Fori Imperiali in Rome offers one of the most beautiful views of the Eternal City, especially if surrounded by a stars in the sky. Taking this photo was challenging more for the cold that did that day 😀 I made this picture from the terrace of the Campidoglio, taken 7 exposures for shooting Fori Imperiali in the lower scene. With the 7 exposures was necessary to capture the best dynamic range present in the landscape and also for the lights and colors.
What about stars?
For the stars I made a single more shot at 30′ and ISO 6400 that then I combined with the other 7. The rest was a job editing with layer masks the starry sky out with the rest of the shot. Particularly challenging was the color management, there was much in the dark blue in the photo, some of which I deleted the channel mixer to camera raw desaturating part of the blue to even the horizon line with that of the starry sky
Camera: Nikon D-800
Lens: Nikon 14-24mm f/2,8 (Shot at 14mm)
ISO: 100 at f/9
7 Exposures ( -3; -2; -1; 0; +1; +2; +3) + 1 Exposure for the sky at 30′
Software: Photoshop CC