Short-lived Canadian show that aired in a block known as 'Crimetime After Primetime' at 11:30pm. These shows were aired before David Letterman was picked up by CBS, and had a different show every weeknight. Shannon Tweed portrays the owner of a luxury security air service that employs a pair of adventurous pilots.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 0 | ||
Season 1 | April 1991 | July 1991 | 13 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 13 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 13 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Paolo Barzman | 3 | 05/02/1991 - 06/06/1991 | |
Stuart Gillard | 2 | 04/11/1991 - 04/18/1991 | |
Randy Bradshaw | 1 | 05/23/1991 | |
Alan Simmonds | 1 | 04/25/1991 | |
Stuart Margolin | 1 | 04/04/1991 | |
George Mendeluk | 1 | 05/30/1991 | |
Gerard Ciccoritti | 1 | 05/16/1991 | |
Bruno Cantillon | 1 | 07/25/1991 | |
Jean-Pierre Prévost | 1 | 07/11/1991 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
George Geiger | 2 | 04/11/1991 - 04/18/1991 | |
Hart Hanson | 2 | 04/25/1991 - 05/30/1991 | |
Robert W. Gilmer | 1 | 05/09/1991 | |
Aaron Barzman | 1 | 07/25/1991 | |
Peter Haynes | 1 | 04/04/1991 | |
Larry Gaynor | 1 | 05/23/1991 | |
Matt McLeod | 1 | 07/11/1991 | |
Nancy Heikin-Pepin | 1 | 06/06/1991 | |
Fabrice Ziolkowski | 1 | 05/16/1991 |
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