Graphical interpretation of the complex roots of a quadratic equation.
Inspired by this post and this paper.

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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (April 2022) % Inspiration: % % \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text \contourlength{1.0pt} \usetikzlibrary{3d} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \usepackage{xcolor} \colorlet{myblue}{blue!75!black} \colorlet{mydarkblue}{blue!50!black} \colorlet{myred}{red!65!black} \colorlet{mydarkred}{red!40!black} \tikzstyle{xline}=[myblue,very thick] \tikzstyle{round xline}=[xline,line cap=round] \tikzstyle{area}=[xline,fill=myblue!20,fill opacity=0.5] \tikzstyle{yzp}=[canvas is zy plane at x=0] \tikzstyle{xzp}=[canvas is xz plane at y=0] \tikzstyle{xyp}=[canvas is xy plane at z=0] \def\tick#1#2{\draw[thick] (#1) ++ (#2:0.11) --++ (#2-180:0.22)} \def\N{50} \begin{document} % ONE REAL solutions \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \message{^^JReal solutions} \def\xmin{-0.4} % x axis minimum \def\xmax{3.8} % x axis maximum \def\ymin{-0.4} % y axis minimum \def\ymax{2.7} % y axis maximum \def\tmax{1.85} % parameter t maximum (upper) \def\A{0.7} % parabola amplitude \def\a{1.75} % parabola minimum \coordinate (M) at (\a,0); % parabola minimum \coordinate (R) at (\a,0); % root % PARABOLA BACK \draw[area,fill opacity=0.2,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tmax:\a+\tmax] plot (\t,{\A*(\t-\a)^2}); % AXES \draw[->,black,thick] (\xmin,0) -- (\xmax,0) node[below] {$x$}; \draw[->,black,thick] (0,\ymin,0) -- (0,\ymax+0.01) node[anchor=-30,inner sep=1] {$y$}; % PARABOLA \draw[xline,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tmax:\a+\tmax] plot (\t,{\A*(\t-\a)^2}); \node[mydarkblue,left=-5,scale=0.9] at (\xmax,\ymax) {$y=A(x-a)^2$}; % TICKS \tick{R}{90} node[below=-1,scale=0.9,mydarkred] {$a$}; % POINTS \fill[myred] (M) circle(0.05); \fill[myred] (R) circle(0.05); \end{tikzpicture} % REAL solutions \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \message{^^JReal solutions} \def\xmin{-0.4} % x axis minimum \def\xmax{3.8} % x axis maximum \def\ymin{-0.8} % y axis minimum \def\ymax{2.4} % y axis maximum \def\tmax{1.85} % parameter t maximum (upper) \def\A{0.8} % parabola amplitude \def\a{1.75} % parabola minimum \def\b{0.6} % parabola vertical offset \pgfmathsetmacro\r{sqrt(\b/\A)} % root \coordinate (M) at (\a,-\b); % parabola minimum \coordinate (R+) at (\a+\r,0); % largest root \coordinate (R-) at (\a-\r,0); % smallest root % PARABOLA BACK \draw[area,fill opacity=0.2,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tmax:\a+\tmax] plot (\t,{\A*(\t-\a)^2-\b}); % AXES \draw[->,black,thick] (\xmin,0) -- (\xmax,0) node[below] {$x$}; \draw[->,black,thick] (0,\ymin,0) -- (0,\ymax+0.01) node[anchor=-30,inner sep=1] {$y$}; % PARABOLA \draw[xline,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tmax:\a+\tmax] plot (\t,{\A*(\t-\a)^2-\b}); \node[mydarkblue,left=-5,scale=0.9] at (\xmax,\ymax) {$y=A(x-a)^2+b$}; % TICKS \draw[mydarkred,densely