Photographic content and rights:

Please only submit photographs that you have ownership of the copyright of, or have control of the copyright of (such as family portraits). If you are supplying photographs from another source, please indicate where the photographic content was acquired and cite a source with a link wherever possible. Please only supply us with third party content if you either have permission to supply us with the photograph, or is out of copyright and in the public domain as indicated at source, or it is considered fair use according to the terms and condition from the source or the image, Please indicate source wherever this is the case and supply a disclaimer or license to use if one is available. By submitting content you are agreeing to not send us with copyrighted content beyond your own rights and absolve us of any copyright infringement. You may want to use Creative Commons licensing which allows fair use, it can be tailored to suit how you want your images to be used. You can read about that here.

We would recommend digitally watermarking your images wherever possible. You can do so using most image editing software (Adobe Bridge, Lightroom, Photoshop and elements or Gimp and various other free image editing tools) Most cameras also offer the facility to embed a digital copyright within the menu system too.

You can read more about rights management here.

Text content:

If text is quoted from a third party source please include a citation where possible. This may include details of a cemetery from the CWGC website, soldiers details, or information from parish records or a war diary, or from a recorded account or booth. Please respect the copyright of other content creators and credit/link and provide a citation.

Respecting rights:

Your photos and content remain your property and you remain the copyright holder. We will only use provided content within the project and to promote it. We may also wish to quote from or use the content in further work related to the project such as an academic papers based on the project. By submitting them by email, via Facebook or via the website or twitter or any other medium, you will be confirming we may use them for Returned from the Front and you have read and understood the terms and conditions of the use of your image on the website. We promise we will not resell, repurpose or reuse any of you images or text without permission.

This project will be offered to the British Library as part of their web archival project when we feel it is sufficiently complete. This will mean that the content will be retained for posterity as a record of the research.

Privacy and Data

Full names and email addresses submitted during the project will be retained for the duration of the project and stored securely. These will only ever be used to contact you in relation to the project by the project or it’s agents and project workers. Data will not be sold distributed or reused for any marketing purposes, nor will it be sent in any form to third parties without prior explicit consent.

Sharing content:

Please feel free to share our content on social media and online. It is important that we reach as many people as possible to gather  information. If sharing a photograph please always include a link to the page it was sourced from and credit it where a credit is available. Be aware that the content you are sharing belongs to someone who has submitted it. We all know that the internet is a playground and everything looks like it’s free and belongs to no one but do please check before sharing. This is a community generated and crowd-sourced project and will involve both time and effort from everyone involved. Please respect their rights of ownership and ours.

By sending us content you are confirming that you have read and agree to adhere to these terms and conditions.

You can email us here [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions or queries or are concerned.


No legal contract is either assumed or implied between Returned from the Front or it’s agents or project workers and anyone voluntarily collecting or submitting records to the project or taking part in any data collection or work online regarding the published web content and Social media accounts. Any agreement is in honour only and not legally binding. Being a volunteer does not constitute nor shall it restrospectively or in the future seen in any respect as a contract of employment. Neither party intend a relationship of employment to have been or to be created in the future.