SPACECAT Method of Rhetorical Analysis: Description and Worksheet

For as long as there have been artifacts of communication—speeches, articles, books, paintings, photographs, ad campaigns, whatever—there have been methods for analyzing their effectiveness. In recent years, high school and college teachers have been developing easy-to-remember acronyms to help students know the components of an artifact they should be evaluating.

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Punctuation in Order of Difficulty: Why We Should Fear Commas More than Semicolons

Punctuation matters. It provides rhythm and cadence to our sentences. It gives our words and phrases rhetorical emphasis, power, and pith. Most importantly, perhaps, punctuation provides clarity; it makes distinctions, separates ideas, and…it gives dramatic pauses. But so many fear the punctuation marks. They only use what’s familiar: the periods,

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How to Quickly Make Your Face-to-face Class Online: A Helpful Guide for an Unexpected Situation

With the nearly universal decision coming last week to transition schools and universities to online instruction amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, educators across the globe—myself included—are finding themselves scrambling to convert their otherwise face-to-face courses to online. Some great resources have come out in the last few days to help teachers

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