dashed] (0,-\b) -- (M) -- (\a,0); \tick{0,-\b}{0} node[left=0,scale=0.9] {$b$}; \tick{\a,0}{-90} node[above=0,scale=0.85] {$a$}; \tick{R-}{-90} node[left=5,above=-1,scale=0.8,mydarkred] {\contour{white}{$a-\sqrt{b/A}$}}; %\dfrac{b}{A} \tick{R+}{-90} node[right=7,above=-1,scale=0.8,mydarkred] {\contour{white}{$a+\sqrt{b/A}$}}; %\dfrac{b}{A} % POINTS \fill[myred] (M) circle(0.05); \fill[myred] (R+) circle(0.05) (R-) circle(0.05); \end{tikzpicture} % IMAGINARY solutions \def\ymax{2.7} % y axis maximum \def\tmax{1.78} % parameter t maximum (upper) \def\tlow{1.42} % parameter t maximum (lower) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \message{^^JImaginary solutions} \def\xmin{-2.0} % x axis minimum \def\xmax{2.2} % x axis maximum \def\ymin{-0.8} % y axis minimum \def\A{0.6} % parabola amplitude \def\b{0.5} % parabola vertical offset \pgfmathsetmacro\r{sqrt(\b/\A)} % root \coordinate (M) at (0,\b); % parabola minimum \coordinate (R+) at ( \r,0); % root with positive Im[z] \coordinate (R-) at (-\r,0); % root with negative Im[z] \coordinate (P+) at ( \r,2*\b); % root with positive Im[z], shifted \coordinate (P-) at (-\r,2*\b); % root with negative Im[z], shifted % PARABOLA BACK \draw[area,fill opacity=0.2,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=-\tmax:\tmax] plot (\t,{\b+\A*\t*\t}); % AXES \draw[->,black,thick] (\xmin,0) -- (\xmax,0) node[below] {$x$}; \draw[->,black,thick] (0,\ymin,0) -- (0,\ymax+0.01) node[anchor=-30,inner sep=1] {$y$}; % PARABOLA \draw[xline,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=-\tmax:\tmax] plot (\t,{\b+\A*\t*\t}); \draw[area,thin,fill opacity=0.1,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=-\tlow:\tlow] plot (\t,{\b-\A*\t*\t}); \node[mydarkblue,right=4,scale=0.9] at (0,\ymax) {$y=Ax^2+b$}; \draw[mydarkred,densely dashed] (R+) |- (0,2*\b) -| (R-); % TICKS \tick{0,\b}{0} node[above=1,left=-1,scale=0.9] {\contour{white}{$b$}}; \tick{0,2*\b}{0} node[above=1,left=-1,scale=0.9] {\contour{myblue!4}{$2b$}}; \tick{-\r,0}{90} node[left=2,below=-2,scale=0.9,mydarkred] {\contour{white}{$-\sqrt{b/A}$}}; %\dfrac{b}{A} \tick{\r,0}{90} node[right=2,below=-2,scale=0.9,mydarkred] {\contour{white}{$+\sqrt{b/A}$}}; %\dfrac{b}{A} % POINTS \fill[myred] (M) circle(0.05); \fill[myred] (R+) circle(0.05) (R-) circle(0.05); \fill[myred] (P+) circle(0.05) (P-) circle(0.05); \end{tikzpicture} % COMPLEX solutions \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \message{^^JComplex solutions} \def\xmin{-0.6} % x axis minimum \def\xmax{3.5} % x axis maximum \def\ymin{-0.3} % y axis minimum \def\A{0.6} % parabola amplitude \def\a{1.4} % parabola minimum \def\b{0.5} % parabola vertical offset \pgfmathsetmacro\r{sqrt(\b/\A)} % root \coordinate (M) at (\a,\b); % parabola minimum \coordinate (R+) at (\a+\r,0); % root with positive Im[z] \coordinate (R-) at (\a-\r,0); % root with negative Im[z] \coordinate (P+) at (\a+\r,2*\b); % root with positive Im[z], shifted \coordinate (P-) at (\a-\r,2*\b); % root with negative Im[z], shifted % PARABOLA BACK \draw[area,fill opacity=0.25,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tmax:\a+\tmax] plot (\t,{\b+\A*(\t-\a)^2}); % AXES \draw[->,black,thick] (\xmin,0) -- (\xmax,0) node[below] {$x$}; \draw[->,black,thick] (0,\ymin,0) -- (0,\ymax+0.01) node[anchor=-30,inner sep=1] {$y$}; % PARABOLA \draw[xline,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tmax:\a+\tmax] plot (\t,{\b+\A*(\t-\a)^2}); \draw[area,thin,fill opacity=0.1,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tlow:\a+\tlow] plot (\t,{\b-\A*(\t-\a)^2}); \node[mydarkblue,right=5,scale=0.9] at (0,\ymax) {$y=A(x-a)^2+b$}; \draw[mydarkred,densely dashed] (R+) |- (0,2*\b) -| (R-); % TICKS \draw[mydarkred,densely dashed] (0,\b) -- (M) -- (\a,0); \tick{0,\b}{0} node[scale=0.9,left=-1] {$b$}; \tick{0,2*\b}{0} node[scale=0.9,left=-1] {$2b$}; \tick{\a,0}{90} node[below=1,scale=0.8] {\contour{white}{$a$}}; %\dfrac{b}{A} \tick{R-}{90} node[left=5,below=-1,scale=0.8,mydarkred] {\contour{white}{$a-\sqrt{b/A}$}}; %\dfrac{b}{A} \tick{R+}{90} node[right=2,below=-1,scale=0.8,mydarkred] {\contour{white}{$a+\sqrt{b/A}$}}; %\dfrac{b}{A} % POINTS \fill[myred] (M) circle(0.05); \fill[myred] (R+) circle(0.05) (R-) circle(0.05); \fill[myred] (P+) circle(0.05) (P-) circle(0.05); \end{tikzpicture} % IMAGINARY ROOTS - extended graph \def\xang{-10} \def\zang{25} \begin{tikzpicture}[y=(90:1),z=(\zang:1),x=(\xang:1),scale=1.1] \message{^^JImaginary solutions - extended graph} \def\xmax{1.8} % x axis maximum \def\ymin{-1.3} % y axis minimum \def\ymax{2.7} % y axis maximum \def\zmax{1.8} % z axis maximum \def\tmax{1.0} % parameter t maximum (upper) \def\tlow{1.1} % parameter t maximum (lower) \def\A{1.5} % parabola amplitude \def\b{0.95} % parabola vertical offset \pgfmathsetmacro\r{sqrt(\b/\A)} % root \coordinate (M) at (0,\b,0); % parabola minimum \coordinate (R+) at (0,0, \r); % root with positive Im[z] \coordinate (R-) at (0,0,-\r); % root with negative Im[z] % AXES \draw[black,thick] (-\xmax,0,0) -- (0,0,0); % PARABOLA \draw[area,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=-\tlow:\tlow] plot (0,{\b-\A*\t*\t},\t); \draw[area,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=-\tmax:\tmax] plot (\t,{\A*\t*\t+\b},0); \node[mydarkblue,right=7,scale=0.9] at (0,0.96*\ymax,0) {$y=Ax^2+b$}; \node[mydarkblue,below=5,left=4,scale=0.9] at (0,\ymin,0) {$y=b-At^2$}; % AXES \draw[->,black,thick] (0,\ymin,0,0) -- (0,\ymax+0.06,0) node[above left=-3] {$y$}; \draw[->,black,thick] (0,0,-\zmax) -- (0,0,\zmax) node[right=8,above=-2] {$t=\Im[z]$}; % POINTS \tick{0,\b,0}{0} node[left=1] {$b$}; \fill[myred] (M) circle(0.05); \fill[myred,xzp] (R+) circle(0.05) (R-) circle(0.05); % FRONT \draw[round xline,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t] plot[domain=0.006-\r:-0.01] (0,{\b-\A*\t*\t},\t) plot[domain=\r/2:\r-0.008] (0,{\b-\A*\t*\t},\t); \draw[->,black,thick,line cap=round] (0.01,0,0) -- (\xmax,0,0) node[right=5,below=0] {$x=\Re[z]$}; % TICKS \tick{R-}{-90} node[mydarkred,scale=0.9,anchor=-5,inner sep=2] {$-\sqrt{b/A}$}; \tick{R+}{90} node[mydarkred,scale=0.9,anchor=186,inner sep=2] {$+\sqrt{b/A}$}; \end{tikzpicture} % COMPLEX ROOTS - extended graph \def\xang{-7} \def\zang{25} \begin{tikzpicture}[y=(90:1),z=(\zang:1),x=(\xang:1),scale=1.2] \message{^^JComplex solutions - extended graph} \def\xmax{3.2} % x axis maximum \def\ymin{-1.3} % y axis minimum \def\ymax{2.8} % y axis maximum \def\zmin{-1.6} % z axis minimum \def\zmax{2.4} % z axis maximum \def\tmax{1.00} % parameter t maximum (upper) \def\tlow{1.10} % parameter t maximum (lower) \def\A{1.5} % parabola amplitude \def\a{1.5} % parabola minimum \def\b{1.1} % parabola vertical offset \pgfmathsetmacro\r{sqrt(\b/\A)} % root \coordinate (M) at (\a,\b,0); % parabola minimum \coordinate (R+) at (\a,0, \r); % root with positive Im[z] \coordinate (R-) at (\a,0,-\r); % root with negative Im[z] % AXES \draw[black,thick] (-0.1*\ymax,0,0) -- (\a,0,0); \draw[->,black,thick] (0,\ymin,0,0) -- (0,\ymax,0) node[above left=-3] {$y$}; \draw[->,black,thick] (0,0,\zmin) -- (0,0,\zmax) node[above=1,right=1] {$t=\Im[z]$}; \draw[mydarkred,densely dashed] (R+) -- (0,0,\r); % PARABOLA \draw[area,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=-\tlow:\tlow] plot (\a,{\b-\A*\t*\t},\t); \draw[area,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t,domain=\a-\tmax:\a+\tmax] plot (\t,{\b+\A*(\t-\a)^2},0); \node[mydarkblue,right=2,scale=0.9] at (\a,\ymax,0) {$y=A(x-a)^2+b$}; \node[mydarkblue,right=0,scale=0.9] at (0.6*\a,0.9*\ymin,0) {$y=b-At^2$ ($x=a$)}; % POINTS \fill[myred] (M) circle(0.05); \fill[myred,xzp] (R+) circle(0.05) (R-) circle(0.05); \draw[mydarkred,densely dashed] (M) -- (0,\b,0) (R-) -- (0,0,-\r) (R+) -- (R-); % FRONT \draw[round xline,samples=\N,smooth,variable=\t] plot[domain=0.006-\r:-0.01] (\a,{\b-\A*\t*\t},\t) plot[domain=\r/2:\r-0.008] (\a,{\b-\A*\t*\t},\t); \draw[->,black,thick,line cap=round] (\a,0,0) -- (\xmax,0,0) node[right=5,below=0] {$x=\Re[z]$}; % TICKS \tick{\a,0,0}{90} node[below=-1] {$a$}; \tick{0,0,-\r}{-90} node[mydarkred,scale=0.9,anchor=-40,inner sep=0] {$-\sqrt{b/A}$}; \tick{0,0,\r}{-90} node[mydarkred,scale=0.9,anchor=-40,inner sep=0] {$+\sqrt{b/A}$}; \tick{0,\b,0}{0} node[left=0] {$b$}; \end{tikzpicture} % QUADRATIC EQUATION \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1] \node[align=left] at (0,0) { \begin{minipage}{9.2cm} Take an upward (convex) parabola with a quadratic equation \begin{equation}\label{real} y = A(x-a)^2 + b, \end{equation} with real $A,b>0$. If $a=0$, there two imaginary roots \begin{equation*} x = \pm i\sqrt{\frac{b}{A}}. \end{equation*} If $a\neq0$, there are two complex solutions \begin{equation*} x = a \pm i\sqrt{\frac{b}{A}}. \end{equation*} To extend the graph from the real $x$ axis to the complex plane, substitute a complex number \mbox{$z = x + it$} for real $x$, $t$: \begin{equation*} y = \Re\!\big[ A(x+it-a)^2 + b \big]. \end{equation*} Rewriting, \begin{equation*} y = \Re\!\big[ A(x-a)^2 -At^2 + b \big]. \end{equation*} If $t=0$, we retrieve the ``real parabola'' \eqref{real}. The ``complex parabola'' that has the same solution for $x=a$ is \begin{equation*} y = b -At^2. \end{equation*} \end{minipage} }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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