When pregnant, not only food that must be considered. For the use of skincare or skin care products, you shouldn't be careless. Mother certainly wants to remain beautiful, but safe for the fetus in the womb.
Mother's skin that is usually free of acne can get acne during pregnancy, skin sensitivity also increases, and the skin in some parts of the...
Natural Viagra? How to make it?

For some men, Viagra is one of the powerful medicines that really helps them in matters of vitality. Especially men who experience sexual problems. By consuming Viagra, their sexual arousal can rise again. But the question then is whether there is a viagra alami? Now if there is, then can we make it ourselves or not, what are the composition of the...
5 Changes in Breast Being a Sign of a Positive Pregnant Mother

There are various body changes that can be a sign of early pregnancy. One of them, changes in breast shape. During pregnancy, several major changes occur in the breast. In fact, these changes occur since the first few weeks of pregnancy. This change aims to prepare the breasts for breastfeeding.
"From the beginning of pregnancy, hormones start turning...
Difference Between Breast Pain When Pregnant and PMS

Some pregnancy symptoms are similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). One similar symptom is breast pain. When entering the PMS phase, some women will experience breast pain. This pain occurs before menstruation.
Breast pain when PMS is caused by increased levels of the hormone progesterone, before menstruation. Quoted from the page...
Causes of Leucorrhoea During Pregnancy Based on Color, Which Is Normal?

Leucorrhoea during pregnancy is one of the complaints experienced by the mother when she is pregnant. Well, should vaginal discharge during pregnancy be feared?
According to Dr.Finekri Abidin SpOG (K) from YPK Mandiri Hospital, it is common for mothers to experience vaginal discharge during pregnancy. You see, said Finekri during pregnancy the mother's...
Causes of Itching on Pregnant Breasts and How to Overcome It

Itchy breasts are commonly felt by pregnant women. This sometimes causes discomfort, especially if pregnant women sweat a lot. Actually, what causes breast itching when pregnant?
Itching in the breast caused by changes in the breast during pregnancy, Bun. Summarized from various sources, this is the most common cause of breast itching when pregnant.
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