom that will make their lives a little better.

All it takes is a few paragraphs and a few short minutes of time.

So next time your life gets bogged down and feels oppressive, think small. Pick up one of these sweet tiny books, grab some wisdom and turn your mood around.

Contact Antonia at [email protected]