The Living Centre

The issues
Manaritsoa, otherwise known as ‘The Complex’ is one of the poorest slum areas in in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. People that live in Manaritsoa don’t have steady jobs, access to education or health care. The government intervention here is practically non-existent.
The majority of the population salvages trash and recyclables to make ends meet. This community is so poor that kids sharing one plate of food once a day is a common occurrence –sometimes even without a plate. Families numbering anything between three and fifteen individuals, occupy cramped, dilapidated shacks.
These ‘homes’ are located next to canals filthy from factories and homes upstream dumping their sewage and waste, and further used by the residents as a latrine because there are no sanitary facilities. Tap water is paid for and collected from communal taps. Cheap as the tap water is, it is often unaffordable for the residents who instead drink the filthy canal water.

Our solution
We want to help the poorest people of Madagascar to acquire a better future for themselves and their children and improve their standard of living. The Living Centre was established to provide people of Manaritsoa an oasis in the slums. Our key partner for this project is The Ark Cafe & Takeaway, without whose support this project would be impossible to continue.
The Living Centre runs a range of vocational training programs including computing, English language classes, sewing and hairdressing. As alcohol abuse is a huge problem in Madagascar, we have recently started hosting regular Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as well. Scripture and Bible study classes are also held to provide spiritual nourishment to those who seek it.
Thrive Madagascar also provides daily breakfast for 40 of the poorest kids in the area and we could host up to 150 if there were more funds available.

Ways YOU can help
We want to welcome more children in to be fed, and more adults to be trained. Manaritsoa has many more complex problems that need to be addressed. Your sponsorship or donation can permanently and positively impact the people’s lives as well as change Madagascar’s future.