The Possession

by Eputty

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Eyejack 03:44
Air 04:28
Furnace Room 05:39
Crowdshark 04:34
Vanguard 04:48
Feather 04:36
Hollow 04:24
Soul Pit 08:38


Hailing from Perth, Australia, the stalwart songwriter and producer Eputty has made consistent strides across the last 4 years, zeroing in on a sound and style that features contemporary electronic influence and an extremely pronounced compositional gait. Mingling high-powered sound design with a nod to the dance floor, there’s no shortage of impact to his personal catalog, but his latest collection of tracks stands several heads above his established works. Containing the excitement to ourselves until now, The Rust Music is especially grateful to host the release of his debut LP, The Possession.

Drum and bass, drumstep, meandering downtempo, and club-centric rhythms all make an appearance across The Possession. Coming out of the gate with blistering percussion, the album flows with a professional grace, as each track fits adjacent to one another with the ease of an intentional and well-crafted mix. The neuro synthesis and brackish, textured tones lend themselves to the particularly dark atmospheres that underpin so much of the flavor packed into these 10 songs, giving the entire package a palpable emotional heft. Whatever styles you’re attracted to, whatever rhythms rock you, there’s more than enough in The Possession to keep you hooked, and certainly more than enough to place Eputty at the top of your listening rotation.


released November 19, 2024

Production, Mixing by Eputty
Mastering by Dan Smith
Guitar by Ben Richardson, Tim Reid


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The Rust Music New York, New York

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