Year 3 Year 4

How to teach perimeter in year 3 (FREE worksheets)!

Hi everyone, today we are going to learn perimeter in Year 3.  So let’s get started.

What is perimeter

The perimeter is the distance around a 2D shape… You can imagine it as an ant crawling around the shape, so the area the ant will cover is the perimeter of that shape. The perimeter is normally measured in cm but can also be measured in mm and meters

perimeter in year 3

you can calculate perimeter by adding the length of all the sides of the shape

Example 1:

Let’s calculate the perimeter of this shape. There are two ways to do it.


  1. Adding all the sides: 4+4+4+4=16
  2. Multiplying: instead of adding all the sides you can do it as 4×4=16 which is quite simple and quick.



3 steps to teach perimeter to kids

  • First, show this video to your kids. Once it’s done ask kids what they think the perimeter is.

  • To get a better picture if your kids have understood the idea give them these worksheets to work on. It will help them gain more confidence in this topic. So grab your rulers and start solving the problem
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Download two more FREE sheets as well 

perimeter Worksheet 1

Perimeter rapid fire worksheet

  • For more fun try using numinous. The flowing picture gives a great idea of how to use numicons.

Thanks to Elena Bezoari on facebook for sharing this idea.

I hope you enjoyed my blog. If you have any question or queries please feel free to comment below. Thanks

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