
If you’re interested in contributing a blog pitch or full story please read our guidelines before clicking submit below.


  • Topics should include travel especially as a woman in general or travel as a woman to a specific destination
  • New writers should consider submitting a “Top 11 Things To Do in _____” article about a small country or large city. Examples “11 Things To Do in Abu Dhabi” and “11 Things To Do in Rome
  • More experienced writers who are experts at specific locations should consider pitching a Guide following the format in these examples: “Guide to Chicago” and “Guide to Iceland
  • Please search to make sure your topic has not been written about before
  • Minimum word count: 900 words
  • Please only submit original stories that have not been published elsewhere (or have been re-written from your blog)
  • By submitting your story and photos we have the right to share publish your story and photos but you retain all rights to your media
  • We are not currently paying for contributor posts but will support stories with social media posts
  • We want to hear from you! Email: [email protected]

    We will email you in about two weeks if your story is selected to be featured on Due to the volumes of submissions we receive, if your story is not a fit for our audience we may not be able to contact you personally. Follow above guidelines to ensure your story is chosen. Thank you for your support and happy travels!